-------------------------------------------------------- From: J To: "'Richard Moore'" <•••@••.•••> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 14:17:20 +0100 Thought the dialogue and your responses on the Jane Austin Fitts piece on Gore were excellent ...and very diplomatic. The feedback does demonstrate just how deeply entrenched the matrix is in some apparently enlightened individuals. I'm coming more and more to the view that the best way (perhaps the only way) to attack the soft underbelly of the matrix is by a thorough re-visiting of the history of the past century and exposing it as it truly is. Much energy is being expended by enlightened individuals attempting to second guess what the Money Power are presently up to - will be up to next - when a big, concerted effort to clearly define exactly how they got us here would be hugely more enlightening for We the people. I'm not suggesting that dialogue around questions such as, 'What do you think is going on?' aren't important, but your discussions some time ago with Korten, which to me were the most important and significant of all, just seemed to peter out with little further added. There is and always has been a path out there and all that's needed for We the people to see it, walk it, is that it be cleared and exposed. Clearing that path, inch by inch, of the deliberately created Matrix camouflage laid over it in the past 150 years is absolutely crucial - and can be done. ------- Hi J, I agree with you about the importance of 'clearing the path' of recent history. People's model of history -- even if they don't think they have one -- largely determines how they interpret the meaning of events. Consider 911 for example. When that event occurred, I was aware of three things: First, there had never been a terrorist attack by foreigners on American soil, nor would such an attack make any sense. Second, every war in which America has been involved was enabled by either a faked or arranged 'incident' (Tonkin Gulf, Pearl Harbor, etc. etc.). Third, the mainstream media has always enthusiastically collaborated, wittingly or not, with these deceptions. Given that awareness, or mindset, and seeing the amazing collapsing towers on TV, I immediately suspected: "This looks like our Reichstag Fire". The early announcements that "It was Al Qaeda" only encouraged this suspicion, as it seemed far too early to be sure what happened, if it had really been a terrorist attack, catching everyone totally by surprise. If one was not aware of the consistent 'incident' pattern in US history, that gives one quite a different mindset. Given that mindset, and seeing what appears to be a totally unprecedented and shocking event, there is no reason not to assume that TV is telling us what really happened. When Al Qaeda is named, that seems to add substance to the charge of terrorism, it suggests that hard evidence has been found. From a psychological point of view, first impressions are extremely important. That creates the 'mental set' which colors how we see things subsequently. With my mental set, I continued to notice clues of an inside job, and when real evidence started emerging, I was ready to look at it with an open mind. Someone with the other mental set, soaking in the initial TV explanation, would be noticing instead additional 'evidence' of terrorism, and when suggestions of 'inside job' came along, they'd think the people were deranged conspiracy theorists: it would be silly to look at that evidence seriously. --- I would like to spend less time talking about 'What do you think is going on?', and more time on moving forward with the ideas in ETM: developing empowered communities. People have responded favorably to the book, but I don't know of any who have responded with initiatives based on the ideas. My theory is that the the book will bear real fruit -- of the initiative variety -- when it comes to the attention of some group of 'concerned citizens' in a community. It doesn't matter what they're concerned about, but if they understand the ideas in the book they might be tempted to pursue a 'harmonization' approach to furthering their concern. Finding a facilitator and a bit of fundraising would not be particularly difficult tasks, compared with other kinds of concerned-citizen campaigns. --- As for my responses being 'diplomatic', that seems to be in the eye of the beholder. 'R' was not happy with my comments, although we are now resuming dialog. (See below). thanks for your message, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 17:17:51 +1200 From: A To: "Richard Moore quaylago" <•••@••.•••> Subject: re your reply to -R on the Al Gore film thread - powerfully well put!! I don't write to you often, as you know - you're wonderfully busy and don't need more help from me. But I can't resist telling you how much I appreciated the clear direct and to-the-point manner of your reply to -R on the "Catherine Austin Fitts: Al Gore ain't where it's at" thread. Very very well put. I wish I had managed that sort of clarity of expression in replying to people who criticised and were "put off" by the documentary film "The Controlling Interest" on the role and function of the multinational corporations made by California Newsreel in the late seventies (- '78?) The "liberal" crowd didn't "like" it, and had similar - or at least analogous - responses. All on peripheral and minor points, with some red herrings tossed in between as well --- because they were extremely discomfited, to put it mildly, by the major message and thrust of that film. ( Durkheim was it ? - who sugested that the class position one holds in a culture tends to determine, or at least has a lot to do with, the perspective one has on local and world events? My memory of 'details' grows dimmer, as I age, and my overall view gets much sharper. I wonder what comes next ?!! ) ------- Hi A, Interesting that you mention 'Controlling Interest'. I rented that film when it came out and showed to the folks at a hi-tech research center. In that case, they responded favorably. The word 'globalization' hadn't come along yet -- the film was well ahead of its time, and its style was very good -- much better than Michael Moore, though not nearly as well promoted. I wonder if they've produced an update? --- I've also noticed the pattern: "peripheral and minor points, with some red herrings tossed in between". This seems to be 'looking for an excuse to dismiss'. I also notice that people can adamantly deny that they are being dismissive. In addition, many seem to resent being labelled a 'liberal'. R, for example, responded like this: Give me a break, Richard. First, I started out by saying that much of the article was "VERY GOOD". Did I need to make additional positive statements of gushing praise to make it clear that I meant what I said? My comments amounted to what was intended and should have been understood as a strong compliment followed by challenges on a just a few points, though ones the author clearly regarded as important. I believe these remarks are entirely sincere. Indeed they may be honest at a deep level -- I can't see inside R's head. But since we aren't identifying R -- and with sincere apologies to R -- I'm going to go with my gut diagnosis: The urge to dismiss is being suppressed above, and what we see is an unconscious attempt at rationalization. One indicator of this is the strong defensive tone (methinks thou doth protesteth too loudly). If we look back at R's original message, we see one phrase in praise ("Much of the article is very good...") followed by "but", and a paragraph of objections. The objections are indeed "peripheral and minor points, with some red herrings tossed in between", and they are also rather strongly worded. If someone were to read those objections first, they would be likely to conclude that Catherine's piece isn't worth looking at, because it is tainted by very misleading material. I can't help interpreting this as dismissive behavior, albeit unconscious. Why did R, assuming my diagnosis is right so far, feel the need to dismiss Catherine's article? Let's explore your theory on this: His "class position" caused him to be "extremely discomfited" with what she had to say. Discomfited: uneasy or perplexed -- thefreedictionary.com What did she have to say? Catherine's primary message was that the system is run by a bunch of gangsters, and that Gore is a willing and deceitful accomplice -- a gangster in progressive clothing. It is easy to see why someone could be perplexed by this message if (a) they believe that our only hope lies in reforming the system, or (b) they believe that their livelihood is tied up with the continued operation of the system. Both of these things would seem to be true for a great many middle-class liberals and progressives. And yet, if such people are well-informed, they also know that much of what Catherine says makes sense. This creates an internal conflict that makes one even more perplexed and uneasy. One can either make the leap -- swallow the red pill -- and consider Catherine's main message seriously, or else one feels a need to take the blue pill: to somehow put these perplexing ideas out of ones mind. By grasping on to minor defects, one can then dismiss the article by, "It's a mixed bag -- better to move on to more solid material". And, to avoid discussion of the perplexing central issues which have some grain of truth, one can precede the dismissal with: "Much of the article is very good...". --- R continues: Second, where the hell do you get the idea that I'm a liberal? That's insulting and ignorant. I've never considered or called myself a liberal. I'm a radical, which means in part that I don't hesitate to question anything and everything that strikes me as deserving of being questioned This brings in a different line of discussion. No longer are we dealing with psychological speculation, but rather with definitions: What is a liberal? What is a radical? My understanding of a 'radical', in the context of the political spectrum, is someone who believes that the system needs to be radically changed -- and that reform is a waste of time. Such a person may generally have an open mind, but about their radical position they have made up their mind. They are largely 'committed' to some line