rn> activist announcements: Dublin, Quebec City


Richard Moore

Delivered-To: •••@••.•••
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 10:22:33 +0000
From: Attac <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Attac Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of
Members and Friends of Attac

Saturday 10th March
From 1 to 5 p.m.
The Writers Museum,
18 Parnell Square,
Dublin 1

Debate from 2:30 to 4:30 pm

"The Neo-Liberal Agenda in the Media"

Chairman - David McWilliams (Economist and host of TV3's Agenda)

Speakers include:

Bob Quinn (Filmaker and author)
Oliver O'Connor (Advisor to the Tanaiste Mary Harney)
Kieran Allen ( Author of the Celtic Tiger - the Myth of Social Partnership)

attac, the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid
of Citizens

It is simply a question of taking back, together, the future of our world

Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 16:29:25 -0800
Subject: Women's Call to Action-for Quebec city
From: Starhawk <•••@••.•••>
To: <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>,
        <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>,
        <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>,
        <•••@••.•••>, David Korten <•••@••.•••>,
        <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>,


French version below.  Also far below is something I wrote
about why we're protesting the FTAA, please feel free to
forward or post, thanks,


Please circulate widely.

Weaving a Web of Solidarity
A feminist action against globalisation
Summit of the Americas on the FTAA
Quebec City, April 2001

On the weekend of April 20-22, leaders of thirty four
countries will come to Quebec to tie a new strand in the web
of corporate globalisation: the Free Trade Agreement of the
Americas (FTAA), the regional accord that will expand NAFTA
(North American Free Trade Agreement) throughout the
hemisphere.  In response, thousands of us will come to
Quebec City to resist them.  From Canada to Argentina, women
and men will take action to express our opposition to the
extension of the corporate web. Women bear the brunt of the
violence of globalisation, yet despite all the oppression,
repression and exploitation, women continue to rise up.  
This is a call to rise up as we join together in a Women's
Action, to take place alongside the many actions and events
of the weekend.

We are taking action because we will no longer tolerate the
web of corporate control that binds us down and constricts
our lives.  We will not allow this system to continue.  We
have taken its measure: its time is done.  Instead, we will
become spiders, spinning a new web of connection, of
solidarity out of our rage, out of our love.

We will, as women, weave together our hopes and dreams, our
aspirations, our indictments, our testimony, our witnessing,
our demands, our visions.  We will write on ribbons, on
strips of cloth, on rags. We will draw, paint, knot cords,
braid yarn, whisper into pieces of string.  And from these
materials we will weave our web.

If they ignore our voices and continue their deliberations,
the cries of women will haunt them and undo all their plans.
 Though they erect a fence to stop us, we will twine our web
through its mesh to be the visible symbol of the power of
women, of the revolution we weave.  When they try to wall us
out of their meetings, they will only wall themselves in. 
We claim all of the world beyond their wall.

We ask our brothers to support us, to honor our women's
space so that we who have so often been invisible can stand
forth and be seen.  We ask you to support us by looking
honestly at the ways that, even within our own movements,
women are ignored, suppressed, or discounted.  And when you
support us in this action, where we stand together as women,
it will spark actions where we fight side by side. For we
know that you too, are weavers of this web.

We ask the ancestors to stand with us. For the web of life
links the living and the dead.  We ask the generations of
the future to stand with us, for we fight for the world you
will inherit.  We ask the spirits of the earth to support us
and be our ground, for we fight for the continuance of life.
We are invincible, for life itself weaves with us.


Form an affinity group. An affinity group is a group of
10-20 people with whom you have 'affinity'; that is, a
common bond (family, friends, common issue, work colleagues,
etc.), that meets regularly to discuss common issues and to
act. Choose one or two members to represent your group at
the Council of representatives. The Council of
representatives will 'meet' in virtual space until the week
before the Summit of the Americas, at which point meetings
will take place in Quebec. The Council of representatives
meetings will be the forum to decide on strategy for the
action. Keep your eye on the CMAQ (Quebec Centre for
Independent Media) website (www.cmaq.net) for a Women's web
of solidarity action link.

Initiate (or continue), in your affinity group, a dialogue
on the impacts of globalisation on women in your home area.

Women around the world bear the brunt of globalisation. our
voices together will allow us to add to the feminist
analysis of globalisation, and to strengthen our cause.

