rn: Remembrance Day Thoughts for People of the Americas


Jan Slakov

Dear RN, 

Eric Fawcett sent this posting out to the Science for Peace list serv, which
is largely Canadian, but it actually comes from the US (Znet) and applies as
much to the US as to Canadians, to anyone living in any NATO country.

all the best, Jan
PS I hope you can take the time to read this slowly. An alternate title for
this posting is: "A Century of Holcausts". 
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:46:04 -0500
From: Eric Fawcett <•••@••.•••>
Subject: sfp-87: Remembrance Day thoughts for Peoples of the Americas

Canadians should reflect on this Commentary, since our government now
regards us as a NATO satellite following the directions of the US
superpower - see the previous sfp-86.

ZNet Commentary by  Blase Bonpane

Just as a battered spouse who enables her partner to continue his abusive
ways, so we, the people of Americas continue to enable the United States to
be an incurable serial killer. The victims of the holocaust of the Third
Reich have rightfully taken the position, "Never  Again". Why cannot we,
restrain the hand of our bloodthirsty and fascist foreign  policy?

Little is said after each holocaust perpetrated by the United States. Oh,
yes, Vietnam was a tragic mistake, our government killed three million
people, mostly civilians. And El Salvador, yes, that was a tragic mistake,
the United States as in command and control of the Salvadoran Military and
its adjunct death squads. Our government denied its role in every atrocity
from raped and killed religious women to massacres of entire villages.
Exposes of our direct role in such massacres filter out to the established
press some twenty years later (El Mozote) and many respond with, "My, my,
isn't it awful?"

Our country used the philosophy of General Wilhelm in Central America and
hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were massacred.  It was
finally the United Nations that successfully moderated peace talks in
Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala.

And the Iran/Contra Scandal was a tragic mistake, sometimes called a
"caper". This caper of hiring any unemployed rapists and murders as
mercenaries (President Reagan thought they were our Founding Fathers)  
took 40,000 Nicaraguan lives. A slap on the wrist to a few obedient
functionaries and it was all over. A tragic mistake.

Can't you just hear the abusive spouse saying that every one of his
beatings was a tragic mistake on his part. Can't you just hear the
enabling wife say she is sure he will never do that again? We, the
enablers, continued to tolerate the serial killing. In Guatemala it began
in 1954 and continued well into the 1990's. Our Embassy knew about all the
torture, all the summary execution, all the ethnic cleansing. Some 200,000
people were eliminated in Guatemala as part of our on-going global
holocaust. And suddenly, on a recent visit, our President decides to
apologize to Guatemala. This certainly was a unique act for a U.S.
President. In the spirit of Manifest Destiny, apologies are few or never.

Honduras, of course, was the base for so many of our aggressive acts into
the rest of Central America. The Central Americans called Honduras The
Aircraft Carrier, because it was a permanent base for tens of thousands of
U.S. troops ready for action in all directions. Our officials were
completely aware of the murderous Battalions of Hondurans troops including
the so-called "Cobras" or special forces. Our government not only knew
about these atrocities but eagerly paid the bill with money that should
have gone for educational and medical needs in the United States.

The Social Security Trust Fund was dumped into the U.S. treasury as if it
were part of the general fund from U.S. tax payers. It is not. Social
Security is a bank account into which our citizens pay and from which they
expect a return. This co-mingling of funds simply gives our citizens the
impression that military spending is a smaller portion of the actual
budget. When Social Security is maintained as a separate fund, as it
should be, citizens can see the actual military budget representing about
half of the budget of the United States.

William Blum's book, "Killing Hope", documents an endless series of
pre-meditated violent acts by our country designed to stop creativity or
autonomy by other countries. Need we mention our role in the overthrow of
the government of Chile in 1973? The military figure who lead that crime,
Augosto Pinochet Ugarte was considered our friend. The fact that he was a
genuine and bona fide Nazi was not considered to be a problem by Henry

And such was our friendship, perhaps it should be called fiendship with a
litany of tyrants, one worse that the next;  Somoza, Papa Doc, Baby Doc,
Stroessner, Videla, Banzer, Trujillo, and it continues with our love for
the terrorist state developed by Fujimori in Peru. But vital national
interests are involved here. And what might those be? Corporate profits,
multiple military bases, repayment of debts incurred by the wealthy and
repaid on the backs of the poor of Peru.

