Dear rn list, July 12 In discussions at the Bear River workshop, it became clear that a big part of our efforts, at least for now, will be educational in nature. One of our aims is to help people gain a better understanding of how the corporate elite agenda is being pushed on us, so people will be moved to take up their responsibility as citizens to work for a better, more secure world. For CDR (Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance), our e-mail lists will continue to be major tools in this educational role. Many people find it hard to keep track of which list is for what, so here is a capsule description of each list: *The CYBERJOURNAL (cj list): Richard started this list over 3 years ago. He sees it as a "movement newspaper" with him as editor and people in various locations throughout the world forwarding or contributing articles. In general, the cj is a tool to educate people about globalization and to provide a counterweight to the heavily biased news available in the mass media. The exchanges between Richard and readers have helped Richard develop his analysis and find collaborators in revolution (or evolution, or systemic change, to use terms some participants are happier with). *The RENAISSANCE NETWORK list (rn list): This list started out including most of the people I had contacted about the workshop we were organizing for Bear River, Canada for late June/early July. One of its functions was simply to relieve me of having to write individually to people who had expressed an interest in the workshop. Now we see this list as a tool for community building among activists. Which activists? I think all of us share a conviction that vibrant democracy is both a means and an end we strive for. And many of us, perhaps most, grieve at what is happening to Nature and are outraged by the needless suffering of "man's inhumanity to man". So, many of us are active, in one way or another, in local movements to promote environmental protection, peace and reconciliation, respect for human (and non-human!) rights, etc. *There is also a STRATEGY NETWORK list which Richard initiated just before the trip to the the US and Canada. He is keeping membership on that list small, and hopes it will help articulate an effective strategy to counter corporate globalization. ***************************************************************************** The discussion of educational strategy at the workshop identified some tactics/projects we are undertaking or want to undertake. - The most obvious one is the book on globalization Richard and Carolyn (Ballard) have been working on together. (The book outline has been published on the web site and contribution essays, cartoons, etc. are most welcome. If you would like a copy of the outline e-mailed to you, write to us and ask for the "background information on rkm" message.) - Memes - short, often witty statements or refrains - can also be put to effective use. A good example is "think globally, act locally". "Signatures" used on e-mail messages are often good memes. Here's an example: ************************************************************** If you want peace, prepare for peace (Si vis pacem para pacem). ************************************************************** - Education need not always be didactic! In addition to memes, there are other tools which can help people shift to healthier world views or paradigms. Eg. using frameworks, with points juxtaposed in point form, using metaphor and also story-telling... - We want to encourage cynical, frustrated activists not to give up, but to direct some of their energy to working for positive change. Likewise, we will encourage people who are volounteering in an apolitical manner to improve their communities to see the political consequences of globalization and to become more politically active. ________________________________________________________________________ The next message will begin the process of rn list introductions. Meeting each other in person is not possible, but many people and groups on this list are worth meeting! So, let's do what we can by e-mail! all the best, Jan Creo que el mundo es bello, que la poesía es como el pan, de todos. (I believe the world is beautiful and that poetry, like bread, is for everyone) Roque Dalton Jan Slakov, Box 35, Weymouth, NS, Canada B0W 3T0 (902) 837-4980 Democratic Renaissance messages: Mail to: •••@••.••• --- Restore democratic sovereignty Create a sane and livable world Bring corporate globalization under control. * CITIZENS FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE (CADRE) * CADRE home page -> CADRE library -> ~================================================~ To subscribe to the cyberjournal simply send an empty message to: <•••@••.•••> ~================================================~ To keep posted on the democratic renaissance send an empty message to: <•••@••.•••>.