Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 18:12:07 -0800 From: Randy Schutt <•••@••.•••> Subject: Consumer Reports Magazine on WTO Friends, Look at this: Consumers Union -- a fairly mainstream consumer group with a large readership -- speaks favorably of the WTO demonstrations in Seattle. Thanks Shel for passing it along. --Randy ************************************************************************* Consumer Reports (published by Consumers Union) February 2000 Memo to members World Trade: The message from Seattle Global-trade issues have been catapulted so rapidly to the front pages that many consumers may be wondering what the hullabaloo in Seattle was all about. What has become apparent is that consumers had a major stake in the World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings. Conventional wisdom has held that consumers stand to benefit from expansions in global trade: Competition results in more choice and lower prices. Reducing or eliminating tariffs can do the same. But "free" trade must be coupled with consumer and environmental protections to truly serve consumers. There were a number of compelling messages to the governments that met in Seattle, from a variety of citizen groups: * Shortcomings in protections for consumers and the environment, and in workers' rights, must be corrected before any new trade deals are made. * WTO decision-making and dispute-resolution systems must become more open and must include input from citizen organizations when citizen interests are being decided. * Consumers in poor countries must benefit from global trade. Their condition has worsened, even as conditions have improved for consumers elsewhere. These concerns have been expressed to the U.S. government over the last few years, by CU directly and as part of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue and Consumers International. Governments and the new WTO have been largely indifferent to the voices of citizen organizations. We were drowned out by the greater clout of organized business. Seattle may have changed that to some degree. The presidents of the U.S. and the European Union have since invited consumer and environmental representatives from both sides of the Atlantic to voice their views very briefly, at the semiannual trade summit. Though a largely symbolic gesture, it could signal a change of attitude. A more compelling signal by our government would be to address the need to ensure the safety and labeling of genetically engineered food (see our September 1999 report "Seeds of Change"). Americans have always insisted on the right to safety, information, and choice in the foods they consume. Consumer groups have repeatedly called for mandatory pre-market safety reviews and for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods, protections now in place for European consumers. The U.S. has no labeling requirement -- although recent polls reflect substantial support for one -- and has an essentially voluntary safety review. Global trade policy faces a crisis of citizen confidence; the protests and lobbying in Seattle made that apparent. It can be resolved only when the WTO becomes more open and when consumer, environmental, and labor concerns are acknowledged and addressed. Acting on these food issues would be a good start. Rhoda H. Karpatkin, President ************************************************************** From: "Viviane Lerner" <•••@••.•••> To: "Mai-not" <•••@••.•••>, "Mai-not" <•••@••.•••> Subject: FW: NO TO BIOCAPITALISM! FOR ECOLOGICAL FOOD! Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 10:25:25 -1000 ________________________________________________ A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E ________________________________________________ NO TO BIOCAPITALISM! FOR ECOLOGICAL FOOD! A march 12th of february 2 pm from the center square of Tampere, Finland The main demonstration of Black and Green days 2000 It is a basic need of every human to have food produced in the living nature. Biocapitalism means an attempt of the capital to transform our basic needs and genes to a commercial product, ruled by the multinational companies. In another hand this means developing of the biotechnology to serve the transnational capital, in another hand this means destroying of the peasantry as a whole, or putting it under the control of the multinational capital. We have seen the "effective" agricultural technologies by capital to bring us the mad cow disease, hormone beef and the horrible conditions in the cage farms. Now the want us to trust to the genetic engineering, which touches the essence of the animals very deeply. No consumers nor farmers want genetically engineered food, it is only of interest to the multinational corporations trying to grow their power and profit, no matter what is the price which our health and enviroment pays. Multinational corporations are talking about the eradiction of the malnutrition, but actually the result of concentration of the food production is the contrary. Hundreds of millions are not malnourished because there is no food, but because poors have no a chance to grow their own food, nor a chance to buy it from the market. The famine grows when the multinationals are pushing millions of peasants from their lands with their new technologies. Peasants all around the world are fighting against the power of the multinational agribusiness and biotechnologies of the capital. Biocapitalism means famine and hazardous products, a bankruptcy of the peasants and misleading of the consumers. Our alternatice is ecologic, decentralized food production, based on the respect of the nature and the animals. Tools of the capital, like the genetic technology and the WTO, are a threat which can be crushed by the human resistance. Seattle was our first victory in this struggle, now it is the time to get the resistance into the streets of Finland as well. So we are calling all farmers, consumers, defenders of nature and animals - everyone in whose interest it is to fight against the biocapitalism to join us. Itsehallinnolliset toverit (Self-governing comrades, Helsinki) Autonome Offensive '99 TorA - Tornion Anarkistit (Anarchists of Tornio) Jyväskylän opiskelevat anarkistit (Student anarchists of Jyväskylä) Antti Rautiainen - •••@••.••• Share my bookmarks! Black and green days •••@••.••• ********