rn: Starhawk’s preliminary Genoa report, photo URLs


Jan Slakov

From: Gary Morton <•••@••.••• To: <•••@••.•••

Saturday, July 21, 2001 9:32 AM 

Subject: [brutalitycanada] G8 News Digest.Sat.July.21.2001

Police/State Violence at Genoa G8 Summit

Daily Toronto protest events always listed at

* The collection of news reports below is from protest and corporate
sources, I saved these online in the public interest and copied the photos
listed below. Online copy of this digest. http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa.htm


Police study victim http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa1.jpg

Riot cops march past as victim is dead on the ground

Fallen with fire extinguisher beside him http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa3.jpg 

Man with bloodied face http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa4.jpg

Woman weeps over body http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa5.jpg

Flowers for Carlo http://home.eol.ca/~command/genoa6.jpg

Vigils for Victims of Police State Violence at Genoa G8 Summit (young man
murdered by police, hundreds injured)

The Toronto Sun report on the Toronto Vigil was brief and poorly written. It
failed to focus on the fact that Carlo Giuliani was gunned down by
paramilitary police, and not a victim of gas or rubber bullets.

The young man killed in a police shooting in Genoa has been identified as
23-year-old Carlo Giuliani, who is from Rome but was living in Genoa. Photos
posted from before, during, and after the killing show that he was shot in
the head with a pistol at point-blank range while attempting to hurl a fire
extinguisher into a police jeep. After Carlo fell to the ground from two
gunshots to the head, the jeep backed up and ran over him.

The Mobilization for Global Justice email news says that the repression and
murder of activists was planned by the Italian government which:

... declared they would deploy tanks in the streets and shut down the
airport and train stations.

... ordered 200 body bags.

... cleared a hospital ward to act as a morgue for dead activists and citizens.

... moved the G8 meetings to a cruise ship docked at Genoa port so that they
would not be disturbed .

Corporate Media appears to be ignoring the issues and painting demonstrators
as violent.

Gary Morton


-Summit shooting death investigation begins

-Starhawk from Genoa, Friday


-July 20th update.... Genova ...what the hell is going on

-Protester Dies After Being Shot Outside G8 Summit

-Death shocks local activists

-PM: Our G8 is on

-Protester shot dead by police during G-8 riots

-Protester killed at G8 summit

-Protester dies in Genoa, Chretien presses on with next G-8 summit in Canada

-BBC - Summit leaders condemn 'anarchy'

-ABC - On Edge - Leaders of World's Richest Nations Try to Get Their Message
Out Despite Protests


Summit shooting death investigation begins WebPosted Sat Jul 21 07:50:47 2001

GENOA - Italian prosecutors have launched an investigation into the shooting
death of a 23-year-old protester at the Group of Eight summit in Genoa,
Italy. Genoa resident Carlo Giuliani was killed by Italian police Friday
during an anti-capitalist demonstration.

Judicial sources say while the investigation could lead to manslaughter
charges against the paramilitary officer, it will also examine whether it
was a legitimate act of self-defence. Italy's Ministry of the Interior says
it was self-defence, as police tried to control demonstrators. Nearly 100
police and demonstrators were injured during running battles on the streets
and lanes of Genoa Friday.

INDEPTH: Genoa G-8 Summit

The protesters had been throwing firebombs and stones at police, who
responded with water cannon, clubs and tear gas. In a statement issued late
Friday, Italian Interior Minister Claudio Scajola said the demonstator who
was killed "was hit by a bullet, presumably fired in self-defence by one of
the injured carbinieri" (a paramilitary policeman).

Thousands of angry anti-globalization activists are in the Italian city as
are the leaders of the world's richest nations. At one point, the crowds
came close to breaking through the fence surrounding the high-security "red
zone" where the summit is being held. Inside, the government leaders said
they've agreed to set aside a billion dollars to treat AIDS and other
infectious diseases in poor countries.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan joined the leaders. He said the money
"begins to match the scale of the epidemic" but he said much more was
needed. Annan told the world leaders that fighting disease in poor countries
will take as much as $10 billion.

Written by CBC News Online staff


Starhawk from Genoa, Friday (fwd) Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 12:42:49 +0200

Genova 7/20

By Starhawk

At this point its still not clear to me how many are actually dead. Ive
heard one young man, Ive hear d two, four. Ive heard that the police shot
into the crowd, that someone was clubbed to the ground and, unconscious, run
over by a car, Ive heard it was the White Overalls, the Black Bloc, I dont
know. I know what I saw.

The day started as a spirited, peaceful demonstration. I was on the Piazza
Manini with the Womens Action and Rette Lilliput, a religious ecological
network. Both groups were completey committed to nonviolence. My friend and
training partner Lisa Fithian was down at the convergence center with the
pink block, the group that wanted to do creative, fun, street t theater,
dancing and music as part of their action. Lisa is a great person to be with
in an action: sheàs experienced, never panics, moves fast and knows what to
llok for, has a voice that can carry over a huge crowd and a great ability
to move people. I wish she were going to be with us, but I feel like weàve
divided our talents well. Ill help move the smaller Womens contingent, help
them with ritual and work some magic. Lisa will help the much larger and

boisterous Pink Bloc become mobile an dcoherent. We hope to meet up sometime
during the day.

Around 1 pm, the women march from the piazza down to the wall with probably
three or four thousand people. The women gather in a circle for a spiral
dance, singing "Siamo la luna che move la marea," "We are the moon that
moves the tides, we will change the world with our ideas." We brew up a
lovely magical cauldron a big pot full of water from sacred places and

whatever else women want to add: rose petals, a hair or two, tobacco from a
cigarette., that symbolize the visions we hold of a different world. Its a
sweet, symbolic action not quite as satisfying, perhaps, as tearing the wall
down, but empowering to the women who take part. The police are relaxed,
these groups are clearly no threat to anyone. Monica negotiates with

the police, and we are allowed to go up to the wall in small groups to pin
up underwear(residents of the Red Zone were threatened with fines if they
hung out their laundry during the G8apparently the site of washing might
unnerve the delegates), banners, messages and spill our water under the fence.