Weave your part of the web of solidarity.

Take what comes out of your dialogue on women and
globalisation, and, as a group, weave a section of the web
of solidarity to represent your consensus. Use your
imagination. use yarn, materials, photos, newspaper
clippings. The sky is the limit.

Add your section of the web to the web of solidarity in
Quebec City in April 2001.

Here are some suggestions on the many ways to join your
section of the web to the larger web of solidarity:

*Come as an affinity group to Quebec City in April 2001, to
participate in the collective weaving of the web of
solidarity. A fence is being erected around the buildings
where the Summit is being held in order to keep protesters
out - residents inside the perimeter are required to have
identity cards in order to gain access to their own homes
during the Summit. This fence symbolises, for us, the
anti-democratic process of the FTAA - we want to reclaim
that fence, that space. Those wanting to weave (literally or
symbolically and non-violently) their parts of the web into
the fence are invited to do so on the 19th of April (the day
preceding the opening of the meeting). Affinity groups not
wanting to approach the fence are invited to plan other
kinds of actions using the web parts (blocking an
intersection to catch Summit negotiators in the web, or
decorating a park with parts of the web, etc.). Creativity
and imagination are key! The sky is the limit!

*Send your section of the web to the address below and the
women present in Quebec will ensure that your section is
woven into the larger web.

*Send a photograph of your section of the web to the address
below, and the women present in Quebec will enlarge it and
add it to the larger web.

*Get together with other affinity groups in your area and
weave your sections together closer to your home.

Québec contact information:
E-mail address: •••@••.•••
Mailing address: Toile femme Québec 2001, C.P. 70021, Québec, Québec
(Canada) G1R 6B1 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Les versions espagnoles et portugaises à suivre. La version "publiable"
sera envoyé en formal PDF d'ici une semaine.

SVP circuler le plus possible!

Tisser la toile de notre solidarité
Action féministe contre la mondialisation
Sommet des Amériques sur la ZLEA
Québec, avril 2001 

Au cours de la fin de semaine du 20 au 22 avril, les
dirigeants de trente-quatre pays se réuniront à Québec pour
ajouter un autre fil à la toile mondiale du commerce et
renforcer encore davantage la mondialisation de l'économie :
la Zone de libre échange des Amériques (ZLEA), l'accord
régional qui étend l'ALENA (Accord de libre-échange
nord-américain) aux deux hémisphères des Amériques. Afin de
réagir à cela, des milliers de personnes convergeront vers
Québec pour manifester leur opposition. Du Canada jusqu'au
Brésil, des femmes et des hommes poseront des gestes pour
exprimer leur opposition à l'élargissement du réseau des
grandes entreprises.

Les femmes subissent de plein fouet les effets de la
mondialisation, et malgré toute l'oppression, la répression
et l'exploitation, les femmes se soulèvent encore et
toujours. Cette lettre est un appel : levez-vous et
joignez-vous à notre Action féministe qui aura lieu
parallèlement aux nombreuses actions et événements de la fin
de semaine. Nous entreprenons des actions parce que nous ne
pouvons tolérer plus longtemps le réseau de contrôle tissé
par les grandes entreprises qui nous entrave et pèse de tout
son poids sur nos vies. Nous ne permettrons pas à ce système
de se perpétuer. Nous en avons pris toute la mesure et c'est
assez. Nous deviendrons des araignées. De notre rage, de
notre amour, nous tirerons la matière première pour tisser
un réseau, une toile de solidarité.

Nous, les femmes, tisserons une toile faite de nos espoirs,
de nos rêves, de nos aspirations, de nos accusations, de nos
témoignages, de nos exigences, de nos visions. Nous les
écrirons sur des rubans, des bannières, des chiffons. Nous
allons peindre, dessiner, nouer des cordes, tresser des
fils, insuffler nos paroles à des ficelles. Et de ces
matériaux, nous tisserons notre toile.

Alors même qu'ils font la sourde oreille et poursuivent leur
discussions, nos cris se mettront à les hanter et feront
échouer tous leurs projets. Qu'ils érigent des clôtures pour
nous arrêter et nous entrelacerons les fils de notre toile à
leurs mailles, symbole éclatant du pouvoir des femmes, de la
révolution qui se trame. Qu'ils essaient de nous exclure de
leurs réunions et ils ne feront que s'enfermer eux-mêmes.
Au-delà de leurs murs, le monde nous appartient.

