---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (...continued) The destabilization of Western societies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One of the policy shifts was described above -- the re-introduction of the doctrine of laissez-faire economics. This undermined a century of social progress in the West, abandoned government's attempt to provide a beneficial "guiding hand" to the economy, and brought government policy-making into line with elite corporate interests. Another shift which occurred during this period was the destabilization of the Bretton Woods arrangements(20). Already in 1971 US President Nixon had taken the US off the gold standard, removing the underpinning of Western monetary stability. Following that, exchange rates were allowed to float, and currency speculation became a profitable venture. Western nations began to relinquish their controls over capital flows and "offshore tax havens" came into existence. The system of international finance became unregulated, unstable, and speculative. Bretton Wood's "guiding hand" was removed from the global economy, and control over international finance was effectively transferred from elected governments to private banks, investors, and speculators. A global speculation market developed which is now many times larger than the global commercial economy. In what amounts to a pyramid scheme, money is created by leveraged speculative transactions in great quantities, so great that most national treasuries are dwarfed in comparison. As was demonstrated in Southeast Asia, this unregulated system can destroy reasonably sound and productive national economies almost overnight(21). In another shift, the IMF and World Bank reversed their agendas. Instead of stabilizing international finance, they started using their power to destroy national economies and to impose laissez-faire policies on nations that didn't want them(22). In Southeast Asia, instead of helping the nations to get back on their feet, the IMF forced operationally healthy businesses into bankruptcy and presided over the dismantlement of economies. The devastating effects of IMF policies in Africa, Latin America, and the former Soviet Union are almost unbelievable. In Rwanda, for example, a healthy economy was systematically destroyed, contributing directly to the total collapse of society and a genocidal civil war(23). The radical shift toward laissez-faire policies was launched in 1980, with the successful campaigns of Ronald Reagan in the US, and Margaret Thatcher in Britain. Under the rhetoric of "smaller government" and "economic reform", the old, failed, laissez-faire doctrine was re-introduced.The history of the previous century was forgotten, along with the reasons why social programs and regulation had been introduced in the first place. All the credit for existing prosperity was given to capitalism, now referred to fondly in the corporate-controlled media as the "efficient private sector". The regulation and social reforms which had stabilized capitalism and made it more bearable were re-defined to be "government interference". "Reform", in an Orwellian reversal, came to mean the dismantlement of reform(24). The flagship policies of this new regime were referred to in official rhetoric as privatization, deregulation, and reform. Privatization, which applied primarily in Britain -- the US had always been largely privatized -- meant that the government began to sell off infrastructures to private investors at bargain prices -- infrastructures which had been developed at considerable public expense. Consumers typically gained some immediate benefits from these transactions, but the promised "benefits of the market" had been greatly exaggerated. In the rhetoric, the benefits of better-managed operations, it seemed, would go directly to the consumer. In fact, as public services were taken over by private monopolies, "efficiency" turned out to mean the downsizing of workforces, reductions in quality and reliability, and cut-backs in infrastructure investment. Apart from some initial price cuts to consumers, the benefits went mainly to corporate stockholders and to corporate executives, who received immense bonuses for their bold "efficiency" measures(25). Deregulation meant that decades of stabilizing regulations -- the "guiding hand" -- were rapidly removed, with predictable results. Merger-mania erupted, as firms sought to leverage their way toward monopolistic dominance. Industries which had been isolated by regulatory barriers, such as America's savings and loan industry, became vulnerable to looting by operators eager to siphon off their assets into more lucrative investments. Conservatively and responsibly run firms, such as California's Louisiana Pacific Lumber company, could be raided by junk-bond speculators, with their assets either sold off, or else developed recklessly in order to generate the short-term revenue necessary to pay off the junk-bond debt. The "economic growth" experienced under deregulation has had more to do with the gathering of markets into fewer hands -- the incredibly profitable TNC's -- than with the generation of productive economic activity(26). Reform, besides referring to generic compliance with a laissez-faire agenda, also meant reducing the taxes of corporations and the wealthy, increasing subsidies to corporations, eliminating social services, backtracking on labor rights, and generally cutting back the beneficial functions of government. This agenda represents nothing less than a wholesale transfer of assets, revenues, and power from elected governments to corporations, leaving governments and societies impoverished and disenfranchised. It amounts to a massive assault on the well-being of Western societies, brought about by corporate domination of the political process, and backed up by a deluge of anti-government and pro-private-sector propaganda in the corporate-controlled media(27). This momentous policy shift was known in the US as the "conservative revolution", while in Europe it came to be known as the "neoliberal revolution". It spread to the rest of the West, and beyond, and became a central part of the globalization process. It was originally seen as a radical political initiative in 1980, but by the end of the decade it had become the new