rn> Anti FTAA Organizing Extravaganzas | Columbia teach-ins


Richard Moore

Delivered-To: •••@••.•••
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:43:41 -0800
To: •••@••.•••
From: Carol Brouillet <•••@••.•••>
Subject: [ATTAC CHAT] US- March 2-11 Anti FTAA Organizing Extravaganzas

Excellent networking, educational, organizing, networking
opportunities, in preparation for April!!!

The Global Justice Tour Conference 
Friday, March 2 - 4, 2001, 
University of Chicago, in Hyde Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA

A group called Call To Action (CtA), a collective of young,
inspiring activist organizers who have worked with the
Rainforest Action Network, Ruckus Society, Earth First!,
Greenpeace, the Student Alliance to Reform Corporations
(STARC), the War Resisters League, Direct Action Network,
Inner City Press/Community on the Move and many community
groups, are going to be leading the Global Justice Tour 2001
conference here in Chicago, a MIDWEST GATHERING for their
caravan across the northern US, as they make stops at
campuses along the way enroute to Quebec City for the April
meeting of the Free Trade Area of the Americas.

CtA is giving grassroots issue and skills training to
activists and organizers nationwide, and is devoted to:
    1) building a new generation of environmental and social
    justice activists with the skills and vision necessary to
    create fundamental social change;
    2) fostering networks between traditionally isolated
    movements including the environmental, human rights, social
    justice, globalization and labor movements, by including
    activists from a wide range of backgrounds;
    3) highlighting local connections by giving Chicago-based
    organizations a space to talk about their own campaigns and
    actions; and
    4) focusing on Citigroup as one of many multinational
    beneficiaries of FTAA talks, to increase awareness about its
    policies of redlining and predatory lending; private prison
    construction and strike breaking; environmental destruction
    and forced relocation; as well as its influences in
    international trade policy and third world debt, through
    grassroots campaigning, media campaigns, and non-violent
    civil disobedience.

The People's Summit on Globalization
March 8-11, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA

This conference aims to bring speakers, panelists, community
members, students, workers, educators, and other global
citizens to learn about the effects of globalization and to
change the power structures that affect our world. More than
just a "conference" in the traditional sense, we will be
training, planning and networking with each other to better
organize and mobilize ourselves for future action. In the
spirit of democracy, the planners and the participants of
the conference echo the cries of our forefathers in their
attempt to escape the imperialist grip of England: NO

2nd Annual Ruckus Society Alternative Spring Break : 'Spank
the Bank!' Action Camp
March 11-18, 2001, Arcadia, Florida, U.S.A.

'Spank the Bank!' A week-long intensive skill-share in the
strategies and tactics of nonviolent direct action for
student organizers and activists engaged in campus and youth
organizing for fundamental social change. The theme is SPANK
THE BANK! focusing on the campaign to confront the world's
most destructive financial institution-- Citigroup: an
effort to unite different social movements to attack the
corporate globalization problem at its roots - the banks!

Unless of course all of us get together and STOP them! For
more information contact: Beka Economopoulos, Rainforest
Action Network •••@••.••• ph) 917-560-3609 JC, The Ruckus
Society •••@••.••• ph) 510.848.9565 Apply online now at

Labor in the Americas: Globalization, Inequality and the
Challenges  for Activism
March 23-24, 2001, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Delivered-To: •••@••.•••
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 19:09:43 -0800
Subject: 3 Bay Area Educational Events: Stanford, UCSC, UCB
From: Sandra Alvarez <•••@••.•••>
To: GX Colombia Listserve <•••@••.•••>,
Sender: •••@••.•••

Three Events Toward Community Education and Discourse on Colombia This Week:

1. At Stanford, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27-28:

On behalf of the Colombian Students Association and the Stanford
Center for Latin American Studies, we are pleased to invite all of you to
the upcoming forum:


to be held at the Stanford Law School on February 27th and 28th.

We are bringing to this conference a very interesting group of
scholars, policy analysts, negotiators, journalists and other practitioners
from a variety of international institutions and organizations, who will
discuss the complex situation Colombia presents not only for people and
government, but also for the country's regional neighbors and other members
the international community.

February 27, 2001
Stanford Law School Room 190
(view Map Location)

8:30 doors open, coffee available

Welcome and Opening Remarks: Roots of the Conflict
(Terry Karl; Director, Center for Latin American Studies  
and Professor of Political Science, Stanford University)

Panel - The Culture of Violence*
(Introduction/commentator: Maria Elena Rueda, Ph.D. Candidate,  
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Stanford University)

Jesus Martin Barbero; founder of the Department of Communication,
Universidad del Valle, Colombia; former president, Latin American
Society of Communication Researchers (ALAIC); current visiting
professor, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

* This panel will be in Spanish

12:00-3:00  Lunch Break

Panel - War & Economy
(Moderator - Monica Hurtado, MA, Peace Studies, University of Notre
MA Candidate, Latin American Studies, Stanford University)

Eduardo Sarmiento; Former Dean of Economics, Universidad de los
Andes; current Dean of Economics, Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria
Leslie Wirpsa; CLAS Human Rights Doctoral Fellow, Stanford
Marcelo Bucheli, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Stanford

Evening Reception  

February 28, 2001
Stanford Law School Room 290  
(view Map Location)