Nous demandons à nos frères de nous soutenir, de respecter
notre espace de femmes, afin que nous puissions occuper
l'avant de la scène et être vues, nous qui avons si
longtemps été invisibles. Nous vous demandons de nous
soutenir en regardant honnêtement toutes les façons dont les
femmes sont ignorées, écartées ou découragées, même au sein
de nos propres mouvements. Et lorsque vous soutenez cette
action qui nous rassemble entre femmes, vous ouvrez la voie
à des actions où nous nous battrons côte à côte. Nous savons
que, vous aussi, vous tissez cette toile. Nous demandons aux
ancêtres d'être à nos côtés, car la grande toile de la vie
unit les vivants et les morts. Nous demandons aux
générations futures de se joindre à nous, car nous nous
battons pour le monde dont elles hériterons. Nous demandons
aux esprits de la terre de nous soutenir, car nous nous
battons pour la perpétuation de la vie.

Nous sommes invincibles, car la vie elle-même prend racine en nous.


à former un groupe d'affinités... Un groupe d'affinités est
groupe comptant de 10 à 20 personnes avec lesquelles vous
avez des « affinités », c'est-à-dire quelque chose en commun
(famille, amis, groupe d'intérêt, collègues de travail,
etc.) et qui se réunissent régulièrement pour discuter de
sujets qui les préoccupent et pour agir. Choisissez une ou
deux membres de votre groupe qui vous représenteront au
Conseil des représentantes. Ce conseil tiendra des
rencontres virtuelles jusqu'à la semaine qui précède le
Sommet des Amériques. À ce moment-là, les rencontres auront
lieu à Québec. Les réunions du Conseil des représentantes
seront le forum où l'on décidera de la stratégie pour passer
à l'action. Surveillez le site Web du CMAQ (Centre des
médias alternatifs Québec 2001) (www.cmaq.net) : vous y
trouverez bientôt un lien vers un réseau des femmes pour des
actions de solidarité.

à commencer (ou à poursuivre) dans votre groupe d'affinités
une discussion sur les effets de la mondialisation sur les
femmes de votre région... Dans le monde entier, ce sont les
femmes qui subissent la plupart des conséquences de la
mondialisation. En unissant nos voix, nous pourrons faire
entendre l'analyse féministe de la mondialisation et
renforcer notre cause.

Tissez votre partie de la toile de la solidarité... Prenez
les résultats de votre discussion sur les femmes et la
mondialisation et, en groupe, créez une partie de la toile
de la solidarité qui illustre votre consensus. Servez-vous
de votre imagination... utilisez du fil, différents
matériaux, des photos, des coupures de journaux. Ne vous
limitez pas.

Ajoutez votre section de toile à la grande toile de la
solidarité à Québec en avril 2001... Voici quelques
suggestions pour faire parvenir votre partie de la toile à
Québec et la joindre à la grande toile de la solidarité :
*venez à Québec avec votre groupe d'affinités en avril 2001
pour prendre part à la création collective de la toile de la
solidarité Les lieux du Sommet des Amériques seront
encerclés d'un périmètre de « sécurité », une clôture,
bloquant l'accès aux manifestantEs. Ceux et celles qui
résident au sein du périmètre devront se procurer une carte
d'identité spéciale afin d'y avoir accès! Cette clôture
représente pour nous le processus anti-démocratique de la
ZLÉA - nous allons nous réapproprier cette clôture, cet
espace. Celles qui veulent entrelacer les fils de leur toile
aux mailles de la clôture (litéralement ou symboliquement,
et de façon non-violente) sont invités à le faire le 19
avril (le jour qui précède l'ouverture du Sommet). Les
groupes d'affinités ne voulant pas s’approché du périmètre
de sécurité sont invités à organiser d’autres actions et
activités avec leur toiles (ex. bloquer une intersection
avec la toile pour y capturer les négotiateurs, décorer un
parc avec les toiles). La créativité et l'imagination sont à
l'ordre du jour! On se laisse aller! *envoyez votre partie
de la toile à l'adresse ci-dessous et les femmes présentes à
Québec s'assureront qu'elle sera jointe à la grande toile;
*envoyez une photo de votre partie de la toile à l'adresse
ci-dessous et les femmes présentes à Québec l'agrandiront et
la joindront à la grande toile;

*joignez-vous à d'autres groupes d'affinités de votre région
et rassemblez vos sections pour former une toile près de
chez vous.

