PGA Bulletin Number 1, March 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of contents: 1. Letter from the Geneva Welcoming Committee 2. Peoples' Global Action Manifesto 3. Plans of action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. Letter from the Geneva Welcoming Committee Friends of the world, Together with people's movements from all continents (more than 300 delegates from 71 countries), we gathered in Geneva 23rd to 25th February to discuss joint actions against World Trade Organisation (WTO), "free" trade and corporate rule. We shared our anger when witnessing the devastating social and environmental effects of globalisation, promoted by WTO and other institutions catering to the interests of transnational capital, such as the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and regional "free" trade agreements like NAFTA, APEC and Maastricht We also shared our hopes and ideals, our strategies for constructing alternative worlds beyond corporate control. We met with teachers hungerstriking against privatisation of all public education in Argentina; women organising against quasi-slavery in the "Maquillas" factories of Mexico, Bangladesh, Salvador, and Nicaragua; women's rights activists; farmers struggling against globalisation in India, Philippines, Brazil, Estonia, Norway, Honduras, France, Spain, Switzerland, Bangladesh, Senegal, Mozambique, Togo, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia and many other countries; Ogoni, Maori, Maya, Aymara, U'wa and other indigenous peoples, fighting for their cultural rights and physical survival; students struggling against nuclear power or the repression of striking workers in Ukraine and South Korea; postal workers from Canada resisting privatisation, militants against "un-free"trade from the United States, environmentalists, unemployed, fisherfolk, anti-racists, peace mobilisers, animal rights activists... Such a world-wide meeting of women and men of grassroots movements was an extraordinary experience, bringing new vision, hope and determination to us all. For fighters of such movements it was easy to see that the same "free" trade blackmail is at work when "Maquila" factories cross borders overnight as when transnational corporations delocalise from France to Scotland; that the same agribusiness monopolies are driving out small farmers in Mexico, France, Africa, India, Switzerland and the Philippines; that the same transnationals are transforming public services into private profit in Argentina, Canada, France and Eastern Europe. Despite the huge material differences, struggles in privileged and under-privileged parts of the corporate empire have more and more in common, setting the stage for a new and stronger sort of solidarity. (The conference itself, largely housed in squatted halls and houses, depending entirely on the freely offered work of the genevan "alternative" sector, was an example of this.) This conference showed the energy that the unification of these diverse struggles could untap. Struggles must always be rooted in the local and particular. At the same time there is a more general, global problem. Just daring to meet and name it gives us all more courage to refuse the "realistic" solutions. The struggles are local, but together they take on a new and deeper meaning. We can - and must - aim for the head of the monster. It is difficult to describe the warmth and the depth of the encounters we had here. The global enemy is relatively well known, but the global resistance that it meets rarely passes through the filter of the medias. And here we met the people who had shut down whole cities in Canada with general strikes, risked their lives to seize lands in Latin America, destroyed the seat of Cargill in India or Novartis's transgenic maize in France. The discussions, the concrete planning for action, the stories of struggle, the personalities, the enthusiastic hospitality of the Genevan squatters, the impassioned accents of the women and men facing the police outside the WTO building, all sealed an alliance between us. Scattered around the world again, we will not forget. We remain together. This is our common struggle. Delegates committed themselves with enthusiasm to the central goal of the conference: a global call for decentralised actions all around the world against WTO, to protest the second WTO Ministerial Conference (May 18-20th), a conference which will also "celebrate" the 50th anniversary of the first "free" trade agreements of GATT/WTO. A press group formed of grassroots activists from different parts regions, will be present in Geneva to centralise information and to inform the international press and the PGA network about protests around the world. Resistance to the "new world order" will also be global! The Geneva welcoming committee thanks every delegate, once again, for coming. Your presence also gave us in Geneva a unique occasion to come together, to live concretely and collectively (be it by cooking a meal or carrying mattresses!) our dream of a world with less "free" trade and more free exchanges. We are happy and proud to have been able to receive you. The Geneva Welcoming Committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------