rn> re the growing movement: Seattle, DC, and beyond…


Richard Moore

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 20:36:08 -0700
To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••>
From: Randy Schutt <•••@••.•••>
Subject: arrests in DC

IMF Protests Result in Arrests

By Arthur Santana and Patti Davis
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, April 10, 2000; 2:32 PM

Seven people were arrested in downtown Washington and traffic was tied up
for 45 minutes this morning in the first street action of protests this
week against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Police said three were arrested who were trying to lead a protest rally
from the top of a rental truck, two others after they chained themselves to
the vehicle and two others who officials said tried to unfurl a banner on
the World Bank building.

Hundreds of protesters have come to the city to protest policies of the
World Bank and of the IMF during the groups' spring meetings, which start
Tuesday. They say they hope to build on the momentum of protests against
the WTO that turned ugly in Seattle, resulting in disruption of the
meetings and teargassing of protesters.

The planned protests in Washington include lobbying on Capitol Hill and a
labor-oriented protest against trade policy toward China. Organizers say
they hope to block people from attending the meetings next Sunday and
Monday with non-violent civil disobedience.

The morning's protesters were among 40 to 60 members of two protest groups
and independent activists who gathered at the World Bank building at 1818 H
Street NW, about 8:30 a.m.

"We feel that the number one funder of global warming in the world is the
World Bank," said Chris Ball, deputy director of D.C.-based Ozone Action.

D.C. Police arrested Beka Economopolous, with EcoPledge.com, John
Passacantando, executive director of Ozone Action, and Brent Blackwelder,
president of Friends of the Earth. All three got on top of a rented truck
and began to lead a protest rally with a megaphone, Ball said.

The three on top of the truck, which was parked in front of the building
and which was blocking two lanes of traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue, were
ordered down by police and arrested after they didn't obey, police said.

Two others - described as independent activists - were arrested after they
chained themselves to the axle of the truck, said U.S. Secret Service
spokesman Jim Mackin. The chain had to be broken before police could remove
them from the street, where they were sitting, Mackin said.

Two additional activists were arrested by Secret Service agents for
attempting to climb support cables from a 10-foot-high awning they had
climbed in order to unfurl a protest banner at the front of the building,
Bell and Mackin said.

One woman on the awning accidentally cut her arm and was taken to D.C.
General Hospital for treatment, Mackin said. The two were charged with
unlawful entry, said D.C. Police spokesman Sgt. Joe Gentile.

The six others were taken to the 2nd Police District for processing. The
five protesters on the truck will be charged with failure to obey police,
and additional charged may be pending, Mackin said. Some of the protesters
were paying a $100 fine and being released this morning, Gentile said.

"The arrests were expected," Ball said. "The protesters felt it was worth
getting arrested to get their message out." The area was cleared about 9:35
a.m. In an apparently unrelated demonstration, about 1,000 people staged a
peaceful protest this morning outside the headquarters of the American
Staffing Association in Old Town Alexandria. Members of a group called the
National Peoples Action said they were protesting low wages and
"ball-and-chain benefits" of workers employed by ASA members.

"They're making big bucks off these people," said Charlene Dalton, a member
of the Communities United for Action, which also participated in the
protest. She said the protesters had come from 38 states.

Richard Wahlquist, executive vice president of ASA, denied the allegations,
saying that "the data does not support the claim that the industry is not
paying good wages." He said the ASA is an association whose members operate
14,000 offices that provide staffing services. He said ASA members work
hard to transition workers into better-paying jobs.

The protesters held signs and flyers calling the ASA the "American
Sweatshop Association." Wahlquist said that about 300 protesters had
demonstrated outside his Fairfax home on Sunday. After today's protest,
Wahlquist met with leaders of the demonstration and agreed to discuss
sending ASA representatives to a meeting the protest group is holding in
Chicago next month.

Both Wahlquist and several of the protesters said the rally in the 200
block of South Washington Street was not related to planned demonstrations
this week by opponents of global capitalism. "I think it's entirely
coincidental," Wahlquist said.

Police said the 1,000 or so demonstrators came in 22 buses. There were no
arrests, they said.

At lunchtime, several hundred people gathered at L'Enfant Plaza in the
District; but that protest also was apparently unrelated to the IMF
meetings. Those demonstrators were congregating about subsidized housing.

Randy Schutt
P.O. Box 60922, Palo Alto, CA 94306

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Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 00:41:30 +0600
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: "Wendell W. Solomons" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Media Boomerang for Protestors in DC


I'm in the East and closer to sunrise (6 hours ahead of
Greenwich.) I am doing my piece and passing the baton on
to you.