Pour tous renseignements :
Courriel : •••@••.•••
Adresse postale : Toile femme Québec 2001, C.P. 70021, Québec, Québec
(Canada), G1R 6B1.

Five Reasons 
To Oppose the Free Trade Area of the Americas
By Starhawk

Earth:   The FTAA would allow corporations to sue
governments in corporate courts for loss of potential
profits if governments attempt to ban genetically engineered
crops, regulate unsafe foods, ban pesticides or chemicals,
protect natural resources, regulate logging, or enforce
safety standards.  Small farmers and indigenous communities
would be further undermined by the influx of cheap foods
produced by agribusiness far away.

Air:  Corporations have already sued governments for banning
unsafe additives from gasoline.  As the hole in the ozone
layer grows, governments would lose the ability to
effectively regulate ozone destroying chemicals, or to prod
corporations to adopt and produce the already-existing
technologies that would replace gasoline with renewable,
clean alternatives.

Fire:   The U.N. now estimates global warming is progressing
much faster than anticipated, that the earth's temperature
may rise by ten degrees. The FTAA would undermine efforts to
control greenhouse emissions or shift to alternative
technologies.  It would also open the door to privatization
of utilities and energy production and distribution, taking
control away from communities and government.

Water:  The FTAA would allow corporations to control the
water resources and hydroelectric resources of the
hemisphere.  It would undercut attempts to protect water
quality and fair water usage, and to preserve endangered
species such as salmon.  It would open the door to the
privatization of water delivery services.

Community:  The FTAA would encourage privatization of
schools, universities, medical care, hospitals, libraries,
museums, prisons, transportation, broadcasting, and many
other services previously provided or regulated by
communities and governments.

What to do: Write or call your  Senators and congressional
representatives.  Tell them "No fast track for Bush!"  Fast
Track would give him expanded negotiating authority with
minimal congressional input. Capitol Switchboard

Major demonstrations are being organized in the U.S. and
Canada to protest the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City
April 20-22, when 34 heads of state will meet to affirm the
FTAA process.  Get involved!  Check
http://www.indymedia.org for news of events in your own and other areas.

Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 22:10:03 -0400
To: Aaron Koleszar <•••@••.•••>
From: Aaron Koleszar <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive for A20

Below the first message is some info about the March issue
of Barricada and an excerpt from it: [USA] Activist's Guide
to Quebec City

Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive, Spring 2001
(english) by Autonomous Organizing Collective of Anti-Auth
9:37pm Wed Feb 28 '01 •••@••.•••

The summit of the Americas is an attack on all of us and
must be treated as such. We must show the ruling elites of
the Americas that we are ready to resist their attacks and
fight back. We must show them that we are ungovernable and
that no amount of police can keep them safe from the anger
of those they oppress.


On the weekend of April 20th to 22nd the ruling elites of
the Americas will gather in Quebec City to discuss the
implementation of the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas)
and, to a large extent, the future of us all. The FTAA
represents essentially an expansion of NAFTA to include the
entire Americas region. The objective? To further clear the
way for laws allowing corporations to sue member nations
when they feel a government measure impedes 'free trade,' to
further attack the already fragile social safety systems we
have, to pave the way for possible privatization of schools,
hospitals, and all other social services, and to further
consolidate the dictatorship of capital in the Americas.

It is the lives of everyone in the Americas they will be
playing with at the summit in Quebec City, the lives of
every American (Northern, Southern, or Central) worker,
peasant, unemployed, retiree or student. Yet, for some
reason, the 'democratic' leaders that govern us have
neglected to invite us to this summit, or even to show us
the texts they will be discussing for that matter. They have
even gone as far as to build an enormous fence around a
large part of Quebec City to keep us out. All this has
prompted many reformist organizations to protest, and they
will be in Quebec City to demand a 'place at the table.'

