Permit denied for June 5 March on Pentagon!


Jan Slakov

Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:00:26 -0700
From: Bob Djurdjevic <•••@••.•••>
Subject: S99-97, Day 71 (June 2, 1:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM  GW
  Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia 


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-98, Day 71
June 2, 1999; 1:00PM EDT


Washington                   1. Death of Freedom in America? March on
                                           Pentagon Banned by Arlington Police!

Sweden                          2. Anti-NATO Protests Banned in Europe; 
                                           Protesters Beaten by Police

Santa Cruz                     3. California Anti-war Protester Beaten the
                                          Rodney King-Style


1. Death of Freedom in America? March on Pentagon Banned by Arlington Police!

WASHINGTON, June 2 - As you saw in our Bulletins S90-93 and S99-94, there
is a big anti-war protest planned in Washington for this weekend.  The plan
was to assemble at the Vietnam Memorial at noon, hold some speeches there,
and then march across the Potomac to Virginia, and reassemble for more
speeches at the Pentagon.

We've just received word from one of the protest organizers, the
International Action Center, that the Arlington police had denied us the
permit to march along public streets.  If we allow this decision to stand
unchallenged, it will mean the death of constitutional guaranteed freedom
in America.  

If you value your freedom of speech and that of peaceful assembly, we call
upon you to call or fax immediately the Arlington County Police, the
governor of the state of Virginia, the White House and the Justice
Department - and demand that they reverse this outrageous violation of our
constitutional rights.  

(1) Arlington County Police--phone: (703) 228-4252, (703) 558-2222; fax:
(703) 228-4127, (703) 228-4192.

(2)  Gov. James Gilmore, Virginia--phone: (804) 786-2211, fax: (804) 371-6351.

(3)  White House--phone: (202) 456-1414, fax: (202) 456-2461.

(4)  Justice Department/Attorney General Janet Reno--phone: (202) 514-2000
(Dept. of Justice, ask for Janet Reno), fax: (202) 514-0323.

And now, here is the text of the International Action Center's message: 


In an outrageous effort to suppress the June 5 anti-war March on the
Pentagon, the police authorities have denied a permit to march on the
streets to the Pentagon.  We are launching a massive political and media
campaign to demand the right of the protest to march in the streets of
Virginia.  We believe the White House and the Pentagon are colluding with
local police agencies in this effort.

We are appealing to all those who believe in free speech and especially to
those who oppose the war in Yugoslavia to assist us in a phone, fax, and
email campaign to protect the first amendment rights of all those who plan
to participate in the June 5 March on the Pentagon.

With just three days to go before the June 5 March on the Pentagon, the
Arlington County Police have denied the June 5th demonstration the right to
march on a small stretch of Virginia roadway between the Vietnam Veterans'
Memorial, located in Washington DC, and the Pentagon building, located in
Virginia.  This is an arbitrary and political decision.  It is an
outrageous attempt to violate the first amendment right to free speech.  It
is an attempt to either stop the June 5th March on the Pentagon or to
create a chaotic situation at the demonstration.  

While denying the right of the marchers to the roadways leading to the
Pentagon, police authorities are trying to reroute the march into a narrow
and dangerous bike trail that at points becomes a single-file line,
crossing a major highway.  The police know that this is not a safe or
tenable route for a march of ten thousand or more.  The Arlington County
Police refuse to return phone calls from the organizers and attorneys of
the June 5 march.

The June 5 demonstration is the largest mobilization to date against the
U.S./NATO war in Yugoslavia.  We believe that it is impossible for the
county of Arlington police to unilaterally try to prevent us from carrying
out an orderly demonstration.  We hold the Clinton White House and Virginia
Governor James Gilmore responsible for this flagrant violation of our rights.

We will not be stopped.  The war in Yugoslavia has killed thousands of
innocent civilians.  We will not allow the U.S. authorities to stop the
anti-war movement from exercising its rights.

Please immediately phone and/or fax to the following authorities an angry
protest against the denial of our rights to march on the streets to the
Pentagon.  Tell the authorities, we demand the right to march on Route 27
to the Pentagon.  Please phone and/or fax to the following:

(1)  White House--phone: (202) 456-1414, fax: (202) 456-2461

(2)  Justice Department/Attorney General Janet Reno--phone: (202) 514-2000
(Dept. of Justice, ask for Janet Reno), fax: (202) 514-0323

(3)  Gov. James Gilmore, Virginia--phone: (804) 786-2211, fax: (804) 371-6351

(4) Arlington County Police--phone: (703) 228-4252, (703) 558-2222; fax:
(703) 228-4127, (703) 228-4192

Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:56:07 -0700
From: Bob Djurdjevic <•••@••.•••>
Subject: S99-98, Day 72 (June 3, 0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM  GW
  Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia 


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-99, Day 72
June 3, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


Phoenix                         1. Re. March on Pentagon: Thank You!
                                          And Keep It Up!

The Hague                    2. World Court Throws Out Yugoslav Lawsuit
                                          Claiming Lack of Jurisdiction

Toronto                         3. Bilderbergers' Agenda '99 Revealed

Moscow                        4. Pushkin on Kosovo? "Why Are You Neighing, 
                                         My Ardent Horse?" 

Belgrade                       5. "So Sorry, But No Go!" (By Dejan Veselinovic)


1. Re. March on Pentagon: Thank You! And Keep It Up!

PHOENIX, June 2 - We would like to thank all of you who have called and/or
faxed the various police or federal officials, protesting the outrageous
ban by the Arlington Police of the June 5 March on the Pentagon (see
S99-98, Day 71, Item 1, June 2).  We are truly overwhelmed and grateful for
your support.  

But you'll have to keep it up; until freedom of speech and peaceful
assembly is restored in America!

Meanwhile, some of TiM readers have told us that the Virginia governor
and/or the Arlington Police have tried to pass the buck for this
unconstitutional decision to the Arlington County office.  So here is how
to contact the Arlington County Manager, and let him have a piece of your
mind about this, if indeed he was the one who is responsible:

William Donahue, tel: (703) 228-3120, fax: (703) 228-3295; email: