The real Regime Change…


Richard Moore


Much is being said these days about regime changes. The
fact is that 'regime change' has been standard
operating procedure for the USA from its very birth. 
The Revolutionary War was essentially a regime change
at the top, with local and state affairs proceeding
with considerable continuity. The Civil War was a
regime change forced on the Southern states by Eastern
financial elites, who wanted policies which favored
industrialization over cotton.  In the Phillipines, in
Panama, in Brazil, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Korea...
everywhere you look all over the globe the USA has been
changing regimes -- or preventing regimes from being
changed -- for centuries.  That's always been the
standard imperialist modus operandi, in contrast to
Britain's colonial-administration approach. The
American approach is more cost effective.

If someone thinks of 'regime change' as a new approach,
invented for Saddam, then they are buying into the
centuries of lies about benevolent intervention. If
'regime change' is presented in the media as a new
approach, then that means only that regime changes will
now be overt.  Evidently the political climate has been
created, post 9-11, so that overt regime changes are
deemed to be 'acceptable' to the American people.

It may seem strange that something is considered
'acceptable', when hundreds of thousands have taken to
the streets in cities all across America to protest. 
The largest since the Vietnam era.  But it's not so
strange when you realize that it is not public opinion
that matters, but only the _image of public opinion
that is projected on the TV networks.  On those
channels (even PBS) the protests were presented as
being insignificant.  Meanwhile, they bombard us with
pro-war propaganda of many varieties, some overtly
fiction and some not.

So the impending regime-change of Saddam is not new
policy, but only new rhetoric.  But there IS a regime
change underway which is of a new and different kind.
In fact there are two, a minor one and a major one. 
The MINOR one is the change in the domestic USA
political system.  It has changed from what pretended
to be 'liberal democracy', to something which is
rapidly approaching overt fascism.  This is a very
revolutionary change, a shift from what had been the
norm -- since the birth of republics during the
Enlightenment era.

The MAJOR regime change is the shift in the
international order. We are shifting from the regime of
international law and treaties, to a regime in which
the strongest bullies -- the USA, UK, and Israel -- can
basically run the world the same way mafia bosses run
their territories.  This regime-change process began
with Desert Storm, developed further in Yugoslavia and
Afghanistan, and is now nearing completion in Desert
Storm II.

If it were simply a matter of Bush wanting to grab
Iraq's oil, he'd just go ahead and do it and let the UN &
Europeans  wring their hands in futility.  He waits for
some kind of official approvals for a particular
reason.  He may or may not understand that reason
himself, but those who make policy certainly do.

One of the primary objectives of Desert Storm II, I
suggest, is to consolidate the 'legitimacy' of this
post-international-law regime.  (What some call the
NWO).  Whenever some kind of resolutions appear (from the
UN and also from Congress) which can be interpreted (or
misinterpreted) so as to provide legitimacy -- then the
onslaught will begin. If bombs must be set off in Bali,
or Senators assassinated, in order to create a 'climate
of legitimacy', then that must be done. As Kissinger
put it, commenting on a similar scenario, "You can't
make an omelette without breaking eggs".

I'm getting so many items sent in that I can't begin to
post them, hardly even a representative sample.  I have
however recently posted the following items to the
newslog list.  You can easily browse that online using
the links in the (long) signature at the bottom.  If
someone wants me to send them an email copy of
something I'll be happy to.

    Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope", a Review
    Gore Vidal claims 'Bush junta' complicit in 9/11
    UK: Secret plan for N-bomb factory
    Wellstone's death - foul play suspected...
    Regime Change: How the CIA put Saddam's Party in Power
    Blum: Against terrorism or expansion of the American Empire?
    full text - Gore Vidall: "The Enemy Within"

Best regards,


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