Yet we, anti-statists, anti-authoritarians,
anti-capitalists, and revolutionaries, will be converging on
Quebec City for a different reason. We are not interested in
a place at the table of capitalism, or in providing a more
humane and friendly face for what we know to be an
inherently flawed system. We have a different vision, one of
a society based on mutual aid and solidarity, where people
are not robbed of the fruits of their labor, and where
decisions that affect everybody are made by everybody,
rather than by a select few. And, just as importantly, a
society where people know who their enemies are, and are
ready to stand up to them. We are interested in nothing less
than the destruction of the 'table of capitalism.' The
summit of the Americas is an attack on all of us and must be
treated as such. We must show the ruling elites of the
Americas that we are ready to resist their attacks and fight
back. We must show them that we are ungovernable and that no
amount of police can keep them safe from the anger of those
they oppress.

Friday April 20th is the day of action called by the
Anti-Capitalist Convergence and the Summit of the Americas
Welcoming Committee. Actions on this day will be divided
into three 'blocs.' A green bloc with no, or minimal, risk
of arrest; a yellow bloc, for people planning to do civil
disobedience; and a red bloc, for the 'disturbance oriented'
crowd. We are thus calling on all militant revolutionaries
to converge on Quebec City on April 20th in the Red bloc to
show the ruling elites that no fence is strong enough to
withstand the force of the people when class anger erupts.

It's time for the Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive!!


More Information (Contact, Meeting Times and Places, etc.)
will be provided as it becomes available.

Autonomous Organizing Collective of Anti-Authoritarians from
the Midwest, Northeast, Montreal, and Quebec


Barricada March, Out Now! (english) 
by Barricada Collective 10:49pm Thu Mar 1 '01  
address: Barricada, PO Box 73, Boston MA 02133, USA

Includes 11 x 17" Glossy Cover Poster and Activist's Guide
to Quebec City Barricada March Out Now - Excerpt from March
issue of Barricada

Barricada March Now Available Now 20 pages and with full
color glossy 11 x 17' Poster

The March issue of Barricada, the monthly magazine of the
Barricada Collective, is now available. The Barricada
Collective is a non-sectarian organization of
anti-authoritarian revolutionaries, open to tendencies
ranging from simple anarchist, to anarcho-syndicalist, to
autonomist, to council-communist and everything in between.
This month's issue includes...

Letters to Barricada: 
    -Letter to Barricada about SOA Protest, and Response 
    -Letter to Barricada about RAAB, and Response 

    -CLAC Opposes FTAA in North American Tour 
    -State Repression in Vienna 
    -Hungary: Neo-Nazis Prevented from Marching by Anti-Fascists 
    -Police Prepare to Disrupt Mayday Protests in London 
    -NorthEastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists Congress and Barricada

    -Analysis of Peruvian Political, Social, and Economic Condition 

Political Prisoners: 
    -French FTP's Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison 
    -Free the Santa Cruz 2 
    -Poland: Anti-Fascism is Not a Crime 

    -An Activist's Guide to Quebec City, Part 1 
    -Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive Call 

Also still available is Barricada February, with news from
around the world, commentaries on Anarchism, Green,
Anarchism, and the Left, Anarchism and Struggles of National
Liberation, 8 pages of Inauguration day protest coverage,
and much more.

Barricada can be ordered by writing to 

PO Box 73 
Boston, MA 02133 

Or by emailing us at 

While we are constantly in need of economic contributions
due to printing and mailing costs, we are nonetheless
willing to send free copies to individuals and organizations
so that they can familiarize themselves with the magazine
and then decide whether or not they wish to support it
economically. Therefore, if you would like to receive
Barricada but for some reasons can't help us out
economically, please do not hesitate to ask us.

However, if you do wish to make a financial contribution
please send either a money order (Preferred), concealed
cash, or a check with "Pay to the order of..." blank to our
PO Box address.

Subscriptions to Barricada are 10$ for 6 issues (US and
Canada), 15$ Western Europe, or _$ for a supporters
subscription. We strongly encourage supporter subscriptions
as we barely break even with regular subscriptions given our
low price. (For all other countries subscription please
enquire by mail or email) We are also open to trades with
other publications

Lastly we would like to remind everyone that we accept
submissions as well as ads for upcoming events.

