Friends, These comments recently crossed my desk... __________________________________________________ ...For any sane Marxist, the reason to be nervous of a suggestion that we should make alliances with American far-right groups, religious fundamentalists, movements in defence of small property or movements in favour of traditional community is not some sense of ideological purity. It's historical memory - in particular, the memory of what happened in the last century when movements like these gained power in most of Europe, and in particular the memory of what happened to left-wing intellectuals when those movements came to power. __________________________________________________ To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: "Talking with the Enemy" - beyond left & right Gosh I feel like singing now: "It's a small world, after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world." Right meets left links are both naive and dangerous. This sounds more like a self-indulgent and useless therapy session to me. All of this comes from a silly Hegelian notion that there is a common ground to everything. Maybe sometimes we should call evil for what it is--EVIL. __________________________________________________ I'd like to bring this discussion down to a personal level. I have a close relative, an extended family member, who happens to be a fundamentalist Christian. Let's call her "G". Now G, it turns out, is a wonderful, warm, compassionate woman, who does her best to live an ethic in the tradition of Jesus or St. Francis. Her generosity sometimes shames me. I refuse to look at her as an enemy, in fact I love her as a sister. On the other hand, she believes all sorts of things which to me are weird, naive, and politically dangerous. Here are a few... 1) Our societal decline is due to loose liberal values. 2) The political failure of Washington is due to liberal pressure groups, particularly gays. 3) The US always tries to 'do good' with its foreign policy. 4) Conservative politicians are truthful, whereas liberal politicians lie to get votes. 5) The Bible is, more or less, the literal truth, as revealed. On the other hand, she believe a lot of things that I don't have any problem with: 1) Schools should have smaller classes and be more locally centered. 2) Pornography should not be so readily available to minors. 3) Politicians need to be more honest, accountable, and representative of their constituencies. 4) We need a lot more ethics in public life and a lot less greed. 5) Corporations shouldn't be allowed to pollute the environment. The central question for us, I suggest, is this: Is it possible for us to create a better society, in such a way that both G and I would be happy with the outcome? Or to put it in the negative, Is it necessary, as a result of the 'revolution', for one of us to 'lose' and the other to 'win'?. Is there no 'win-win version' of society that both conservatives and progressives can be happy living in? Perhaps someone would like to argue the other side, but it seems to me that a win-win version of society is clearly possible. We would each need to give up some things (compulsory Bible study in schools, compulsory study of Chomksy in schools), but we could have a lot of good things, like honest politics, better schools, sustainable economics, etc. We could both be happy with the changes, even if we each retained our separate gripes about the human condition in general. As I see it, what 'the movement' needs to be is the 'coming together of people' to _listen to one another, to _agree on the 'good things' that we all want, and _agree-to-disagree (as we do today in society!) about some other things, like abortion and the Bible. From this perspective, we would want to engage the 'other' early in the process, and not have our 'coming together' be a matter of special-interest alignments. The revolution that makes sense to me is the victory of common sense over ideology, not the defeat of one ideology by another. I'm not interested in any alliances with right-wing groups, but I'm not interested in participating in a leftist movement either. Why don't we check our ideologies at the door, along with our six guns, and get together to figure out what kind of society would benefit all of us and all of our families? --- And then reality hits home: How come G and I never talk about politics without getting into the same old pro-and-con arguments? Why don't we ever talk about 'common benefit' societies? There are of course many reasons, from habit to the fun of seeing the other one get all wound up. But part of it is our beliefs about 'getting results' politically. The paradigm we all use is 'join a special interest group'. If you're a progressive, join progressive groups and vote for progressive candidates (if you can find them). Similar for conservatives. Hence, we see each other as political enemies, each supporting the wrong candidates. No wonder that our political conversations naturally gravitate toward this 'open wound' between us. By now, we should realize that this 'special interest' approach to political effectiveness is not serving us very well. Both sides try to vote for 'lesser-of-two-evils' and neither ends up with the society they want. And because we attach ourselves to polarized causes, as a strategy, we see no value in discussing things together at the grass-roots level. We both know, in our hearts, the other is never going to switch sides, so what's the point, politically, of discussion? So my suggestion to the movement is to build on the paradigm that we've seen emerging since Seattle and at Porto Alegra. People are finding values and objectives that they can agree on - in response to globalization and hyper-captalism - and they are leaving some of their other differences aside. This is only a start, but I think its a start in the right direction. As a movement, we need to move beyond 'pseudocommunity' and engage in the tougher questions of developing movement strategy and new-society programs. We need to go through the necessary 'chaos' stage and get all our stuff out on the table. Then the movement can begin to build _ongoing cohesion and substance, and not just rise like a pheonix at each gathering of the global institutions. And, we need to extend the base of supporters beyond those already attracted to the movement. Grass-roots conservatives are not served by rampant capitalism anymore than the rest of us, and environmental collapse threatens all of us equally. The Titanic is steaming toward the iceberg, and we're all on board together. Instead of grabbing the helm and steering to safety, we're debating whether the deck chairs should face left or right. When I talk about 'beyond left and right' I'm talking about a creative process of listening and dialog between friends and neighbors, not any alliance between ideologically- aligned groups. I've included below the 'stages of community' as stated by John Bunzil in "Simultaneous Policy" ( thoughts? richard ___________________________________________________________ "Pseudocommunity can be described merely as the reaction of a group of people who are seeking to form a community and start off, as soon as they meet, by pretending they already are one..." "Chaos is the period when the cloying politeness and pleasantness of pseudocommunity finally gives way to the participants revealing their true prejudices and irritations about each other. This manifests itself as well-intentioned but misguided and competitive attempts to heal and convert." "Emptiness is the stage at which the participants come gradually to realise the futility of their chaotic and competitive attempts at healing and converting one another." "In [the final, community] stage a soft quietness descends. It is a kind of peace. The room is bathed in peace. Then, quietly, a member of the group begins to talk about herself...[etc. etc. etc.]...And community has been born." ___________________________________________________________