of reasoning and some set of conclusions. (btw: radicals can be very dismissive of contrary theories from other radicals). My understanding of liberals is much more difficult to pin down. I think "don't hesitate to question anything" is a fairly central principle of liberalism. The big thing is always to be open minded, never doctrinaire, always hip, never to be hoodwinked by a snake-oil salesman, never to be committed to believing something that might be disproved. We might note that liberalism had its origins in the Enlightenment, in the rejection of the divine authority of the Church and the Crown. Liberalism is about 'open reason' being better than 'belief in doctrine'. That's a good starting point, but if it paralyzes one from ever reaching important conclusions about life and the world, it can be ultimately disempowering. Another principle that seems to be central to liberalism is a belief in 'human progress', along with: a belief in 'system progress': "Not only have human lives steadily improved, since cave man days, but our systems of governance have gotten better and better over time. They aren't perfect yet, but progress will continue. Radicals would throw the baby out with the bath water, threatening our continuing progress. They are too impulsive and impatient." Catherine is attacking the belief in 'system progress', by equating our governance to gangsterism. She is also being a bit doctrinaire about her beliefs, which makes her 'fair game' to liberal critique. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: R Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 22:53:17 EDT To: •••@••.••• I won't comment further except to say that I'm very disturbed by the blatant dishonesty involved in both the Russo film itself, as pointed out by both the NYT writer and Jim Senyszyn, and the marketing of it, as pointed out in the NYT review (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/31/movies/31russ.html). Russo's dishonesty is so egregious as to cause me to be dismissive of the entire film on that basis alone. If there is a good case to be made against the Federal Reserve -- and I assume there is -- I want to hear it from someone who cares deeply about factual accuracy, as I know you do but Russo clearly does not. (Were you aware, by the way, that Russo sought the Libertarian Party presidential candidacy in 2004? Like other libertarians, he believes the best way to deal with the problems of the world is to make governments as small and powerless as possible so we can be saved by the magic of the marketplace.) I must say that I do have serious doubts about the theory that the Fed is at the root of our problems. That strikes me as panacea/conspiracy thinking of a kind that is neither very helpful in understanding our predicament in all its complexity (as your book attempts much more seriously and thoughtfully to do) nor helpful in seeking workable means for getting us out of our predicament. As bad as the Fed may be, it's hard to imagine what can be done to get rid of it right now. I can't imagine that even the slickest and most cleverly marketed propaganda efforts will do the trick. Meanwhile, many other things can be done that, I'm certain, have a much better chance of succeeding. I'll be sending out some information in the next day or two about a couple of new initiatives that I believe are especially promising. --- Hello again R, I haven't seen Russo's film, and from what I've read I suspect you may be correct in your assessment. I'd still like to see it however, to judge for myself all of what he has to say. I found LOTS of fault with Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, but overall I think it was useful for people to see, and I learned a thing or two from it. You note that Russo's "dishonesty is so egregious as to cause me to be dismissive of the entire film on that basis alone". And you confidently provide a NYT article as evidence. That's fair enough, but do consider that the NY Times frequently exhibits egregious dishonesty, and yet we still use it as a resource. Indeed I find the article you cite to be itself egregious. Not that it doesn't contain some truths, as Russo's film probably does as well, but it is intentionally deceptive on many points. You also dismiss Russo because you disagree with his libertarian views and connections. Why not dismiss the NY Times based on disagreement with its editorial positions, and its connections to corporate and financial elites? So again I'm led to the conclusion that liberals have a particular 'ostrich mechanism' for hiding their heads in the sand to avoid seeing anything that would challenge their faith in the basic validity of the system and of progress. That mechanism masquerades as a 'critical mind', selectively applied. Please understand, R, that this analysis is not about you personally, and may not actually apply to you. I wouldn't be writing this if I had not encountered this same kind of dialog many times before, and if I did not think these issues are important for us to examine. Your particular articulation is well written, which is why I've pounced on it, and the words do permit the kind