Friends, I've gotten lots of feedback, and now I'm in the process of revising the Guidebook and integrating the material from the Manifesto. The thesis of this section is that globalization has sown the seeds of the regime's destruction. Perhaps you can think of other examples to include, and of course critique is always welcome. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------------- II.a. Globalization - crisis and opportunity "How well we know all this! How often we have witnessed it in our part of the world! The machine that worked for years to apparent perfection, faultlessly, without a hitch, falls apart overnight. The system that seemed likely to reign unchanged, world without end, since nothing could call its power in question amid all those unanimous votes and elections, is shattered without warning. And, to our amazement, we find that everything was quite otherwise than we had thought." - Václav Havel, 1975 The Chinese symbol for 'crisis' embodies a bit of folk wisdom - it is made by combining the symbols for 'danger' and 'opportunity'. In Part I of this Guidebook we looked at the _danger part of globalization - the tyranny of the new-world-order WTO regime, and the destruction of our societies and resources caused by capitalism's need for ever-more 'growth' opportunities. In Part II we will be looking at the _opportunity offered by by globalization - an opportunity for humanity to find a common voice, to rise up peacefully in the 'right kind' of movement - and build together a livable world. To begin, let us consider some of the changes in the global society which have accompanied globalization. In the debris of these changes we can in fact find seeds of hope. Among these changes, the most significant is perhaps the shift that has occurred in the relationship between capitalism and nationalism. For centuries the leading Western nations competed with one another for empires and spheres of influence. Capitalist industry provided the muscle of empire, and employment for Western workers. Strong economies gave the Western middle classes a privileged position, and this provided a solid base of support for the capitalist system. Strong Western militaries - backed by capitalist industry and by nationalist sentiment - were able to dominate the globe. The interests of capitalism were fundamentally aligned with Western national ambitions, popular patriotism, and with national prosperity. In _those days capitalism and its elites were indeed well entrenched in power. In pursuing globalization, elites have abandoned this time-honored success formula. Western economic health is being sacrificed to market forces, while democratic sovereignty is being superseded by WTO authority. Our elite rulers are betting that their new-world-order system - with its elite hi-tech warriors and sophisticated media propaganda - will protect them in their new WTO fortress. But this fortress has no real popular constituency - their entrenched power has become largely illusory. Before 1945, it would have been nearly impossible to assemble a majority movement in the West around a post-capitalist agenda. The system was working to the benefit of too many segments of the population. Globalization has changed all that. Based on objective conditions, it is now in most Westerner's overwhelming best interest to rise up and replace the reckless, greedy, self-serving regime. A latent social demand for political and economic transformation now exists in the West - fertile ground for the right kind of movement.- and we can thank globalization for this. In addition, globalization has created a sense of _global community_ in the world's population: television brings events instantly into homes in every nation; everyone in every backwater knows Clinton, Saddam, and the characters in "The Simpsons"; the media talks about an 'international community' that can make moral decisions, and intervene humanely to right wrongs. Perhaps these feelings of 'global community' are largely a media illusion, but the consequence is that people generally are beginning to think of problems in global terms. Their leaders tell them that 'market forces' point the path for the global community to follow, but people worldwide are waking up to the fact that this path is not delivering on its promises. Globalization has thus created an 'openness' in the world's population to new initiatives, and new solutions - solutions which address the world's problems from a global perspective. This 'openness' provides a basis for the right kind of movement to organize globally - a movement which appeals to the sense of global community and which offers sensible and practical solutions to world problems. One of the crises brought by globalization has been the acceleration of resource depletion, and the reckless stressing of environmental limits. This survival-threatening crisis has motivated scientists to explore alternative ways of doing things. We now have a rich literature - and a considerable amount of real-world practice - regarding sustainable economics and agriculture, energy-saving methods, appropriate technologies, and the like. This crisis has given us the impetus to develop the core principles and prototype the technologies of a sustainable, post-capitalist world. The course of world events, for the first time in history, is now largely controlled by a centralized global regime - a regime which is not serving the needs of most people - and whose agenda ensures that conditions will continue to decline. The regime's only defense is that 'free markets' will 'someday' make everything all right. More and more people are rejecting that shallow propaganda lie, and a movement is rapidly taking form around an anti-globalization agenda. The movement is popularly perceived as being made up of 'leftists', 'tree-huggers', and 'anarchists', but the fundamental appeal of the movement is universal - essentially everyone is being screwed by modern capitalism. As diverse elements in the movement find ways to work together - and to bring in new constituencies - the energy and scale of the movement is likely to increase very rapidly. The times are definitely ripe for the right kind of movement, with the right kind of vision - and globalization has created the conditions which give such a movement a reasonable chance for success. --------------------------------------------------------------