Revolutionary Greetings, 
The Barricada Collective 

Activist's Guide to Quebec City

Quebec City has, over the last couple of decades, embarked
on a process of "re-vitalization." This "re-vitalization" is
in fact nothing more than the gentrification of the city. It
has involved demolishing sectors of popular neighborhoods to
build highways, building massive hotels and other structures
aimed at tourism which are also completely out of line with
the architecture of the neighborhoods (such as the congress
center), the elimination of the last remaining green areas
in the city to make way for luxury homes, the destruction of
nearly 50 percent of the homes in the St. Jean Baptiste
neighborhood between 1966 and 1976, and the gentrification
of the centric Place D'Youville, replacing local stores with
upper class businesses, and street youths and marginals with

Yet, all this pales in comparison with what the city of
Quebec has in store for those who come to oppose the Free
Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), or for it's citizens who
happen to be unfortunate enough to live in the area near
where the "Summit of the Americas" is to be held. Among
other draconian measures planned for April are the banning
of all demonstrations on the upper part of the city (where
the Summit is to be held), the banning of cell phones for
the duration of the Summit (to avoid congestion they tell
us), the emptying of the local jail in order to make room
for massive arrests, surveillance and harassment of local
activist organizers (which has already begun as several
activists were arrested early February for fliering, though
they were later released as the police claimed that they had
"made a mistake"), the systematic denial of entry into
Canada of foreign activists, the preparation of a vast array
of "less-than-lethal" weapons, and, finally, the icing on
the cake, the mobilization of over 5,000 policemen
(including 800 riot police) and the construction of a 3.8
kilometer long "security perimeter" around the summit which
only delegates, journalists, and residents with passes will
have access to.

All this to defend a meeting of the ruling elites of the
Americas, gathered behind closed doors to discuss,
essentially, our future. In a nutshell the FTAA is nothing
more than a further expansion of NAFTA, bringing with it the
same consequences that NAFTA did, but on a larger scale. The
proposed deadline for the implementation of the FTAA is in
2005, and it is intended to be fully WTO-compatible, with
all that that means for the already grossly deficient laws
that protect labor, the environment, etc. All in the name of
free trade.

The FTAA is yet another example of the "democracy" in which
we live. We are told that we are free to decide our fates
when we pick a new face for the puppet of the elite every 4
years, and thus pacified. Yet the real decisions that affect
our lives are taken behind closed doors and based on
documents which we are not even allowed to read, drafted by
upper-class economists who we did not elect, and who do not
represent our interests. It is yet another attack on the
people of the Americas and a demonstration of the fact that
we live not in a democracy, but in a dictatorship of
capital. Yet, as the last few years have shown, just as
capital has sought to establish and affirm itself, so has
the growing movement of anti-capitalist resistance. This
movement has been active every day and every night through
community and workplace organizing and through direct
action, coming together on occasion to show it's numbers,
flex it's proverbial muscle, and demonstrate to the enemies
of the people that as long as they insist on exploiting and
oppressing us, there will be no peace. The "Summit of the
Americas" in Quebec City, which, through the establishment
of the security perimeter, has laid bare the contradictions
of the dictatorship of capital in which we live, with
police, military, and the economic and political ruling
elite on one side, and the people on the other, will be the
next such occasion.

Thousands upon thousands of organizations, groups, and
individuals are already organizing to converge on Quebec
City to oppose the FTAA. However, the success of a
mobilization depends to a large extent on how well prepared
those who take part are. We by no means presume to know
everything there is to know about these things, but we can
do our best to spread what we do know. So, if you are one of
those thousands planning to head to Quebec City, here is
part one of our special "guide" to the Quebec City
mobilization. Part two, with info on the times and places of
the different marches and actions, meeting places,
convergence centers, and other such information which is not
yet available will follow in Barricada April.

Don't let the state scare tactics stop you. No border will
stop us and we will be thousands in Quebec.

Quebec City: Getting There

Needless to say, the first evident hurdle for those not from
Canada headed to Quebec City will be crossing the Canadian
border. Even now, two months before the Summit, activists
are being denied entry into Canada (such as several groups
headed to the CLAC/CASA consulta in late January or Lorenzo
Komboa Ervin), so it is quite safe to assume that getting
past the border is likely to be a tricky issue. So here are
some evident, and not so evident, tips.

