rn:Enemies creating each other/mirror images of each other


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,

What a coincidence it was when, having just written (to a "Left Bio" list)
that "enemies seem to create each other", I got Carol Brouillet's book
review (next message) which gives further evidence about real and dangerous
links between criminals on "our side" & those on the "other" side.

In this message, I'll assemble a few items which speak to this point.

all the best, Jan
From: "Robert Stewart" <•••@••.•••> http://www.peace.ca

Subject: Fw: Arundhati Roy  on The algebra of infinite justice
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 14:26:04 -0600

The Guardian (UK)
Saturday September 27, 2001

The algebra of infinite justice
As the US prepares to wage a new kind of war,

Arundhati Roy challenges the   instinct for vengance
But who is Osama bin Laden really? Let me rephrase   that. What is
Osama bin Laden? He's America's family secret. He  is   the American
president's dark doppelg"nger. The savage twin of   all that
purports to be beautiful and civilised. He has  been   sculpted from
the spare rib of a world laid to waste by  America's   foreign
policy: its gunboat diplomacy, its nuclear  arsenal,   its vulgarly
stated policy of "full-spectrum dominance", its   chilling
disregard for non-American lives, its barbarous   military
interventions, its support for despotic and   dictatorial regimes,
its merciless economic agenda that has munched   through the
economies of poor countries like a cloud of  locusts.   Its
marauding multinationals who are taking over the  air   we breathe,
the ground we stand on, the water we drink, the   thoughts we
think. Now that the family secret has been  spilled,   the twins are
blurring into one another and gradually becoming   interchangeable.
Their guns, bombs, money and drugs have been going   around in the
loop for a while. (The Stinger missiles that will   greet US
helicopters were supplied by the CIA. The heroin   used by
America's drug addicts comes from Afghanistan. The   Bush
administration recently gave Afghanistan a $43m   subsidy for a
"war on drugs"S.)

Now Bush and Bin Laden have even begun to borrow   each other's
rhetoric. Each refers to the other as "the head of   the snake".
Both invoke God and use the loose millenarian   currency of good
and evil as their terms of reference.      Both are engaged in
unequivocal political crimes.   Both are   dangerously armed-one with
the nuclear arsenal  of   the obscenely   powerful, the other with
the incandescent,   destructive power of   the utterly hopeless. The
fireball and the ice  pick.   The bludgeon   and the axe. The
important thing to keep in mind  is   that neither   is an acceptable
alternative to the other.  President   Bush's   ultimatum to the
people of the world-"If you're   not with us,   you're against us"-is
a piece of presumptuous   arrogance. It's   not a choice that people
want to, need to, or  should   have to   make.

  (c) Arundhati Roy 2001
from a friend in Cuba:

Who Is Who?

    Confused?  Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad
guys?  Use this handy guide to differentiate between terrorists and the
U.S. Government.

Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from
extremely wealthy oil family.

Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from
extremely wealthy oil family.

Leader has declared a holy war ("Jihad") against his "enemies" and
believes that any nation not with him is against him, god is on his side
and any means are justified.

Leader has declared a holy war ("Crusade") against his "enemies" and
believes that any nation not with him is against him, god is on his side
and any means are justified.

Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred,
intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers.

Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred,
intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers.

Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and
fair democratic election.

Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and
fair democratic election.

Kill thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children, in
cold-blooded bombings.

Kills (tens of) thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children,
in cold-blooded bombings.

Operate through clandestine organization (al Qaeda) with agents in many
 countries; use bombing, assassination and other terrorist tactics.

Operates through clandestine organization (CIA) with agents in many
countries; uses bombing, assassination and other terrorist tactics.

Using war as a pretext to clamp down on dissent and undermine civil

Using war as a pretext to clamp down on dissent and undermine civil

(I've also been sent a "map" of "Afghanistan after the war," with a tiny bit
up north held by the Northern Alliance and all the rest turned into one
big parking lot with McDonald "Ms" scattered liberally--oops! wrong
word!--throughout.)  This war is no laughing matter, but, if you don't
hang on to your sense of humor, it's just too grim to bear. . . .

from Jan's message to the Left Bio list (info: http://fox.nstn.ca/~greenweb/):

" It is fascinating to see how enemies seem to create each other: eg. Bush &
bin Laden, more fundamentally: Muslim fundamentalism & Christian/consumerist
fundamentalism. (sort of like how Mafia bosses can be best buddies one day
and killing each other the next).)

Up till now I've never insisted that nonviolence must be part of Left
Biocentrism. I guess I hope that eventually it will become obvious, as it is
to me. On one extreme is always blaming someone else for whatever is going
wrong and attacking them. On the other is always finding ways to take
responsibility ourselves for what is going wrong, always striving to find
ways to be, as Gandhi said, "the change we seek for the world". With the one
paradigm, everything else, all "Other" becomes eventually the "enemy". With
the other paradigm, the aim is to transform enemies into friends, to find
ways to make love so real that it is stronger than even the violence of
those who would attack us."