-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 20:37:57 -0700 Subject: Re: change of consciousness From: Jan Slakov <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Dear Richard, I read your most recent posting. Basically I agree, but I just feel like it is kind of thinking in the abstract since I feel called to work at a much more concrete level. Also, I thought you had already basically said what you said in your most recent posting; now I'm more interested to hear about things that are actually happening right now that are helping bring about the change we wish for. Anyhow, as usual, it is well written (although yo must be wishing you had changed all the Gain to Gaian before sending the thing off:-)! all the best, Jan ------------- Dear Jan, As always, very nice to hear from you. I hope that the concrete actions and the theoretical investigations will all meet up one day in synergy. Meanwhile we each seek hope in our own way. Yes, what I wrote in that posting repeated things I've said before. Given what people write to me, I find it necessary to keep putting ideas into different words, so as that it makes sense to some particular world view. It seems that most of us can consider ideas only if they relate very closely to our current world view. In the last posting I was trying to make use of that notion. Rather than saying, "The Gaian Scenario is wrong because of this and this and this", I tried to get into the scenario and support it, and suggest refinements that I think would make it more viable. It was an attempt to think in a consensus way, rather than debate. Don't know if it came across that way. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 21:45:00 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Rosa Zubizarreta <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: rkm: change of consciousness rkm> I'm beginning to think - The Movement is here, we simply need to identify it. [...] It isn't a movement which has a defined program or leadership, it is all those folks whose efforts enlighten a certain direction. Does this make sense to anyone? what you wrote resonates very deeply for me... i'm not sure if in exactly the ways you intended! there is something for me that's hard to put into words, about the power of appreciation... my own experience is that, there is all of this stuff out there, and, when we NOTICE it, when we APPRECIATE it, when we INTERACT with it, our ENERGY is actually helping it GROW... so, from that perspective, i rejoice very much in your "seeing" this larger "movement", your "appreciating" all of the various ways in which people are contributing, and the interconnectedness and synergy between all of those various contributions... because through your "seeing" it, i know that it is already growing that much more... this also connects to some thoughts i keep returning to, about how we can support "self-organization"... sometimes people think that if it's self-organizing, why would it need support? ....and i offer the analogy of a child (or a plant, for that matter...) the inner desire to grow, the unique gifts and talents, are all there... AND, the nurturing conditions are also very important... water and sun and shade, in the case of a plant, and in the case of a human being, EMPATHY.... APPRECIATION... RESPECT... i really think that there is a whole undiscovered universe when it comes to appreciating the true power of ATTENTION... i mean in some ways it's obvious, such as, who we 'attend' to in writing the historical record determines whose contributions get highlighted and whose get buried, and in turn affects the whole 'story' which gets handed down... and, my experience is that there is a lot more to be discovered about how our intentional attention, an attention flavored with empathy, appreciation, respect, can interact with and nourish that-which-is-growing.... anyway, these are just some late-night rambles, but i wanted to give you a taste of what your writing evoked for me! with all best wishes, Rosa -------------------------------------------------------- To: •••@••.••• From: Tom Atlee <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Gaian transformation & system dynamics Richard, I agree with your analysis re systems. I think there is powerful co-influence between consciousness and system structures and processes. Neither is sufficient as either explanation or tool for change. I'm in less agreement with your focus on locality. You say: "Biological systems are all locality-based. Species adapt to specific kinds of environments." Well, sort of, and sort of not. Migrations weave the world together. Some happen seasonally, some over long time periods. They are place-based, but many-place-based. They are not confined to a single bioregion, as your system is. Then there are weather patterns. Dust, toxins and bacteria from China blow over North America. What is the social analogue of the vast seas of water and air that cover the planet and move among bioregions and without which they couldn't survive? And now with nuclear and other toxics, one bioregion's or community's activities can harm another. So the whole must have a say in the actions of the part. There is centralization in that. I'm not sure you can escape it. The question is how to keep it benign, answerable, expressive-of-the-interests-of-the-whole. Not all life is local. Coheartedly, tom ----------------- Dear Tom, Yes life has a global aspect as well as a local aspect. But what you don't have is a majority of the world's elephants voting to compel all elephants everywhere to change to a new diet. In focusing on the local, I'm trying to get the first order term right, if you know what I mean. Do we start with the local, and then figure out how to deal with wider issues, or do we start with the centralized and try to somehow enable democracy and accountability? Everyone else seems to be starting with centralized solutions and I'm looking at the other approach. Not just to be devil's advocate, but because that's what seems to make more and more sense the more I look at it. One thing to notice is that many of today's local problems, which have consequences beyond their borders, would not be happening if the local people had anything to say about it. It is certainly not the Amazon tribes who are destroying the rain forests. And these wider problems usually affect the neighboring areas the most. I'd rather think in terms of Southeast Asia solving Southeast Asia's problems among themselves before involving others. It is easy to poke holes in other people's ideas. I've certainly done too much of that myself! I invite you to think a bit about how problems might be solved in the most decentralized way possible, rather than dismiss the idea and revert to centralization. Also keep in mind that in that thread we were hypothesizing a world which had adopted the Gaian paradigm. If each locality is trying to live sustainably and cooperatively, then they would be unlikely to create problems for others, either in their region or globally. all the best, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * Faith, Humanity, and Power * Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 08:59:27 -0700 Organization: Institute for Cultural Ecology X-Priority: 3 Richard; This is a wonderful piece you have written. I hope you get it distributed well on the net and into print wherever you can. I have witnessed your understanding develop in wonderful, well-rounded, open, self-critical dimensions, since we took that trip together up the redwood coast to mining country. I hope you are now ready to enter the fray of making the changes that you now understand so well need to be made. I feel that we are at the time when we should take the bull (Bush) by the horns and make the changes we know are needed, and not just stand on the sidelines and oppose. I'm headed for New Hampshire today to join the Dean campaign, not so much because I think he embodies the best choice today, but to get into his campaign and bring in Kucinch and the issues the grass roots needs for sustainability, particularly joining the grass roots right and the grass roots left. And, I have now helped begin several certified sustainable, locally owned businesses. The easiest to see on the net is at www.greenkarat.com. We hope to issue alternative money in certified ecologically mined gold, and gold-backed revolving funds and credit unions. I envision a Peoples' World Bank made up of networks of community-owned revolving funds and credit unions, like the uncorrupted parts of the CDFI movement in the US. As for hierarchies, I'm for councils of elders being the most vertical social institution in our new global culture of bioregional tribal nations. Brian -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 15:54:22 +0200 Subject: Re: Amerikas role in world politics 1914-2003 From: Helene Connor <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Richard, This is a very interesting summary of events and useful demystification. I thought that you could also have alluded to the "Report from the Iron Mountains" and to the Bilberger (orthog.?) Group. Thanks for sharing your work. Helene -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rex Barger" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Faith, etc. Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 08:27:55 -0400 I don't see how it is possible to live without some sort of faith. Since "the future's not our to see", everything we do requires faith that it's safe to do whatever it is that we are doing. I think you're on the right track in talking of faith in humanity, but perhaps it might be clearer to say "faith that our desire to serve the well-being of all life will set us in approximately the right direction, with the proviso that if it turns out bad, we are ready to make amends & change our ways in the hope of doing better." -- ============================================================ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in humanity, not gods, ideologies, or programs. _____________________________ cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog 'Truthout' excellent news source: http://www.truthout.org subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================