*There are essentially four ways to get across the border.
It is important to pick the one most suited to your
personal, or your group's, situation. These four are…

-The "low key" approach: This means going in small groups,
preferably by car, and trying to enter discreetly. Remember,
college students head north all the time to drink, families
go on vacation, people have friends or relatives there, etc.
Thus, one could easily pick a role and go with it. If one is
going to be a college student it would be a good idea to
pick up a bumper sticker of a college and mimic a "college
student look." Plus, there is no reason to be going to
Quebec City when Canada has so many other destinations of
interest. However, keep in mind that giving false
information to customs officials is indeed a crime, which we
are of course not encouraging, and you do so at your own

-The "commercial" approach: A probably more effective, but
also more expensive, approach to getting into Canada is to
go, preferably alone or in a small group, via a commercial
bus or airplane line. Entering by air is probably the surest
way to get into Canada, but unfortunately economically
impossible for many. However, if you can afford it, it is

-The "Mass" approach: Ya Basta! And other activists will be
converging in Burlington, Vermont before attempting to cross
the border at Cornwall, New York en masse. They are likely
to be backed by several unions who also intend to cross into
Canada via Cornwall. These activists, primarily Ya Basta!
and other direct action oriented groups, are looking to use
the force of their numbers to pressure the Canadian
authorities into allowing everybody to cross the border. By
going there you swell the ranks and thus increase the
possibility of success (meaning everybody gets through).
And, if authorities refuse, then you would be a likely
participant in what would probably become the "battle of the
border." Finally, also keep in mind that if the Cornwall
initiative fails, you can simply head over to another border
crossing. However, on the down side, the Cornwall crossing
is likely to take place close to the 20th, making it not a
possibility for those intending to arrive early and also
possibly not leaving much time to explore other options of
entry in case of failure.

-The "Do So at Your Own Risk" Approach: US citizens entering
Canada do not have their passports stamped (as they do not
need them to enter) and they are usually not registered
anywhere. Thus, once you are inside Canada the authorities
have no way of knowing how it is that you entered, and it is
also not an issue when re-entering the US. All this said,
people should be aware that the US/Canada border is
enormous, and has many unmanned border crossings, wooded
areas, and other such discreet ways of entering the country.
This is something that people might want to keep in mind if
all else has failed or if they have been previously arrested
at large demonstrations and it becomes apparent that the
authorities have a "black list" (such as the one they had in
Prague). However, we would again like to remind everybody
that crossing the border illegally is indeed a crime and you
must be prepared to take the risks that that implies. We
are, of course, in no way, shape, or form encouraging people
to do such a thing.

*Regardless of how one chooses to enter Canada, there are
several common sense matters to keep in mind.

-Arrive Early: The Canadian authorities are not going to
shut down the entire border for a week. The earlier you
arrive the better your chances of getting through will be,
both because they will be less on alert and because you will
have more time to explore other options in case of trouble.
Furthermore, the earlier you arrive in Quebec, the better.
You can help out as well as familiarize yourself with the

-Think About Where People are Sitting in the Car: If you are
relatively good at looking inconspicuous then they might not
even ask for identification from everybody in the car.
Therefore, if there is somebody with an arrest record or any
other reason to fear that the border authorities would not
let them pass, have them in the back, possibly asleep. Of
course, people with records should definitely try to avoid
being behind the wheel.

-VISAS: This is extremely important. If you are not a US
citizen call the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate, or
check the web, to see whether or not you need a visa. If you
do, then get on it right now! Prepare yourself well for
that, know where you are going, when, how, etc.

-Take Nothing: If there are propaganda materials, banners,
signs, or anything else even remotely related to activism
that you absolutely must have in Quebec City, mail them to a
contact in Canada beforehand. By no means should you have
any of this on you. It is very probable, although not
certain, that you will be searched, and if they find any
such thing you will most certainly be denied entry into

-Do not look like a demonstrator: We know that demonstrators
come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes, colors, and
fashion styles. Authorities however tend to look for certain
things that fit their stereotypes of a demonstrator, such as
dreadlocks, patches, strange haircuts, and what not. Your
politics will in no way, shape, or form be affected by your
looking like a "normal" person for a few days, so do so!

-Wash and tidy up your car: Authorities also tend to think
that activists are lawbreaking malcontents who drive dirty
cars, whereas "normal" people drive clean and tidy cars and
are good, law-abiding, citizens. So, it is suggested to try
to look like the latter. -Familiarize yourself beforehand
with the border area: In case you run into trouble getting
through the border and would like to look for alternate
routes, it is probably not very discreet to start asking
around border towns for directions. In order to avoid this.
Get a map, study it, and know where you are going.