Perhaps we forgot to mention the Christmas attack on Panama in 1989. The
barrios of San Miguelito and El Chorillo were leveled in an attempt to
kidnap Manuel Noriega. Hundreds of Panamanians were killed so we could
capture their leader, who had been previously paid as a CIA asset but who
now refused to cooperate in the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government.
This must have also been a tragic mistake and surely our government would
never do anything like this again. Remember all of the attacks mentioned
here are actions of the strong against the weak. There is no question of a
fair fight, whatever that might be. 250 million enablers are lulled into
thinking that the serial killing might now stop. The mass media which is
the loudspeaker for corporate capital creates a shabby rationale for why
these massacres were...necessary. 

Remember Grenada? The slogan of that stupid attack was, "We got their just
in time!" Isn't that impressive? Sounds like a John Wayne Western. Grenada
has a smaller population than Santa Monica, California. But some Cubans
were working on their airport. And the abuser was at it again. And that
brings up the Cuban reality. Nine presidents have done their best to
choke, kill, demonize attack and discredit Cuba Apparently they don't want
it known that Cuba has guaranteed health care for all and we don't. They
have rewarded people arriving from Cuba with instant legality while they
have slammed Haitian refugees into Federal lock-ups.

Why do we put up with the abuse of our brothers and sisters all over the
world? Why do we allow our intelligence to be insulted on a daily basis by
a corporate censored media? I suppose it is because this is our Daddy,
this is our Fatherland. But mature offspring must not tolerate Daddy's
abuse. It is time for us to confront the abuser. The nation is in the
final stage of its psychotic militarism. A CIA without any credibility is
pointing in all directions saying to nations large and small, "You might
have a nuclear bomb!" Billions go into programs to catch the bombs from
other nations in mid-air. Terrorist bombs, however, would most likely
delivered by truck. And after searching for enemies throughout the world
and behaving as a serial killer, should we be surprised by such attacks?

We have been attacking a burned out ash called Iraq for some nine years.
This is the country we supported in one of the most serious conflicts of
the 20th Century, the Iran/Iraq War. We have recently destroyed Serbia
under the banner of Humanitarian Bombing. Even the liberals were enablers.

We need to completely change our way of thinking. The children can help
us, especially the children of Colombia. It was a privilege to meet these
Nobel Prize Nominees. They spearheaded a Children's Vote for Peace in
Colombia. 2.7 million Colombians between the ages of 7 and 18 turned out
to affirm the Children's Mandate for Peace and Rights. This magnificent
vote took place in October of 1997. It was a cooperative effort between
UNICEF, a host of civic and religious non-governmental organizations and
most importantly, the children of Colombia. When both the rebels and
military agreed to honor the safety of the children, the national
referendum became a reality. The children were nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1998 but they did not win. The children have continued
their campaign of "constructors of peace" by directing their attention to
street violence, gang wars and creating youth, parent and police
dialogues. CNN has produced a documentary film about the Colombian
Children, "Soldiers of Peace". The premiere showing was in Culver City,
California as part of A Season for Non-Violence, Peace Jam in Los Angeles.
The documentary will air internationally this Fall.

Flying in the face of the hopes and desires of the Colombians are various
spokespeople for the military/industrial/prison and gun complex in the
United States. Here are words of General Charles Wilhlem to the U.S.
Congress: "I'm convinced that the Government must strengthen its
negotiating position, and I believe that increased leverage at the
negotiating table can only be gained on Colombia's battlefields." It is
truly disgusting for a foreign militarist to propose a ground war in a
nation where both adults and children are begging for peaceful
negotiations. While I was in Colombia I found the United Nations ready and
willing to act as mediator in such negotiations.

Generals take note, at the beginning of the 20th century 15% of the
casualties of war were civilians. At the end of the twentieth century 90%
of the casualties of war are civilians.  It would be good for General
Wilhelm to know that battlefields went out with the Civil War. The
twentieth century has been a century of holocausts.