8:30 doors open, coffee available

Panel  - Accountability & Press Freedom
(Moderator-Robert Collier, SF Chronicle Latin American correspondent)

Tim Johnson; John S. Knight Fellow, Stanford University; former
Bogota correspondent, Miami Herald
Clara Ines Rueda; John S. Knight Fellow, Stanford University;
former Managing Editor, Gerente business magazine, Bogota

11:00-1:00 Lunch Break  

Panel - Conflict Resolution: Efforts towards Peace
(Moderator - Professor Jonathan Greenberg, Stanford Law School)

Rafael Pardo; Former peace counselor & defense minister, Colombian
Carlos Jaramillo; Former peace counselor & negotiator, Colombian
Carlo Nasi; MacArthur Affiliate, CISAC, Stanford University

3:00-3:30 Break

Panel  - Drugs, Human Rights, and US policy
(Moderator - Terry Karl; Director, Center for Latin American Studies  
and Professor of Political Science, Stanford University)

Ignacio Gomez; director of investigations at El Espectador; recipient
of the Journalist of the Year award in Colombia and the Amnesty
International Human Rights Special Award for Journalists under Threat
in 2000.
Winifred Tate; Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) Fellow
for Colombia
Michael Kenney; Doctoral Fellow, CISAC

We gratefully thank the co-sponsorship of:

Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS)
Stanford Center for Conflict and Negotiation (SCCN)
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Mid-Peninsula Chapter of the World Affairs Council

For more information contact:

Sandra V. Chaparro

Andrés E. Mantilla
Vicepresident/Financial Officer

For more information, please visit the following link:


2.  In Santa Cruz, Thursday and Friday, March 1-2:

Come hear activists, experts, professors, journalists, and students
from the U.S. and Colombia speak about and discuss the issues at
hand and learn about how to get involved in campaigns to help the
people of Colombia.


Thursday, March 1st:

Introduction -- 10 minutes

---Panel One: Colombian Culture and History; The Roots of the
Conflict -- 1 hour
David Sweet, Professor of Latin American History, UC Santa Cruz
Michael Stanfield, Professor of Latin American Studies, USF

---Panel Two: The Drug War and Plan Colombia -- 1-1.25 hours
Moyara Reuhsen, Graduate Professor, Monterey Institute for
International Studies
Andrew Miller, Advocacy Director for Latin America, Amnesty
Alexandra Arango, Graduate Student, Scripps College <-- she may
speak on first panel...

Friday, March 2nd:

Introduction -- 10 minutes

---Panel Three: Human Rights and the Environment: A Crisis -- 1 hour
Carwil James, Project Underground
Esteban Panilla, Colombian Human Rights Committee

--Panel Four: Efforts for Peace and the Future of Latin America--1
Ron Smith, Independent Filmmaker and Peace Brigades participant
Adam Smith, Colombian Support Network <---he may speak on Drug
War/Plan Colombia Panel

***Each Panel will be accompanied by a short documentary about the
topic in question***

For more information, Contact SMAC at •••@••.•••
For press inquiries, please write to Sky Gilbar at

3. In Berkeley, Friday, March 2:

A groundbreaking conference bringing together leading
Experts from both Latin America and the United States to
discuss both the roots of the current Colombian crisis, and
the future effects of US strategy in the region.

The one day event will have two panels.  The first will
focus on the historical context of the political and
economic turmoil in Colombia; and the second will examine
the current peace process, the Colombian and United States'
government policies, and human rights concerns. This is a
rare opportunity to hear prominent scholars, policy Analysts
and journalists engage in an open dialogue about the
volatile situation in Colombia.

Friday, March 2, 2001
First panel: 9 am to 12pm
Second panel: 2 pm to 4:30 pm
The Bancroft Hotel, 2680 Bancroft Way
University of California, Berkeley

For information and updates, see the "Colombia in Context"
Website:  http://socrates.berkeley.edu:7001/colombia/index.html

Center for Latin American Studies
University of California
2334 Bowditch Street
Berkeley, CA  94720-2312
E-mail:  •••@••.•••
Tel:  510-642-2088
Fax:  510-642-3260
URL:  http://www.clas.berkeley.edu/clas

Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:32:19 -0500
From: Nurev Ind Research <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Shrewd politicians all.

Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and George W. were kidnapped and
brought to a small country in Central America where they
were charged with war crimes.

They each were sentenced to death by firing squad.

Clinton was put up against the wall first. As the squad
lifted their rifles, he yelled EARTHQUAKE!!! The squad hit
the ground, and Clinton ran away.

Next, Gore was put up against the wall. After watching
Clinton lie his way out of trouble for 8 years, he also
learned a thing or two.

As the squad raised their rifles Al screams TORNADO!!!

The squad scrambles for cover and Al slinks away.

Then they get George W. Not being as stupid as most people
think he is, he understood that yelling out a natural
disaster will distract the shooters and allow him to run

As the squad raised their rifles, George W. screams "
FIRE!!! FIRE!!!"

Old joke.
Reworked by me.

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
website: http://cyberjournal.org

    A community will evolve only when
    the people control their means of communication.
    - Frantz Fanon

    "Find out just what people will quietly submit to , and you
    have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong
    which will be imposed on them,and these will continue till
    they are resisted with either words or blows. The limits of
    tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
    -Frederick Douglass

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