Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:41:40 -0800 From: Randy Schutt <•••@••.•••> Subject: National Radio Project on Nigerian Women's Resistance Friends, If you have not heard Making Contact it is an excellent 29-minute progressive radio show produced each week and distributed free to non-profit stations around the world -- "Radio that Activates". These folks also produced 5 hours of excellent coverage on the WTO Seattle event and they will produce "Unconventional Coverage" of the Republican and Democratic Party Conventions this summer. If you haven't heard the show, check it out: <> Below is the description of an upcoming show that is particularly appropriate during this month when we focus on the liberation of women. --Randy ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 14:39:14 -0800 From: Laura Livoti <•••@••.•••> Reply-To: •••@••.••• Organization: National Radio Project X-Accept-Language: en Subject: Delta on Fire Please share this announcement with anyone you think might be interested. To find out what station to tune in to outside the SF Bay Area look at our website <>. Delta on Fire: Nigerian Women's Resistance An underreported story with interviews gathered on location: Making Contact's Managing Director, Laura Livoti accompanied a delegation of human rights observers investigating multinational companies in Nigeria and was able to interview a number of Nigerian women on location. Community after community showed the delegates streams and ponds that are their sole source of drinking water. These waters, dark with the flickering rainbows of oil slicks, are all that each community has for washing and drinking. On this special program from the National Radio Project's Women's Desk we take a look at Nigeria's women and in particular how the presence of multinational companies has affected their lives and livelihoods. Grace Ekanum, a leader of the women's movement in Eket tells the story of the largest oil spill in Nigerian history by Mobil, it's impact on her community, and how she is responding. Esther Elenwa of the Egi Women's movement is leading a campaign among the women in her community who are upset that French oil company Elf does not employ members of the Egi community and has not fulfilled promises to provide electricity, clean water and roads. Joi Yowika, Nigerian attorney and member of the minority Ogoni ethnic group speaks about the women she represents who have been, sexually exploited by oil company employees. Annie Brisibee, a member of the Ijaw minority ethnic group in the Nigerian delta. Brisibee who sits on the Executive Committee of the Ijaw Youth Council and is the President of Niger Delta Women for Justice, describes difficulties faced by Nigerian women as a result of oil operations and traditional culture. Gloria Monn, the eloquent head of the Grassroots Development Organization speaks about her work to provide women access to political power and to create alternative sources of livelihood for village women. Making Contact, is a weekly public affairs program produced by the National Radio Project. It is available on satellite, cassette, or via Internet free of charge to non-commercial stations. Call (510) 251-1077 or email •••@••.•••. <> Making Contact, a 29 minute program, is fed on the public radio satellite each Wednesday at 12 noon ET, and is available free of charge to all non-commercial radio stations. Making Contact airs on 165 stations across the U.S., Canada, and South Africa and on international shortwave radio. For stations and show times in your area, see <>, and go to our Broadcast Schedule page, or call (510) 251-1332. Airs in the SF Bay Area on KPFA 94.1 FM at 2 PM Friday March 17th. and on San Franciso Liberation Radio 93.7 Mondays at 8pm and 26 other stations throughout CA. For more information on the National Radio Project's Women's Desk Contact Lisa Rudman, Women's Desk Coordinator <•••@••.•••> (510) 251-1077 ----------------------------------------------------------- Randy Schutt P.O. Box 60922, Palo Alto, CA 94306 <> -----------------------------------------------------------