X-POP3-Rcpt: jslakov@clan Return-Path: <•••@••.•••> Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 16:38:06 +0200 From: Andreas Rockstein <•••@••.•••> To: Undisclosed recipients: ; Subject: Update your WTO Bookmarks (fwd) Dear friends With the count down to Seattle Internet Sites are springing up like mushrooms Herewith I'll give you some "official" and "inofficial" UR's (without any evaluation): If you have some URLS to add, please let me know! Andreas ============ "OFFICIALS": ============ World Trade Organization: www.wto.org WTO Seattle: www.wto.org/wto/minist/seatmin.htm Seattle Business welcomes WTO: www.wtoseattle.org TABD Mid Year Report: www.tabd.org/about/MYMExecSummary1.html and the annex: www.tabd.org/about/MYMTechnicalAnnex.html ==================================================== "INOFFICIALS": (* Involved in the "stop millennium round campaign") ==================================================== American Lands: www.americanlands.org/forestweb/newwto1.htm * Corporate Europe Observatory: www.xs4all.nl/~ceo * MAI niet gezien: www.stelling.nl/mai * "Millennium Round" (a URL of EP Green Party): www.millennium-round.org * No2WTO Listarchive: http://no2wto.listbot.com/cgi-bin/view_archive?Act=view_archive&list_id=no2wto Ontario PIRG's MAI-not Project: http://mai.flora.org Peoples Global Action (PGA): www.agp.org * PGA in Seattle: http://members.aol.com/mwmorrill/pga.htm * List archive: www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/view_archive?Act=view_archive&list_id=WTOSeattleDisc ussion People For Fair Trade: www.peopleforfairtrade.org Public Citizens Global Trade Watch: www.tradewatch.org * List archive: http://lists.essential.org/mai-intl/ "Road To Seattle": www.newsbulletin.org/bulletins/getcurrentbulletin.cfm?bulletin_id=67&sid= Seattle Citizen Committee: www.seattlewto.org "SHUTDOWN SEA-TOWN": www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8771/nowto.html Third World Network: www.twnside.org.sg/souths/twn/trade.htm * Brian Jenkins anti-MAI page: www.nettrek.com.au/~brian/ ============================================================== some more European Groups involved in the Stop Millennium Round Campaign ============================================================== BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany): www.snafu.de/~bund or www.bund.net Center for Environmental Public Advocacy (Slovakia): www.changenet.sk/cepa Friends of the Earth Europe: www.foeeurope.org Friends of the Earth Czech: www.duhafoe.cz Friends of the Earth UK: www.foe.co.uk Trade, Environment and Sustainability: www.foe.co.uk/foei/tes KEPA Finland: www.kepa.fi Movimiento contra la Europa de Maastricht: www.nodo50.org/maast Observatoire de la Mondialisation: www.ecoropa.org/obs Oxfam Belgium: www.oxfamsol.be ======================================== - some more interesting links - this is a unsettled list I'll update frequently ======================================== A SEED Europe: www.antenna.nl/aseed A SEED Japan: www.jca.ax.apc.org/~aseed/ ATTAC: http://attac.org/ang/ (in french): www.attac.org Corporate Watch: www.corpwatch.org Critical Mass Seattle: www.oz.net/~nic/cm.html Critical Mass Tokyo: www.jca.ax.apc.org/~aseed/bicycle2.htm Earth First!: www.k2net.co.uk/ef EuroDusnie: http://stad.dsl.nl/%7Erobbel/ Eyfa: http://antenna.nl/eyfa/ Food First: www.foodfirst.org Food Not Bombs Seattle: www.scn.org/activism/foodnotbombs Friends of the Eath international: www.foe.org InterContinental Caravan: http://stad.dsl.nl/~caravan/ June 18th: www.j18.org Les Peripheriques vous parlent: www.globenet.org/periph PICIS Korea: www.jinbo.net/~picis/top_e.html Reclaim the Streets!: www.gn.apc.org/rts Transnational Institute: www.tni.org Tusovka: www.savanne.ch/tusovka/en Watching Monsanto: www.monsanto.vigil.net List archive: www.egroups.com/list/terminatorseedwatch/