Dear rn, David Cameron/Nancy Sherwood wrote in earlier post: >I really appreciated rkm's comments about how activists discount one >another & play the internal political game. If everyone in CDR can avoid & >discourage this tendency, that alone will be a big service to the >"movement". Of course, along with the great tolerance this entails, it also >begs the creation of boundaries and defined limits to that tolerance. Thank you David and Nancy, for raising important issues for us. Even between Jan and I, there has been a necessity to work out disagreements about activism strategy and about CDR "internal politics". Perhaps the paradigm we need to keep in mind is "mediation" -- mediation amongst activist and societal groups, mediation of interests and perspectives, and of agendas. Perhaps _mediation is what achieves effective _consensus in large populations. All is not sweetness and light in the world of mediation. Before people or groups can come to agreement, they must first, experience indicates, express their true feelings about one another, to "let it all out", and clear the air for honest and open exchange. This seems to be the necessary "dark before the dawn", and can inolve temporary feelings of hopeless frustration, of wanting to "give up those guys, they're hopeless". South Africa and Northern Ireland were both situations that seemed entirely hopeless of resolution. Mediation played an important role in both resolutions, and there was much bitterness expressed in the process. I've been having some "bitter exchanges" with one individual about movement strategy. I haven't given up, but we still haven't turned the corner toward achieving any agreement. I'd like to share with you my most recent attempt to build some positive communication. ----------------- Dear x, I'm glad we heard from you again, I was sorry you had decided to stop communicating. I couldn't agree more with your emphasis on deep thinking, on getting the program right, on thinking through our problems before pursuing solutions. And I couldn't agree more that collaborating with others, and synergizing with other efforts, is essential and advisable. We see our efforts with our lists, and our work with CDR, as being simply our small contribution to a wider movement, a movement with many wellsprings of activity, and each wellspring has its own special focus, its own special understanding and agenda. We are making every effort to reach out to other people and groups, and to learn from them. Do you see a conflict between "getting it right" and "working with other groups"? If "getting it right" is adhered to religiously, then there would be _very few we could work with... on the other hand if "working with others" is fully emphasized, then "getting it right" is sacrificed, as many of the "others" have a faulty analysis. How does one choose the right path here? I am disturbed by the degree of negativity you express toward our efforts. I wish we could get to the heart of the disagreement. When I read over your long list of complaints, I can't think of a useful way to respond. I could respond to each point, which would take me the better part of a day, but somehow I don't think that would accomplish anything. I'll try responding with the following, in the hopes that it addresses central issues, and that we can make some progress toward understanding one another and developing a greater degree of mutual respect for what each is trying to do. --- I, too, see sustainability as being a mandatory requirement for a livable world, a world I can proudly offer to my progeny as their heritage. But I also see other conditions as being mandatory, such as an end to imperialism, to nuclear weapons, to domination by elites, etc. Would you be happy, for example, if our economy was sustainable, but we lived under an Hitlerian regime? Do you not also find other principles as being mandatory, besides sustainability? Once one reaches an understanding of ones goals, of what kind of livable world we want, then there is the question of how to pursue its implementation. This a question in the realm of politics, and of political strategy. Over the years, I've investigated many approaches to achieving political change, including electoral reform, encourgement of third parties and proportional representation, tax reform, electronic democracy, and many many others. Only after much thinking and analysis (and dialog with others) did I come to my emphasis on bottom-up / vibrant democracy. I see bottom-up democracy as being the way to create a movement _and the way to implement a vibrant democratic system. I see creation of democracy as being "humanity growing up and taking responsibility for itself". Not only would democracy enable us to fashion the world we want, including sustainability, but it would seem to be necessary for us to grow into "species adulthood". To me, after much consideration, democracy takes on literally a _spiritual dimension. In a world where we take responsibility or ourselves, from the community level up to the global level, and where we live collaboratively, instead of exploitively, person to person, and society to society -- this would be a world suportive of, nay _based on, personal liberation and empowerment. I think this could lead to a general spritual enlightenment, as personal liberation would proceed both externally and internally. Respectfully yours, Richard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create a sane and livable world in vibrant democratic societies. Bring global corporate power under control. 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