rn> Latin America: solidarity opportunities


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 20:47:59 -0800
To: •••@••.•••
From: Rosa Zubizarreta <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: rn> reader dialog; TFF info
Content-Type: text/plain ; format="flowed"

Dear Richard,

you may forward the following to John if you'd like, or post it to 
your list.... i know little about Bolivia except that i have met some 
amazing indigenous activists from that country. The indigenous 
people, especially the women, seem to be incredibly well organized. 
Given that the indigenous people are a majority of the population, 
somewhat like the pre-apartheid South Africa, i would imagine that a 
progressive organization would want to establish connections with 
pre-existing indigenous organizations...

i do know that in Ecuador, the indigenous organizations have taken a 
leadership role in a broad based mass movement that includes labor, 
campesinos, and other disenfranchised folks. Also in Ecuador they 
have had enormous success with non-violent organizing; in the last 10 
years they have non-violently toppled two regimes -- it has not been 
a complete success in that the state leaders have been promptly 
replaced with other politicians just as bad, but having the popular 
movement led by the indigenous people bring the whole country to a 
halt for three days in a non-violent strike is a good beginning, in 
my book...(funny how we hear so little about it in the mass media :-)

one of the most intriguing things to me about the indigenous 
activists i have met from both Ecuador and Bolivia  is the very 
honorable tradition of "self-criticism" -- that is, in any action, 
activity, organizing effort, whatever, always evaluating the outcome 
in terms of the learning from it, "what could i have done better", 
rather than the blaming and in-fighting that seems to break apart so 
much of the movement elsewhere -- the times that i experienced it, it 
felt very genuine. (I used to be a volunteer with an organization 
that served as a continental network for indigenous people's 
struggles, and had the privilege of meeting some of these folks a 
number of times....)

also, i have been very impressed by how grassroots the organizing 
efforts are... local communities organized, and then an organization 
at the regional level, and from there to the national. very solid 

so, whether the organization John is planning to start is primarily 
indigenous or not, it seems that regardless, there is much that could 
be learned from the indigenous movement...

all best wishes,

Rosa Zubizarreta

>From: •••@••.•••
>Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 22:48:42 +0100 (MET)
>To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••>
>Subject: Re: chapters already sent
>Thank you so much for the chapter, I will look forward to
>recieving chapter 2. One more thing, I am starting an
>organization here in Bolivia, any suggestions, thought or
>comments? I would really appreciate it.
>John Lujan Pastor

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Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 06:06:54 -0500
From: info <•••@••.•••>
Organization: Rights Action Canada
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To: •••@••.•••
Subject: "Free" trade delegation to Guatemala


Rights Action
[formerly Guatemala Partners]

invites you to join an
Educational Delegation to Guatemala

"Free" Trade & Human Rights in "post"-Conflict Guatemala

IN GUATEMALA, delegation members will: 
*   study the nature of Guatemala's unjust "free market"
    economic development model,
*   learn of how NGOs and CBOs (community-based
    organizations) are working to build an economic development
    model that guarantees respect for the economic and social
    rights of the majority poor, as well as their cultural,
    civil and political rights, and the environment,
*   learn of on-going repression (violations of political
    and civil rights), in the "post-conflict" era, and
*   learn of how individuals and organizations in Canada and
    the US can work with partner groups in Guatemala (indeed,
    throughout the region) to enable us all to build just
    societies and development models.

"SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS", Quebec City, April 2001

This delegation is planned as lead-up to the FTAA "Summit of
the Americas" to be held in Quebec City, Canada, April
20-22, 2001.  The Summit will bring together 34 government
leaders from the western hemisphere.

The purpose of the Summit will be to put final touches on
the FTAA ("Free" Trade Area of the Americas) agreement that
purports to extend NAFTA (North American "Free" Trade
Agreement) across the hemisphere. Leaders, government
officials, commercial and financial elites, and
international "aid" and "development" banks and agencies
will participate in private meetings, gala dinners and
public relations events.

The FTAA will fortify and broaden the reach of the present
international commercial and financial economic model (the
"free trade" model) that is damaging to the environment and
that systematically violates the human rights of a large
percentage of Latin America's population.  The FTAA will
take further steps towards submitting health, education,
community development, the environment and labor issues to
the logic of the "free market" and to the control of
corporate 'rights', while marginalizing and rendering
ineffective environmental and human rights laws and

WHEN:   February 10 - 18, 2001
WHERE:  Guatemala City, and selected rural areas.
COST:   $640 per person [$80day] that includes: room
        and board, travel in the region, translation, program
        activities, trip leaders and guides.  You are responsible
        for your own airfare.

United States: T: 202-783-1123.  E: •••@••.•••
Canada: T: 416-654-2074.  E: •••@••.•••

Rights Action: For more information, contact us or visit our

-- Please Post & Distribute --

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
CDR website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org
content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/
featured article, "Escaping the Matrix": 
featured book, "Toward an American Revolution" by Jerry Fresia:

                A community will evolve only when
                the people control their means of communication.
                        -- Frantz Fanon

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include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits,
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