Dear RN, Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. This is one holiday I basically like the spirit of, even if it is associated with the colonization of this land, and thus with the beginning of the imposition of a culture which has laid waste to much of it. I recently typed up some prayers for members of the Canadian Environmental Network and I would like to share them with you. I will be away from Oct. 11 - Nov. 5... although I am so behind with this list that many of you may hardly notice my absence! Sorry for being so delinquent! all the best, Jan ******************************************************** OF ALL THE TEACHINGS Of all the teachings we receive this one is the most important: Nothing belongs to you of what there is, of what you take, you must share. (from My heart Soars by Chief Dan George. Hancock House, 1974) De tous les ensiegnements que nous recevons celui-ci est le plus important : Rien ne vous appartient de ce qui existe; De ce que vous prenez, il faut partager. **************************************************** Grace We are thankful for these and all the good things of life. We recognize that they are a part of our common heritage and come to us through the efforts of our brothers and sisters the world over. What we desire for ourselves, we wish for all. To this end may we take our share in the world's work and the world's struggles. - James Shaver Woodsworth (one of the founders of the CCF and a committed social justive activist, also a pacifist) PARTAGE Nous sommes reconnaisants pour ceci et pour toutes les bonnes choses de la vie. Nous savons qu'elles font partie de notre héritage commun et que nous y avons accès grâce aux effors de nos frères et de nos soeurs du monde entier. Ce que nous désirons pour nous mêmes, nous le souhaitons pour tous. Puissions-nous donc assumer notre part des travaux qui doivent être accomplis et des luttes qui doivent être menées pour un monde meilleur. **************************************************** The one below I haven't translated into French yet. The Spanish translation is not mine and a friend helped me with the Arabic (!) (not real Arabic, but the sounds so we can approximate it). I sometimes sing this one when I go for a walk in the woods in the early morning. Apparently there are people who say it at noon every day in their own time zone, so there is formed a kind of chain of prayer going from East to West as the day progresses. all the best, Jan PS If you have any you would like to share with me, I would certainly be pleased. World Peace Prayer Lead me from death to life from falsehood to truth Lead me from despair to hope from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. (bis) Oracion por la paz Llevame de la muerte a la vida de la falsedad a la verdad Llevame de la desesperacion a la esperanza del miedo a la confianza Llevame del odio al amor de la guerra a la paz Permite que la paz llene nuestro corazon, nuestro mundo, nuestro universo (bis) * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: Stressed syllables in caps SAlawat elsalAM koedny meen elMOWT ila elHAYat wamin elKEd(th)ip ila elhaKEEkah koedny min elyaess ila elAmel wamin elKOWF ila elAmann koedny min elKOORH ila elHOB wamin elKARB ila elsaLAM DAa elsaLAM yamla koelooBAna waA LAmeena, walKOWN min HOWlina