of interpretations I'm pursuing, whether or not that's what you intended. Your paragraph about the Fed enables us to deepen our understanding of the ostrich mechanism. Here we are not talking about a rejection of a specific article or film. Instead you are presenting a list of reasons to avoid looking at information about the Fed, regardless of its source. Even well-documented sources are not of interest, because we can't do anything about it "right now". And of course, "sounds like a conspiracy theory" is enough to dismiss anything. You've prepared your hole in the sand in advance. What is so discomfiting about anti-Fed information? That's pretty clear: the Fed is a main pillar of our system, along with the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the New York Stock Exchange, etc. To question the fundamental validity of the Fed is to challenge the system at a radical level. OK, enough of that. I don't feel comfortable being so critical, but these are issues I've wanted to look at for some time. --- After all of this, I am very encouraged to see your comment: "understanding our predicament in all its complexity (as your book attempts much more seriously and thoughtfully to do)". You did not reject my book! ...even though it propounds the mother of all conspiracy theories. Not only do I suggest 911 was an inside job, and talk about the Fed-creation conspiracy, and describe both WWI and WWII as Anglo-American conspiracies, but I characterize all of hierarchical civilization up to this day as being basically a conspiracy of elites against their populations. And yet people generally, like you, have not been dismissing the book on that basis, nor even have they been characterizing the book as 'conspiracy theory' material. Somehow, I've managed to get this kind of material through people's 'dismissal filters', people who might be likely to dismiss the same material presented in other ways. I'm not sure how I did that, but it's certainly what I wanted. I do know that the dialog on this list has been essential to that endeavor. Partly because of the information people have shared, and the feedback they've given, and partly because the various arguments and debates I've had with people gives me a sense of how people dismiss material, which helped me minimize the occurrence 'dismissible statements' in the book. with respect, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 20:34:31 -0500 From: Catherine Austin Fitts <•••@••.•••> X-Accept-Language: en-us, en To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: re-2: Fitts & Gore Richard: Greetings from Flathead County, Montana. Excellent discussion. Our current society is highly centralized. Hence, we have a culture of celebrities and leaders anointed by big media. If we want to decentralize, step one is to withdraw from a desire for this leadership model and envision our lives full of thousands of authentic leaders with whom we have an intimate connection -- we listen to them, we support them, we finance them, we buy from them and we wish them well -- indeed there is ample opportunity for all of us to be leaders when we feel like it. On that note, you may enjoy an old article, a bit out of date, but the topic is subset of our need to wake up and come clean from a Tapeworm culture -- which we each have the personal power to do: Sensuality vs. Puritanism: What Can A Woman Can Do to Help the Solari Index Rise? http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0203/S00160.htm Montana is so beautiful these days, I am at a loss for words to describe. The beauty of this planet is certainly worth whatever we can do to be worthy of it, Best, Catherine -------- Hi Catherine, Nice to hear from you again. You've certainly had an impact on our cj community. I look forward to your further contributions. I like your concept of 'thousands of authentic leaders', 'intimate connection', and mutual inter-benefit. That is empowering stuff. Not only in the immediate economic sense, but in spreading a general spirit of empowerment, of being 'at cause' rather than 'at effect', and of finding empowerment with other people, rather than as an 'individual growth trip'. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:18:26 EDT Subject: Re: re-2: Fitts & Gore To: •••@••.••• wise answers to honest open questions. ----- Hi Jim, Always nice to hear from you. Your comments are extremely pithy, and yet they always say a lot. People have indeed been offering 'honest open' questions and comments, and that makes responding very difficult. One must, in fairness, dig for equal honesty in responding. This particular posting took the best part of three days to put together. It takes a long time to dry fruit, as we used to say in group. nice to know you're around rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Blogs: cyberjournal forum http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Achieving real democracy http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ for readers of ETM http://matrixreaders.blogspot.com/ Community Empowerment http://empowermentinitiatives.blogspot.com/ Blogger made easy http://quaylargo.com/help/ezblogger.html