WTO info available, anti-WTO sign-on, growth illusion


Jan Slakov

Date:      Sat, 31 Jul 1999 17:14:02 -0400
From: Eric Fawcett <•••@••.•••>
cc: a1 <•••@••.•••>
Subject: WTO Information Pack available on request

Towards the end of 1999, ministers from the the World Trade Organisation's
(WTO) 135 member governments are to meet again in Seattle to decide on a
new round of negotiations aimed at further liberalising world trade.

With a view to explain in easy terms what is at stake for the environment
and sustainable development in the next round of WTO negotiations, World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) has prepared an information / lobbying Pack for NGOs,
parliamentarians, journalists, government officials and other people
interested in the issue (initially in English, French and Spanish).

As Claude Martin, Director of WWF-International, writes in an introductory
letter to the Pack "this information pack is designed to explain the link
between trade, the environment and the need to build a sustainable world
economy. It also enables those of you who wish to play a part in reshaping
international trade to protect all our futures."

--------------------------------ORDER FORM---------------------------
WTO Information Pack:  "Sustainable Trade for a Living Planet"
Please fill in this form and return it by e-mail / fax to the
indicated address BEFORE  the 30th of AUGUST 1999.
Your name:
Tel: Fax:                           Email:
Number of WTO Information Packs requested:

Spanish: .........

Please send this ORDER FORM back to the following e-mail address or fax
number to the attention of Flo Danthine (WWF-European Policy Office):

E-mail: •••@••.••• [Cc address]
Fax: +32 2 743.88.19
From <•••@••.•••> Nova Scotia Environamental Network

Ruckus Society is Having a "Smash the WTO" Action Camp in September. 
Globalize This! Action Camp 1999  - To be held on September 16-22, 1999,
Arlington, WA (north of Seattle) The Ruckus Society would like to help
insure that the non-violent confrontation with the WTO unfolds in a safe and
meaningful way that will inspire the global public. This event is
co-sponsored by Rainforest Action Network. To apply or get more visit our
website http://www.ruckus.org> or call The Ruckus Society at (510) 848-9565.
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:49:15 +0200 (CST)
From: Andreas Rockstein <•••@••.•••>
Subject: (mai) WTO Sign-on Letter (fwd)

      --- apols for cross postings ---

(pleas sign as organization, but not as individual)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:37:28 -0500
From: Margrete Strand-Rangnes <•••@••.•••>
To: Multiple recipients of list MAI-NOT <•••@••.•••>
Subject: (mai) WTO Sign-on Letter


Included is a sign-on letter demanding a review of the World Trade 
Organization (WTO), and calling for a moratorium on any further 
negotiations. The international sign-on letter opposing the MAI had more 
than 700 signatories, and received widespread attention from elected 
officials, the press and the public. We need to make sure that this letter 
will have the same impact, so make sure to sign it and circulate it within 
your networks. The plan is to release the letter within the next month or so 
with as many sign-ons as possible, while the WTO countries are still working 
out their agenda for the upcoming Ministerial.

All sign-ons should be sent to •••@••.•••. The name of the 
organisation should be written in full exactly as signatories wish it to 
appear. Texts with updated sign-on list will be sent to all signatories at 
regular intervals. If anyone wants to use an updated list for a specific 
event they should contact •••@••.•••.



In November 1999, the governments of the world will meet in Seattle for the 
World Trade Organization's Third Ministerial Conference. We, the undersigned 
members of international civil society, oppose any effort to expand the 
powers of the World Trade Organization (WTO) through a new comprehensive 
round of trade liberalisation. Instead, governments should review and 
rectify the deficiencies of the system and the WTO regime itself.

The Uruguay Round Agreements and the establishment of the WTO were 
proclaimed as a means of enhancing the creation of global wealth and 
prosperity and promoting the well-being of all people in all member states. 
In reality however, in the past five years the WTO has contributed to the 
concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich few; increasing poverty for 
the majority of the world's population; and unsustainable patterns of 
production and consumption.

The Uruguay Round Agreements have functioned principally to prise open 
markets for the benefit of transnational corporations at the expense of 
national economies; workers, farmers and other people; and the environment. 
In addition, the WTO system, rules and procedures are undemocratic, 
untransparent and non-accountable and have operated to marginalise the 
majority of the world's people.

All this has taken place in the context of increasing global economic 
instability, the collapse of national economies, increasing inequity both 
between and within nations and increasing environmental and social 
degradation, as a result of the acceleration of the process of 

The governments which dominate the WTO and the transnational corporations 
which have benefited from the WTO system have refused to recognise and 
address these problems. Instead, they are pushing for further liberalisation 
through the introduction of new issues for adoption in the WTO. This will 
lead to the exacerbation of the crisis associated which the process of 
globalisation and the WTO.

We oppose any further liberalisation negotiations, especially those which 
will bring new areas under the WTO regime, such as investment, competition 
policy and government procurement. We commit ourselves to campaign to reject 
any such proposals. In particular we oppose the Trade Related Intellectual 
Property Rights Agreement (TRIPs).

We call for a moratorium on any new issues or further negotiations that 
expand the scope and power of the WTO.

During this moratorium there should be a comprehensive and in-depth review 
and assessment of the existing agreements. Effective steps should then be 
taken to change the agreements. Such a review should address the WTO's 
impact on marginalised communities, development, democracy, environment, 
health, human rights, labour rights and the rights of women and children. 
The review must be conducted with civil society's full participation.

The failure of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's 
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) demonstrates broad public 
opposition to the deregulation of the global economy, the increasing 
dominance of transnational corporations and escalating resource use and 
environmental degradation.

A review of the system will provide an opportunity for society to change 
course and develop an alternative, humane and sustainable international 
system of trade and investment relations.

This statement is signed by:

American Lands Alliance, United States
A SEED, Europe
BUKO Agro Coordination, Germany
BUND, Friends of the Earth Germany
Church of Sweden Aid / Lutherhjaelpen, Sweden
Corporate Europe Observatory
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Friends of the Earth Finland
Friends of the Earth United States
Komitee Widerstandgegen das MAI, Germany
MAI niet gezien! anti-MAI campaign, the Netherlands
Oxfam-Solidarity, Belgium
Oxfam-Wereldwinkels (Belgium)
People's Forum 2001, Japan
Play Fair Europe!, European Union
PRESS, Save the Children youth, Norway
Public Citizen, USA
Rainforest Action Network
Red Green Alliance, Denmark
Third World Network
Towards a Different Europe
Weltladen-Dachverband, Germany
Working Group Against the MAI and Globalisation - Turkey

last updated 30 March 1999

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
included information for research and educational purposes.

Margrete Strand Rangnes
MAI Project Coordinator
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Washington DC, 20003 USA
202-546 4996, ext. 306
202-547 7392 (fax)

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subscribe directly by going to our website,  

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*SUMMER READING: The Growth Illusion - Review 
REPLY TO: •••@••.•••

                THE GROWTH ILLUSION

        How economic growth has enriched the few,
                impoverished the many,
                    and endangered the planet


        "The growth ideology is extremely attractive politically
        because it offers a solution to poverty without requiring
        the moral disciplines of sharing and population control."
                                Herman Daly

stainability Project - Inviting Debate
P.O. Box 374, Merrickville, Ontario
K0G 1N0
(613) 269-3500
e-mail:  •••@••.•••