I caught the first TV transmission here about the rallies
at 11 p.m.  CNN featured it on the regular news.

I was waiting to see whether a party line would develop
for media. This is the persuasion I saw.


They showed bespectacled protester Ms Bloch near a poster.
She said that little help is being given to the needy and
poverty is breaking through the floor.

A black World Bank official identifiable from a poor country
(not President Wolfenson and rich country aides) was shown at
his desk. This man said with a smile that the Bank helps the
poor. The news presenter added that the World Bank says that
the concerns of the Bank and the protestors are one and the

CNN put in old footage to flash back to the founding of the
World Bank and the IMF.

  What was not featured was the charge of debt inducement, which
  Marc Bombais (VP Canadian Action Party) expressed to the World
  Bank in connection with its World Development Report.

This then could be the party line evolved for media: that the
concerns of the protestors are being attended to by the World Bank.
The protesters are thus painted as being redundant. They might as
well be moved off the sidewalk by the police and packed off home
so that IMF/World Bank professionals can get on with their work.


In propaganda this method is called boomerang. Let the words of
the protestors fall back on their own head. Linguist Naom Chomsky
jumped on the protest bandwagon quite belatedly (so as not to be
left behind; he aspirated in The Nation, of April 24th.) Chomsky
will of course not provide a solution from textbook semantics.
Tackling the boomerang of media nomenklatura will therefore be
something for others in semantics, rhetoric, logic, advertising
and law (court craft) to work out.

One method of avoiding being held up for ridicule through use of
the technique of boomerang is to state a clear contention that
the boomerang does not address. To raise too many points confuses
the audience and thus ensures the planned success of the boomerang.
The party line had sunk into the CNN reporter speaking from the
street outside the World Bank. CNN had not picked a conventional
Christiana Amanpour type but a fairly young woman outfitted with
straight hair and round, wire spectacles. She quite looked like
a college demonstrator but gave away the party line by smirking
throughout her performance. 

Perhaps it is the debt-inducement aspect ... that should be
sustained, that poor countries are poorer despite the
taxpayer resources that go into the IMF/IBRD and the lavish
pay checks and socialized benefits that its officials keep
to themselves.


Dear Wendell,

Speaking of boomerangs, I notice that for some people every
topic - no matter where it flys - eventually returns to their
pet subject.  For me, it's something like 'capitalism
vs.democracy', for others its 'money-creation', 'the
environment', 'multinationals'... or 'debt'.

Debating which of our pet topics is 'central' can be
counter-productive - like arguing about Titanic deck chairs
while heading to our watery fate.  Better we would collaborate
to find a life boat.  The Seattle and DC rebellions have been
inclusive - all are welcome - and from what I've heard
internal strife has been minimal, and mostly between those
wanting to trash and who believe that such actions are unwise.

I think it would be be bad strategy to try to ideologically
narrow the focus of these rebellions, especially from the
sidelines.  Part of 'being there' is meeting people from other
causes, and dialoging in workshops, and building links.  It's
a process of broadening, not of narrowing, of learning of
others concerns, not of debating them.  It's a
community-building process more than an ideological process.
This, I suggest, is how we will find our lifeboats.

As for media coverage - we cannot rely on it to serve our
purposes, and we cannot prevent it from undermining the
movement. The media is powerful, its practioners are masters
of manipulation, and the mission of the media is to protect
the very regime that we must dethrone.  If we build our
tactics around media games we will be drawn away from our own
center.  Let 'them' can say what they will; the movement must
become responsible for disseminating information in other
ways.  One of the exciting developments in Seattle was the ad
hoc creation of media collectives, leading to the production
and distribution of some good video docs.  We might do well to
think of the media the way Hollywood stars do - if we're being
covered at all, the media is doing us a favor.

BTW> Thanks for the heads-up on the media's boomerang tactics. 
The next item below expands on that.

best regards,


        From: CyberBrook <•••@••.•••>
        Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 20:16:42 -0700
        The burning question of the day remains: What happens the day
        after? ... The question of "what happens after" gains crucial
        importance because of what it signals in self-development and
        self-flowering - revolution in permanence.  No one knows what
        it is, or can touch it, before it appears. It is not the task
        that can be fulfilled in just one generation. That is why it
        remains so elusive, and why the abolition of the division
        between mental and manual labor sounds utopian. It has the
        future written all over it. The fact that we cannot give a
        blueprint does not absolve us from the task. It only makes it
        more difficult.
            -Raya Dunayevskaya 1987

Delivered-To: moderator for •••@••.•••
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 14:28:18 -0700
To: •••@••.•••
From: CyberBrook <•••@••.•••>
Subject: IMF Official Defends Globalization


Thursday April 13 2000

 IMF Official Defends Globalization

 By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer 

WASHINGTON (AP) - International Monetary Fund and Clinton
administration officials on Thursday defended their efforts to
promote freer trade and greater integration of the global
economy, contending they offered the best hope of lifting
hundreds of millions of people out of abject poverty.