(Helicopters buzz the house as I write, the news is discussing violence and
nonviolence in Italian, and I stretch my memory of high school French to ask
one of the women staying here in a phrase we never covered, "How many people
died today?" One, she tells me, and one is in the hospital in critical

Then the Pink march arrives, trapped in a cross street by our march. We open
a lane and let them through. They are delightful, mostly young,some all
punked out in wildly colored hair or dreadlocks or bright pink wigs,
drumming, dancing, cavorting through the crowd. They turn the corner and
filter into the next square down the wall, only a short half-block from the
street weve occupied.

On our street, everyone is sitting peacefully and having lunch. I walk over
to the Pink Block to see whatàs going on. I drum for a while with the
accordion player. People are milling bouttheres nothing clear thatàs
happening, when suddenly a line of police has blocked on of the exits.

Dancing youth are wildly leaping and stomping in front of them, but thats
all they are doing. Much of the Pink Bloc has moved on, they appear a block
or two above the square, with the police now trapped between groups of Pink.

I am just thinking that this is not a good situation when a tear gas
cannister lands in front of me. I start to move away, back down to the
street where the women are. <just a mild hit, I wash out my eyes, help a few
others whose eyes are streaming and red. Lisa appears, and we go back for
another look. This time the gas catches us in a bad situation, with the way
back to the strteet blocked, and another exit up a staircase too full of
bodies. I am getting hit heavily, my lungs and eyes burning but I remember
that helpful hint from all the trainings we have done. I can breathe, I
really can breathe, and fear is the most powerful weapon. Lisa has better
eye protection, she takes my hand and leads me out. I wash them out again.
This seems like a good moment to leave. I gather up whatàs left of the
women, Lisa and others get the Pink Block together, I begin a drumbeat and
we start up the street, which is also up a hill. The march feels

poerful and joyful. We are retreating, but in a strong way, moving on to the
next action, still together.

The good feeling lasts until we reach the top of the hill. Somehow the Black
Bloc have become trapped between the pacifist affinity groups and the
police. Monica is on the cell phone, upset and tearful when she learns that
the Black Bloc have trashed an old part of the city. "Its over," she says
"after all our months of work! Lets go home."

I am trying to find out what the women want to do: Lisa is trying to find
out what the Pink Bloc wants to do, when suddenly massive amounts of tear
gas fill the square. I am moving away from it, down a side street, trying to
convince myself that I can breathe, when I notice that Im somehow in the
midst of the Black Bloc. They run past me, younger, faster, much better

equipped, and the police are behind them. I do not want to be here. Im fifty
years old, and I was never very fast even when I was young. For the first
time, I come close to panicking.

But below is a side street, and the wind blows the gas away. I can breath. I
duck down the alley. Like most of the streets in this hillside are, it winds
around the side of ridge, with a sheer drop below, and snakes back to the
main street. A small clump of Pink is sheltering there. I join them, we wait
as the Black Block thunders by one street away. Lisa appears to tell us that
the riot cops are coming up from below. Theyre beating people brutally. We
check the exits, fearing weàre trapped, but suddenly the street we came in
on is clear. I and a few others make a break for it, get across and head up
a stairway on the other side. Lisa goes back to see if she can help move the
others. Before she can, the police have found the alley. They beat people
hard, going for the head. They beat pacifists who approach them with their
hands up; they beat women. A battered crowd gathers on the stairs, moves up
a level or two. I comfort a young man with a head wound, a woman who is
crying, her thigh covered with the blood of her boyfriend who had been taken
to the hospital. We are all shaken.

Slowly, a pink contingent gathers on the stairs. We move up and up; in this
part of town, half the streets are stairways that rise in endless zig zag
flights. Below us, we see contingents of riot cops sweep the streets. The
helicopter above move on, following the Black Bloc. Lisa is moving back and
forth across the street and back to the square, checking out rumors, trying
to figure out whats going on and where we might go. We eventually make our
way back to the square. One of the women has been gassed so badly shes been
vomiting, but she wants to stay. Another women from our contingent was hit
in the head by a cop and taken to the hospital. A whole lot of people have
been badly hurt, people who clearly and unmistakeably are not rock

throwing, streetfighting yout, people who believed they were going to be in
a peaceful and reasonably safe place. Lisa and I had done a training for the
women, trying to give them some sense of what they jmight face on the
streets from our experience in other actions. But theres no real way to
prepare for a cop beating a peaceful, nonagressive, midde-aged woman on the

The Pink Bloc begins a long journey back to the other side of town. Were
joined by some of the others from the square and by some of the Italian
Pacifist Affinity groups who have been trying to hold space on this side. As
were trying to make our decision, with translation into English, Italian,
Spanish and French, Some of the Black Bloc drifts up from below and asks if
they can join us to make our common way to the bottom of the town. Some of
the group are angry at the Bloc and unwilling to take the risk of joining
with them or being associated with them. Others feel that we should hold
solidarity with everyone, and not leave anyone vulnerable to the police.

Eventually, the group offers to accept them if theyàll unmask and leave
their sticks behind. They wont do that, they say we should each respect each
others way of doing things, so theyll go down alone, letting us go first.

Theres more, mostly a series of moments of being trapped in an intersetion
here or a stairway there, but after around two or three hours we made it
back to the convergence center. Im far too tired to make sense of this day
right now, its all I can do to describe it, and its after midnight and

people have to go to bed. Someone is dead, and the night is not over.
