Dear rn, From 4 Aug: I'd like to invite discussion on the following line of thinking... Perhaps the third world is the most likely source of a strong global movement against globalization - or more accurately, _for global democracy, self-determination, and sustainability. Perhaps the most likely path for the movement to follow is to first become strong and unified in the third world, and for Westerners to be drawn in primarily out of sympathetic support. Once engaged, Westerners would find themselves confronting the political hegemony of the capitalist elite in their own societies, and perhaps this would encourage the necessary degree of 'radicalization' to complete the creation a deeply committed and potent global movement for societal transformation. We got several responses. A _few followed up on the suggested topic, while most were generic proposals or arguments re/ movement strategy or movement goals. I'll post the on-topic responses first and the others tomorrow. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 16:13:24 +0000 From: frank scott <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#971> Thomas Kocherry: GLOBALISATION NEEDS A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING There needs to be a combined, democratic force that comes from both the west and the rest. An either one or the other type resistance won't work. I try to include mention of the global situation in every column I write, also including the need for real democracy. A sample follows.... ---<snip of one of Frank's columns>--- ================== Dear Frank, I agree with you. The point I'm concerned about is how the movement can begin to gather significant momementum and solidarity. There are tributary movements aplenty throughout the world, and they will all be important, but how is the spirit of a 'massive historic movement' going to arise? What can we do to encourage it? In particular, how can more Westerners be encouraged to wake up to the dangers that face them? Might 'solidarity with the third world' be a useful rallying cry? Thanks for sending a copy of your column... useful stuff. I'll post it as a separate message in the next day or two. cheers, rkm ============================================================================ From: "g kohler" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: re: rn-regarding the development...(04Aug99) Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 17:23:22 -0400 Dear RKM The point your are making re: democratic renaissance coming from the West or from the rest, is very interesting and important. To add my pet example, South Africa's struggle/revolution/evolution from apartheid to multi-racial democracy could be added to the example of the US Civil Rights movement which you mentioned. The dissident /reformist whites in South Africa were important, but the main pressure for change came from the non-white majority. I agree with your idea that Western/Northern advocates of global change should think of building/finding a synergy (or new synergy) with the non-Western/Southern majority world. It is not clear to me what that entails, over and above what is already being done. But it seems important to think about that. For example, should Northern folk donate thousands of computers to non-Northern groups so that they can participate in the worldwide (Northern-dominated) internet fora? The voice of activists of the majority world is hard to find in internet circles. Regards, Gernot Kohler (or, Gert, as my students call me) ============================================================================ Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 01:13:23 -0500 To: •••@••.••• From: Mark Douglas Whitaker <•••@••.•••> Subject: DAMN: 04-AUG-1999: Four Hundred Arrested, Thirteen Shot: IMF and Ecuadorian government provoke violent reaction Title: Four Hundred Arrested, Thirteen Shot: IMF and Ecuadorian government provoke violent reaction Date: 04-AUG Author: the Amazon Coalition <•••@••.•••> Source: A-Infos News Service Reference: Four months after a crisis provoked by an IMF inspired structural adjustment plan, the country is again in the grips of the multi-lateral organisation. This time the social convulsions, which were provoked by a another rise in fuel prices, have been confronted in repressive fashion. Five more people were shot yesterday as they tried to march from Guallabamba, a small town 40 kilometres north of Quito, to the capital to protest the impacts of the economic measures introduced during the past six months. In Latacunga, a town of about 500,000 one hour to the south of the capital, indigenous groups which had been closing roads, charged a military vehicle full of troops on Saturday night. The vehicle turned tail and fled. On Sunday the native people were not so lucky, eight were shot as they confronted the military attempting to keep the road open. One later died. The protests and the indigenous uprising have been brought about by the severity of the economic measures taken to supposedly pull Ecuador out of its economic plight. The now discredited IMF recipe of provoking inflation and removing subsidies in order to balance the budget has been applied without relief since the effects of the global economic crisis hit Latin America late last year. The dollar has risen by almost 100% against the local currency, the Sucre, since beginning of the year, food costs have risen by about 70%, gas, electricity, gasoline, diesel, and water costs have all risen substantially, and all this before the latest round of transport fuel cost rises, provoked by indexation to the dollar. In the meantime the basic salary (a form of minimum wage) has been raised by an insulting 30%. The taxi drivers hit back first, blocking roads and demanding that fuel prices be reduced to their pre- June levels and frozen for two years. They blocked roads and brought the cities to a standstill. Indigenous groups throughout the central mountain region have joined them in an uprising which has blocked roads, occupied state electricity offices and taken control of communications towers. Indigenous areas are amongst the poorest in the country and the native population, which has been badly affected by the privatisation and globalisation agenda, is calling their actions a fight for life, and against hunger. Meanwhile, teachers and medical workers who have not been paid in months have also joined the strike, along with banana workers, bus and transport workers and even informal sellers. Whole neighbourhoods have taken over roads in an attempt to convince the government to change course. And in the latest of a series of actions, the offices of the Catholic Church, criticised as pro-government, have been occupied by a number of social groups intent on emphasising their demands that the neoliberal policies being applied to the country be changed. Ironically, the police, charged with repressing the demonstrations, also find themselves unpaid and without funds to ward off their own creditors. Part of the government's answer has been to declare a general state of emergency, endowing the President with extraordinary powers to control the state budget, and to order military intervention wherever and whenever he pleases. Congress, in which the government does not have the majority, is outspokenly opposed and will probably fight the measure, although it should be pointed out that the majority of members are also neo-liberals (or at best the more apologetic Blair style third wayers) and simply jockeying for power. The other part of the strategy has been to create diversionary tactics. Jailing a corrupt banker and paying the people whose savings were locked up in the now officially bankrupt bank (one of Ecuador's largest). On the other hand an overwhelming silence has surrounded the accusation that the majority of high government officials took their money out of the country (apparently some $200 million) a little while before all bank accounts were frozen in March of this year. Whether these officials, and other corrupt bankers, will ever be investigated and brought to trial is a major question. But perhaps more important in the long run, both for Ecuador and other countries in the region, is whether it will be possible to find a way out of the neoliberal export lead growth trap in which Ecuador finds itself, given that this model favours the governing elite which controls almost all political parties. The fact that it needs to is not in question. The country has only gone backwards in economic terms since the debt crisis of the early eighties, and finds itself porting increasing amounts of primary material, only to watch prices fall or at best fluctuate wildly on markets over which it has no control. The cost in terms of concentration of land, power and wealth is huge. The cost in terms of the environmental and social impacts related to finding and pumping more oil, growing more flowers, farming more shrimp, and growing more bananas are devastating a country which is defined by its cultural and natural diversity. For more information, contact: Coalition for Amazonian Peoples and Their Environment 1367 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-1860 tel (202)785-3334 fax (202)785-3335 •••@••.••• ------------------------------ This is the DAMN News Email list To unsubscribe, send an email to •••@••.••• Asking to: unsubscribe damn ***DAMN DISCLAIMER - IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE*** DAMN receives many unsolicited reports and tries but can not verify all information contained within. 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