This may all seem mundane and self-evident, but it is the
little things like this that can make the difference between
entering Canada and being stuck at the border.

At the Border

*Have your Story Straight: Know where it is that you are
suposedly going, have a story, have contacts, real or
otherwise, and be ready for the questions of the border

*Know your 'Rights': At a border crossing the sad fact is
that you have few rights. You might have them in theory, but
the reality of it tends to be quit different. There are many
things that the border patrol can do to you which you cannot
impede. These include, but are not limited to, searching you
and your vehicle, refusing you entry into the country,
detaining you for as long as they please, dismantling your
car, and asking you any question they want. You can refuse
to answer, however, if you do, chances are you won't be
allowed to enter the country. Therefore, remember that the
principal objective is to reach Quebec, not to be turned
back for arguing with border authorities, so be intelligent
about it.

*Be Quiet: Only give them the information they ask you for,
don't volunteer it. Respond, courteously and calmly, to what
they ask you, but don't speak more than necessary.

*Have Money: Even if you don't plan to spend use them, if
you can get your hands on money, or credit cards, or bank
cards, have them with you. The border authorities love to
hear that you have a lot of money and that you are going to
Canada to spend it.

Once in Quebec City For housing and other such concerns
contact CLAC at •••@••.•••, however, here are some things
to keep in mind.

*Dress Appropriately: Quebec in late April can be relatively
warm, but chances are it won't be. Of all the things to be
worrying about during the actions and demonstrations, the
temperature is one worry to avoid, so be sure to check the
weather forecasts in advance and dress appropriately.

*Beware of the Water: The police have been quite secretive
as to what 'less-than-lethal' weapons they will employ
against the demonstrators. However, rumor has it that they
will use water-cannons, not to disperse people, but simply
because given the cold, a wet demonstrator can be put out of
action quite quickly. Therefore, it is important to have
water-proof clothes or a poncho.

*Layer your Clothing: Try to wear several layers, of black
and other colors, for two main reasons. The first is the
usual scenario of having to 'de-bloc.' The second is that it
has also been hinted that police will use paint to tag
demonstrators for later arrest. It is therefore important to
be able to shed clothes.

*Know the City: As soon as you arrive familiarize yourself
with the area. Go beforehand to the designated meeting
places (discreetly!), get yourself a map, study the fence
area, know where you are in relation to the cliffs, etc.
Quebec City can be complicated, with it's cliffs, small
streets, and other peculiarities. However, if we are well
prepared this will be an advantage for us, not them.

*Know Your Rights: There is no excuse for getting oneself in
trouble due to not knowing what you can and can't do when
faced with police. The CLAC website has a lot of useful
legal advice, so read it! 'I can't access the internet,' is
not an excuse. There is always a public library with net
access around somewhere. *Know What you Need and Where to
Get It: There are a lot of things that people may need for
the actions an demos which shouldn't be taken to the border
and will have to be obtained in Quebec. Try to find out in
advance where in Quebec City you can get what you need in
order to spare yourself the hassle and avoid last minute

Part two of Quebec, Spring 2001: Information on times and
locations of demonstrations and actions, a map of Quebec
City, Housing information, spokescouncils, convergence
areas, and more. Coming in the Next issue of BARRICADA.

The Barricada Collective

Aaron Koleszar <•••@••.•••>
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
    -J. Krishnamurti
http://www.indymedia.org - The Independent Media Center (IMC)
FTAA/Quebec Related Websites

Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC)

OQP (Occupation Quebec Printemps [Spring] )

The Biotic Baking Brigade.....coming soon to a pie-o-region near you.
•••@••.•••                              http://www.asis.com/~bbb/


Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
URL: http://cyberjournal.org

    A community will evolve only when
    the people control their means of communication.
    - Frantz Fanon

    "One cannot separate economics, political science, and
    history. Politics is the control of the economy. History,
    when accurately and fully recorded, is that story. In most
    textbooks and classrooms, not only are these three fields of
    study separated, but they are further compartmentalized into
    separate subfields, obscuring the close interconnections
    between them" -- J.W. Smith, The World's Wasted Wealth 2,
    (Institute for Economic Democracy, 1994), p. 22.

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