Support needed : Boston student suppression


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 09:23:07 -0500
To: •••@••.•••
From: "Raging Grannie (Wanda B)" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: There's this too -  Support  Boston Anti0War Students
  Suspended! Please call in your solidarity!

Defend free speech in Boston high schools
November 2, 2005
--- please distribute this appeal widely ---

.From Jennifer Hoerres, sophomore at Academy of the
Pacific Rim (Boston, MA) and activist with Youth Against
War and Racism

Today, Nov 2, we organized a walkout and protest against
Bush's war in Iraq and military recruiters. However, my
principal, Mr. Anselme, and my dean of students, Jonathan
Diamond, informed us at lunch that if we participated in
this protest we would be suspended for 3 days (much longer
than if we simply skipped out of school for no good reason
on another day). This is a violation of our free speech
rights and is effectively denying dozens of students
interested in participating in the democratic issues the
right to organize.

Well a lot of us decided to walk out anyway.  3/4s of our
high-school walked out.  I can say I walked out with my
head held high knowing I was doing this for a good cause. 
I primarily walked out to learn more about history and the
facts but not what is taught in history books.  I can say
I learned about something my school doesn't offer and it
was a learning experience of a lifetime.

I am asking you to call and/or e-mail my principal and
dean of students, and urge them to respect our free speech
rights and take back all their threats of suspensions. 
Their contact information is listed below.

Also students from other high-schools in Boston have
gotten even worse threats from their principals.  Both
Cambridge Rindge and Latin and Boston Latin Academy
threatened suspensions. They are really trying to
intimidate the students at Boston Latin Academy.  We got
an e-mail from a student there saying, "I go to Boston
Latin Academy, I'm in the 8th grade and i walked out of
school today... I went to the commons with 3 friends and
my girlfriend. All of which have been threatened with up
need help, we all do."

Please help us make these threats only threats by calling
and/or e-mailing the principals of those schools too.


Boston Latin Academy:
   Headmaster Garcia-Aaronson -- 617-635-9957

Cambridge Rindge and Latin:
   Principal Knight -- 617-349-6630

Academy of the Pacific Rim:
   Principal Anselme -- 617-361-0050 x157
   Dean Diamond -- 617-361-0050 x142

Thank you so much for your support.

Jennifer Hoerres, sophomore at Academy of the Pacific Rim, Boston MA
Youth Against War and Racism


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