political center in the West(28). In 1991, with the signing of the fiscally conservative Maastricht Treaty, European government leaders committed Europe as well to a "neoliberal" economic future(29). But of all these historic shifts in Western policy that have followed the publication of The Crisis of Democracy, perhaps the most significant has been the "free-trade" revolution. Free trade had been a nominal part of Western policy ever since the GATT agreement was signed in 1948. But in 1995, in the Uruguay Round of negotiations, the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created. GATT had been a treaty; the WTO is a membership organization, with a permanent bureaucracy centralized in Geneva. The finance ministers and other Western officials who act as delegates to the WTO generally come from a background in private banking and industry, and their perspective reflects elite corporate interests. The senior staff members and policy makers of the WTO are almost exclusively representatives from large transnational corporations(30). Few people have even heard of the WTO, and yet it has enormous influence and power. Completely dominated by elite corporate interests, it has the legal power, by binding and enforceable treaties, to overturn national legislation on a broad range of issues. Any member nation of the WTO can bring an action against another member, under the WTO, if it feels "unfair trading practices" are occurring. The US recently undertook such an action against the European Union, and the WTO forced the EU to stop subsidizing Carribean banana growers(31). In another action, the EU was forced to allow the importing of hormone-fed beef from the US(32). In the latter case, the EU claimed its restrictions were health related, and not motivated by trade considerations. But the WTO decided otherwise, and there is no appeal from a WTO decision. "Free-trade zone" agreements, such as the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), go even further. While under the WTO one nation can take an action against another, under NAFTA, a corporation can undertake an action against a nation. In a recent case, the US-based Ethyl Corporation took an action against Canada, which had banned the chemical MMT when scientists found it to be a dangerous neurotoxin(33). Ethyl claimed this was a case of "trade discrimination". Faced with the expense of fighting the action, and given the corporate domination of the NAFTA bureaucracy, Canada capitulated. The ban on MMT was overturned, and Canada agreed to pay $13 million in compensation to Ethyl. The scientific evidence had not changed, but it was irrelevant to the overall policy-making process. Western leaders have recently been pushing forward a new treaty which would extend NAFTA-like provisions to most of the world. Under the terms of the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investments), any corporation which does business in more than one country could bring an action against any nation on the basis of "investment discrimination"(34). This could be used to overturn environmental protections, fishing limits, safety regulations, worker rights, product quality laws, and any number of measures which could be interpreted -- by a panel of corporate representatives in their secret MAI hearings -- as being "discriminatory" against an investor's "right" to maximize profits. If the MAI isn't adopted -- the negotiations are currently stalled -- there are contingency plans in the works. There have been discussions of implementing MAI-like provisions through other channels, such as the IMF(35). And there has been talk of a huge new "free-trade zone" that would bind together Europe and North America, allowing corporations to bring actions against the EU or its member states(36). The global regime -- world tyranny and global devastation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What is called "free trade progress" has actually been the quiet transfer of sovereignty -- over a broad range of policies -- from elected governments to corporate-dominated commissions such as NAFTA and the WTO. This transfer of sovereignty has been a low profile operation. The powerful but faceless commissions are rarely mentioned in the mass media, only occasionally written about in major newspapers, and most people are unaware of the degree to which the traditional powers of nations have already been signed away. Largely unnoticed, a corporate-dominated global regime is being consolidated, and legal precedents for its authority -- such as the actions against Canada and the EU -- are being quietly but firmly established. Besides the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO, there is also the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Each of these centralized bureaucracies is dominated by corporate interests and adheres to a neoliberal, free-trade agenda. While the WTO achieves its authority through free-trade treaties, the IMF wields similar power by attaching conditions to the loans which it grants. With the OECD serving as a global elite think-tank, setting longer-range policy guidelines, this collection of institutions has become in all but name an official world government(37). In the poor countries of the third world, in the former Soviet Union, and in the former tiger-economies of Southeast Asia, this de facto global regime has shown that it can act with utter ruthlessness. Austerity programs for the masses, bailout programs for corporations and investors, and destabilization programs for national economies -- these have characterized the actions of the IMF(38). But in the West, the regime has been relatively inactive -- except for a few carefully chosen test cases. Thus most of us in the West have little idea how much our societies have already been undermined. Why is the power of the WTO and NAFTA being held back? Why aren't they being used wholesale to overthrow environmental laws, worker protections, etc.? There is a popular anecdote about cooking frogs. If you throw a frog into boiling water, according to the anecdote, it will jump out, but if you put it in cold water, and gradually heat it up, it won't realize what's happening, and will allow itself to be boiled to death. Whether or not this applies to real frogs, it seems to be an apt metaphor for the