Globalization - the bane of thousands of demonstrators in the
nation's capital this week who contend that global capitalism
has failed to help the poor - has gotten a bad rap, said
acting IMF Managing Director Stanley Fischer.

The demonstrators, seeking to build on their success in
disrupting World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle last
year, have vowed to form human chains and prevent delegates to
the IMF and World Bank meetings from attending Sunday's
opening sessions.

In a preview of larger protests planned this weekend, dozens
of sign-carrying demonstrators chanting "WTO has got to go"
and carrying a puppet labeled WTO Director General Mike Moore,
marched to the National Press Club in an effort to confront
Moore, who was giving a noontime speech.

Five demonstrators who began shouting slogans were removed
from the press club, but police said no arrests were made.

Moore said critics of the Geneva-based WTO "are not all
wrong. We are now in the process of examining how we can be
more transparent, more efficient, more inclusive." He said it
was "heartbreaking" that the Seattle events resulted in a
delay in addressing demonstrators' concerns because the 135
trade ministers could not launch a new round of global

Both Fischer and Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said the
demonstrators were wrong in blaming global capitalism for
problems of poverty, environmental pollution and human rights

Greater integration of the global economy is both inevitable
and a force for improving living standards, they said.

Globalization "represents the only way we are going to raise
people around the world to the same level as people in
industrialized countries," Fischer said.

Summers told reporters the United States would use this year's
IMF and World Bank meetings to continue pushing reforms to
make both institutions more accountable and open.

In response to criticism over the handling of the selection of
Germany's Horst Koehler as the new IMF chief, Summers said the
United States would propose that both the IMF and World Bank
in the future appoint outside advisory committees to review
potential candidates to ensure that the "views and interests
of all countries" are considered.

Police, who had already established a security perimeter
around both the IMF and neighboring World Bank buildings,
increased security Thursday following the Wednesday night
arrests of seven protesters and the confiscation of equipment
that they allegedly planned to use for blockades.

Police made the arrests after stopping two vehicles filled
with "lock boxes," lengths of PVC pipes that demonstrators
can use to lock arms and make it difficult to break a "human
chain." Police said they also confiscated chicken wire and
duct tape and charged the seven with possession of implements
of crime.

Thus far, 15 protesters have been arrested, and Police Chief
Charles H. Ramsey declared that police were prepared for mass

"We could make thousands, but I hope we don't have to make
any," Ramsey said at a news conference where the metal and
plastic pipes seized from the two vehicles were displayed.

About 50 peaceful demonstrators gathered at George Washington
University, located in the same Foggy Bottom neighborhood, to
protest the university's decision to close for the weekend and
ban students from having visitors in their dorm rooms. They
carried signs reading, "GWU: Serve the students, not
corporate greed."

The World Bank on Thursday released a new assessment of global
poverty that highlighted how the global financial crisis of
1997-98 had hurt efforts to alleviate poverty, widening the
divide between rich and poor.

The report said that while the poverty rate did decline in
some large countries, notably China, it rose in many other
nations in 1998, the latest year for which data is available.
Some 1.2 billion people were forced to get by on less than $1
a day, the report found, a figure essentially unchanged over
the past decade.

Fischer, a former economics professor at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, said the demonstrations would not
stop his agency from addressing reform measures, including
greater debt relief for poor countries.

"We have the same goal as the demonstrators. We want to
reduce poverty all over the world," Fischer said.

 On the Net: 
 Treasury Department: http://www.ustreas.gov/

 Mobilization for Global Justice, site for protesters: http://www.a16.org

 International Monetary Fund: http://www.imf.org

 World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org 

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
CDR website: http://cyberjournal.org
cyberjournal archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/
book in progress: http://cyberjournal.org/cdr/gri.html

                A community will evolve only when
                the people control their means of communication.
                        -- Frantz Fanon

                Capitalism is not the same as free
                enterprise - it is a very specialized
                ideology which holds the accumulation
                of wealth as the only economic value,
                and which demands that such economics
                dominate all other societal values.
                        -- rkm

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