22/5/98 Richard, Thanks for sending your Geneva presentation, I have sent it around to my list. I hope it is OK. Good stuff!!! Here is something else you/we may want to be connected with. web.net is my progressive net server. One may need to be a member to access it... and I do not have enough time. Anybody else out there who is part of the "apc" (association for progressive communication -or something to that effect-) ************************************************************* FEATURED MEMBER: CCIC's incommon.web.net ************************************************************* "The rich get rich and the poor get poor. That's how it goes, everybody knows." Against these pithy predictions from Leonard Cohen, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (with Web Networks) is mounting a sustained attack. Yes, the global struggle against poverty is gaining an important new online resource: IN COMMON. Advocating peace and justice, with full human dignity, this site is part of a larger campaign aimed at stirring a "sea-change in the behaviours and attitudes" of humanity -- starting right here at home in Canada. The site is highly interactive, showcasing several applications developed by Web Networks. IN COMMON EVENTS is based on the Web Networks Community calendar - and the two are even "hard-wired" to automatically share listings. Another forum for expression is VOICES - where you can lend your support to this significant campaign. It's a step forward, but needs your participation to realize its potential. Visit, but also add your comments, and local events to the common cause. Bookmark http://incommon.web.net, and lend your shoulder to pushing the "wheel of progress" into a more egalitarian new millennium. Cheers to all Bruna Bruna >************************************************************** >If you want peace, prepare for peace (Si vis pacem para pacem). >************************************************************** >