situation Western citizens now find themselves in. Our societies are being dismantled from around us. But instead of one great conflagration, which might cause us to protest, the dismantlement is happening in stages, and it is happening largely behind the scenes. The relative inactivity of the WTO and NAFTA, it seems, is nothing more than shrewd political timing. Nonetheless, Western society is being dismantled at an alarming rate. In the two dozen or so years since Crisis of Democracy was published, the Bretton Woods "guiding hand" has been removed from international finance, and neoliberalism has become the dominant global doctrine. In the West, corporate tax reductions have impoverished national budgets, national infrastructures have been privatized, social programs have been dismantled, and governments have signed away their sovereign powers to corporate-dominated commissions(39). If Western society were to be dismantled any faster, people might notice and become alarmed. In the nineteenth century laissez-faire era, capitalist interests reigned supreme in the West, but they did so within the context of sovereign nation states. Over time, using the political process of the nation state, people were able to achieve victories against corporate power, culminating in the social gains of the postwar years. Now once again, capitalist interests reign supreme -- only this time in the context of globalization. What the free-trade treaties do, ultimately, is lock in capitalist hegemony. As long as Western governments continue to dismantle themselves voluntarily, and give corporations a free hand, there's little need for the full power of the globalist regime to be unleashed. But if political sentiment in the West were to mount against laissez-faire policies, then the de-facto world government in Geneva is established, and is fully prepared to set economic and social policies for the whole globe(40). Meanwhile, globalization brings a return of the abuses of the nineteenth century, but greatly magnified. In the third world, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is systematically destabilizing societies and economies on a wholesale basis -- creating widespread poverty, disease, and starvation. To much of the world, globalization is just a new name for imperialism, but with its pace of exploitation intensified, and with genocidal consequences. Honduran children labor for pittance to produce overpriced sneakers for our stores. Labor unions are undermined and shrugged off as irrelevant (in the US) or suppressed by force (in most of the third world). National economies, subject to forces wholly beyond their control, collapse with results ranging from painful (Indonesia) to catastrophic (Rwanda). In the West, unemployment is not only accepted but embraced as a defense against inflation. Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve, praises "fear" -- the fear of being fired -- as a desirable component of a stable economy. Real wages decline as workers are forced to give back gains achieved in years of union power, are made "redundant", or are "downsized" into less rewarding or temporary jobs. Small farmers are forced out of business, and into unemployment, as bank lending policies and market forces favor ever-larger agribusiness operations. Meanwhile, corporate profits skyrocket and stock markets -- or at least the flagship one on Wall Street -- boom(41). Commerce, trade, and finance are being monopolized on a global scale, with ownership in each business segment being concentrated into the hands of a few TNC's. These immense conglomerate empires, with their single-minded dedication to never-ending growth, are like a cancer -- their unrestrained development projects are destroying societies and the life-support systems of the Earth itself. Ozone depletion, global warming, destruction of topsoils and rainforests, pollution of air and water, exhaustion of fisheries -- these trends threaten the survival of humanity and they are being accelerated by so-called economic growth(42). Under globalization, capitalism has grown beyond the point where even a"guiding hand" could correct its excesses. Unlimited growth is simply not possible forever in a finite world. Most of us in the West don't realize how close we are to living under an official corporate global government, one with no popular representation, no bill of rights, and whose only god is market forces. The eighteenth-century Western monarchies became twentieth-century republics -- will the new millennium return us to tyranny, but on a global scale? And, as citizens, is our only recourse to wait and see? Globalization represents a dire crisis for constitutional democracy, the sovereignty of republics, human well being, and the very survival of life as we know it on the planet. But in crisis there lies opportunity as well as danger. The very abuses and excesses which are rising to the surface under globalization create the seeds of a global counter-movement. As more and more people come to realize that the future promises only increased suffering, there is hope that they will rise up in solidarity to build together a better world. This book is dedicated to that hope. Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. - US Declaration of Independence (1776) Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead(43) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footnotes are still under construction -- watch this space. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (end Introduction) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a political discussion forum - •••@••.••• To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance (mailto:•••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org) ---------------------------------------------------------- Non-commercial reposting is hereby approved, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. .--------------------------------------------------------- To see the index of the cj archives, send any message to: •••@••.••• To subscribe to our activists list, send any message to: •••@••.••• Help create the Movement for a Democratic Rensaissance ---------------------------------------------- crafted in Ireland by rkm ----------------------------------- A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon