Bcc: contributors & colleagues ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 11:25:12 -0800 From: Ben Hitchner <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: 'tooth fairy' Dear rkm: I have been receiving your postings for well over a year, and because of a usual full daily agenda still have some unread printings. Your 'believe in the tooth fairy' is particularly succinct and cogent. I taught economics at the college level for thirty-five years. It is only in the past few years, by putting a focus on globalization, that I began to see through my belief that economic policy makers were trying their best to formulate remedies to problems, which were caused by innocent ignorance. A more convincing view sees deceptive covers in government, economic institutions, economic crises, and in conditioning through media and education. No wonder, a professor can't get students to think (teacher can't think either) about political economy - the conditioning not to ask simple questions is too deep. The movement to a 'new world order' of monumental human misery recently accelerated. This indeed presents a staggering challenge, a culmination to transcend 2500 years of the connection of power and wealth, which has consistently maintained the matrix of misery and slavery of most people - Buckminster Fuller was right, it doesn't have to be this way. Ben Hitchner ========== Dear Ben, Thanks for your comments. You provide a good example of 'learning the truth about Santa': > I began to see through my belief that economic policy makers were trying their best to formulate remedies to problems, which were caused by innocent ignorance. A more convincing view sees deceptive covers in government, economic institutions, economic crises... Until one makes such a paradigm shift in ones viewpoint, it is not possible to make good use of the daily information we receive. If you believe the text, you don't take the time to read between the lines. I'm curious about your '2500 years' timeline. I see the connection going back about 10,000 years, to the beginning of systematic agriculture. Have you read Quinn's "The Story of B"? An important perspective and very readable. No, it doesn't have to be that way. More about this as we go along... yours, rkm ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 16:21:14 EST Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? To: •••@••.••• Richard, Happy New Year. As usual, your essay is very thought provoking, but I do have an important question. In discussing what was known by the CIA, etc. beforehand of the 9-11 attacks, one must be very specific I think. Do you mean to say that the authorities knew SPECIFICALLY that the intention of the hijackers was to hijack planes and crash them into important buildings (or any buildings)? I'm unable to accept that the Pentagon would knowingly allow their building and employees to be savaged like that, particularly during a weekday morning when the building is full of workers. Even the Nazis had the Reichstag burned down in the evening. (I just checked that.) And there was a CIA office at the WTC that was completely destroyed. There's very little I'd put past our imperial leaders, but this is one of them. I think they knew something was up, perhaps something big, but wanted to observe it for as long as they could to glean as much intelligence as possible. This is FBI SOP in terrorism cases. Sometimes it gets away. BTW, have you read any of the book Empire? I tried to but couldn't get past the heavy academic gobbledygook. A review of it in Monthly Review sees it as an apology for US imperialism, which would explain its welcome by the establishment. Best, Bill [note: Bill Blum is author of two excellent books about U.S. Interventionism: "Killing Hope", and "Rogue State". - rkm] ============= Dear Bill, From all the evidence I've seen, I'm convinced that there was high-level CIA knowledge of the hijacking project all along, from planning to execution. That's why FBI investigations were squashed, tips from foreign intelligence services were ignored, Bin Laden was not arrested when the opportunity was presented, standard air-defense procedures were not followed, and a pre-packaged War on Terrorism was all ready for announcement within hours of the attack. You say: "There's very little I'd put past our imperial leaders, but this is one of them." Perhaps, but you're making a statement of faith, not of evidence or logic. Why would you put it past them? Certainly not because of the scale of suffering. A few thousand civilian lives is nothing to those who plan wars and genocides on a routine basis... people who say the 'cost is worth it', when thousands die each month from the genocidal sanctions imposed on Iraq. And sacrificing American lives is nothing new either, with FDR's complicity in the Pearl Harbor attack, and all the U.S. soldiers killed in imperialist wars. Certainly the death of a few CIA employees would not hold up an operation on the scale of the World Trade Center. > I think they knew something was up, perhaps something big, but wanted to observe it for as long as they could to glean as much intelligence as possible. This is FBI SOP in terrorism cases. Sometimes it gets away. I'd say this is digging deep for a rationalization needed to justify a faith. Are we to believe that during the 35 minutes plane number three was heading to Pentagon, the FBI was saying, "No, don't intercept it, we might learn something before it hits its target."? And why are you so sure of what the FBI's 'standard operating procedure' is? I say they keep offering that excuse, with regard to drugs and terrorism, because they don't want us to know they are sponsoring those activities. I read quite a bit of "Empire". What I found most interesting is that they attempt to grapple with the deep structural changes in the world order that emerged from World War II and culminated in globalization. I haven't seen much written about this, which is surprising. Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" doesn't really count in this category, as its analysis is hogwash. I didn't find Empire very useful, as the analysis was clouded by an attempt to stretch everything into a narrow Marxist framework. ciao, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 10:29:32 -0800 Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? From: Bruce Elkin <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> richard, I enjoyed this piece but I wonder about this assertion: > The second reason is that we don't live in a democracy. If 90% of the population wanted peace and forgiveness, that wouldn't change government policy one iota - although it might lead to a different slant in media propaganda. What evidence do you have to back this up? The Vietnam debacle began to wind down in part at least because the percentage of Americans opposed to the war increased. I doubt, however, that it ever reached 90%. Right now, the polls are showing that 90% of Americans back Bush's phony war. Should that ration of 9-1 in favor reverse to 9-1 opposed, do you really think it would lead only to a "different slant in media propaganda"? Statements like the one above that are just asserted without evidence take away, in my opinion, from your overall point. cheers! Bruce ======== Dear Bruce, I'd say that the Vietnam experience illustrates my point rather strongly. Year after year the war was pursued and escalated, while all the time the nation was rocked with massive protest demonstrations and widespread public disapproval. In a democracy, public opinion would be the wellspring of policy; in our corporate oligarchy / fascist state, public opinion is something to be managed and contained. If popular opposition did finally affect the decision to pull out of Vietnam, I don't think it was because of the percentages. I think instead it would be because of the growing New Left movement, which was becoming better organized and more politically effective. The impeachment of Nixon, the Freedom of Information Act - that whole era of strong liberal and antiwar sentiment was something that threatened elite power. Nixon called it the "Vietnam Syndrome", and it wasn't overcome until the CIA arranged for the Iranian embassy to be captured, and that was skillfully used to usher in the Reagan years. I don't believe 90% of Americans back Bush's phony war. The questions they use in those polls are designed to get the answers desired. The answer to "Do you support your President in this time of crisis?" does not necessarily line up with the answer you would get to "Do you have reservations about the thousands of innocent women and children who have been killed by our bombing in Afghanistan?". I believe that if 90% of the American people opposed the War on Terrorism, we would not learn that fact from the media. And no, I don't think it would change the policies. regards, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 16:20:29 -0600 Subject: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? No! From: Maureen Van den Bosch <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Hello Richard, Thanks for the last posting! It has been too long since you last wrote. I find the tone of your last posting a bit despairing and downcast and I can understand your frustration. The world has changed since 9-11, sort of. The change is that we now are living the through the beginnings of the end. What had been merely intellectual musings over the lashing tail of the dying dinosaur have become reality. What was a discussion of getting from here (a mess) to there (a sustainable society) has become more of pressing concern for surviving (as a species) of the coming apocalypses. Take your pick, end of oil; mass species extermination; global warming; chemical pollution or nuclear holocaust. Of course, the domination of a fascist state rises high on the level of concern because they will never address the concerns listed above. I have suffered frustration with my so called liberal friends of late. They too believe in Santa and the tooth fairy. The 9-11 crime and my perspective about it has pushed me out of their circle of respectable discourse. I have become their strawman "conspiracy theorist" and (in their minds) easily knocked asunder. Before 9-11, I could hold my own on anti-capitalist issues, on neoliberal economics and the tragedy of IMF policies on the third world, on the third worldization of the US and so forth, but since then, any time I try to tie it all together I get booed out of the hall. I noticed the polite booing you got from Tom Atlee and that is the same that I receive. Anyway, thanks for continuing despite the boos. I for one, am in accord with your analysis. I hope your personal financial troubles are behind you and you will be able to start writing again. Thanks, Frank Van den Bosch ================ Dear Frank, Many thanks for your comments. If I was downcast in that posting, it was not because of the regime but because of the lack of appropriate focus in our response to that regime. The regime will not change; it is we who need to change our vision, our understanding, and our strategy. I don't think it makes sense to talk about a survival strategy in the face of apocalypse. There is no survival strategy. If we permit the current regime to continue, there will be accelerated widespread suffering and there is little we can do to change how that will unfold. Overcoming the regime is not just one item on our fix-it list, it is the only thing that can allow us to make changes of any kind. Thank you for sharing about your frustration with liberal friends. Liberals are the majority, and it is for them that the media propaganda is designed. That's why right-wingers talk about a 'liberal media conspiracy'. They think that's because liberals control the media; they don't see that it's the media that controls the liberals. Finances are no better, but I don't really have an excuse for not writing. 'Worry interferes with motivation' is the best I can muster. yours, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 22:43:54 +0100 To: •••@••.••• From: T Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? rkm wrote: > The reality of the WTC attack is that it was a replay of the Reichstag fire - a self-inflicted outrage designed to usher in a fascist regime. If you're reading from another map, you'll never get anywhere. Not that the true map makes the job easy, not at all. Overcoming global fascism will be a monumental task. But until we recognize what the task is, we cannot begin it. Richard, I've given this a great deal of thought since September, and I've come to the same conclusion. What in the name of Yggdrasil are we supposed to do to stop a superpower with weapons of mass destruction and deception galore, that has quite openly gone fascist? The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. 1984 / George Orwell ========== Dear T, Whether or not it can be stopped is yet to be seen. But one thing is for sure, it cannot be stopped by any external force. The Allies stopped Hitler, and in this case there is no comparable external savior to turn to. Babylon must be transformed from within. The anti-globalization movement was the primitive beginning of an appropriate organizing paradigm, and that seems to have been seriously sidetracked first by Genoa, and then more conclusively by the WTC incident. Indeed, the War on Terrorism is really a war against all who oppose neoliberal capitalist hegemony. Any nation which does not fall into line is called a 'rogue state' or 'terrorist-sponsoring state' and is subject to bombing or destabilization. Any group which struggles against one of the client dictators is labelled 'terrorist', and is subject to bombing and suppression. Those in the West who would oppose globalization and neoliberal capitalism will become the targets of the new police-state legislation. It is for them that the laws were created; they have little relevance to fighting real terrorism. Transforming Babylon from within will be formidable. We must note that there was very little likelihood of Hitler ever being overthrown from within. The Nazi regime might have changed character after Hitler's eventual death, but in our case the regime is more institutional, not dependent on any one personality. yours, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 10:22:19 -0800 From: •••@••.••• To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? ---<snip from original posting>--- Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. A lot of uncorroborated "news" is broadcast during catastrophes. The mideast is blamed for Oklahoma City, TWA 800 was shot down. Skepticism is required to fight propaganda no matter what the source. While I agree that the Reichstag aftermath is similar to the the Bush/Ashcroft powergrab and attack on civil liberties it does not logically follow that both were staged. "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." ========= Dear Len, You express well the standard liberal faith that all conspiracy theories should be ignored. Speaking logically however, that which is due to malice should be attributed to malice, and that which is due to stupidity should be attributed to stupidity. Certainly the aftermath does not logically imply the cause, and no one has suggested that. But the aftermath does establish a motive, and the episode does match the centuries-long modus operandi of the accused. After that one looks for opportunity and for direct evidence. The opportunity is clear. Despite what they say publicly, the CIA has informers in nearly every terrorist organization in the world; indeed the CIA has has been involved in funding and guiding most of them. In the case of Bin Laden and Al-Qeada, we have ample reliable evidence that the CIA on more than one occasion stifled FBI investigations. Why do you suppose they did that? Do you rule out the possibility that they were protecting the operation so that it could proceed unmolested? If so, on what basis other than faith that they "wouldn't do such a thing"? If you read that Saddam or Khadafi knew of a terrorist plot and did nothing about it, you would immediately attribute it to malice; why do you treat our leaders differently? Certainly not on the basis of their record. No nation on Earth has ever fomented as much terrorism and warfare as the USA. No agency in history has sponsored as many covert operations as has the CIA. For direct evidence, there is the whole scenario of the four planes and the lack of normal air-defense response. How can you dismiss that so readily? Further down in this posting I've included a list of URLs where you can review some of the evidence which has been offered on these various points. Some of it seems questionable, and some of it seems highly reliable. Picking the wheat from the chaff calls for reason, not faith. regards, rkm ============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 19:02:43 -0500 Subject: Great Article From: Virginia M Brooks <•••@••.•••> Richard: I just read your article about the terrorist theory, and they are my sentiments exactly, have been saying it is all a fixed deal from the very start, and that Bush knew about it, they were just too quick to say who did it, and all the details just did not match up. What I really wanted to ask you is: What do you think we can do about the absolute mess we find ourselves in here in the U.S???? I am working on 2 national committees setting up ways to deal with state and local level gov., schools, elect candidates, etc. for the Reform Party, and please don't brush me off as a kook, because we are everyone patriots that love our country, and we work endlessly trying to make a difference to what is happening in our country, and we do know what is going on and for what reason it is happening! Last year I worked on 4 committees before our national convention, and it just about did me in, just hours of work, and there just has to be more people interested in our Country and what happens to her, that would be willing to help. I would be interested in hearing your comments, and also to ask if you mind if I send your article on to all of my lists for them to read? Yours in Liberty, Justice, Freedom, & Reform Virginia Brooks, Vice Chair, Reform Party of Ohio ============ Dear Virginia, You are certainly welcome to forward anything from the list or the website, on a non-profit basis, to whomever you like. That's what it's there for. You might also invite your correspondents to join our lists. Organizing for the long term is essential, and I congratulate you for that. Protests and demonstrations are valuable, in that they build solidarity and encourage those who feel isolated in their opposition. But protests are pointless on their own, in this era of non-responsive elite rule. Third parties are useful, but primarily because they build a constituency for systematic change. In fact, reform of the current system is not possible. You cannot ask capitalism to be nice, because capitalism must pursue its own dynamics. Capitalism must always have more growth in order to survive, and the relentless pursuit of growth is the root cause of all of our problems. Growth, by the way, is only secondarily about expanding the economy as a whole. What capitalist growth is really about is the increase of elite wealth, not wealth in general. Before 1973 or thereabouts, there was enough growth that a reasonable amount could be shared with the middle classes - the whole pie was growing. Since that time the growth of the pie has slowed down, but the elite share has not slowed down. Corporate profits are at an all time high. That piece of the pie keeps growing by stealing from other pieces. But even with a sufficiently radical agenda, a third party cannot ultimately be a solution. Why? Because competitive party politics is designed to absorb and neutralize popular energy. Look at the fate of the Green Party worldwide. It has achieved representation in European governments, and in the EU. But it is making no real difference and it never will. What is needed is a broad-based popular movement aimed at transforming the world, without a focus on electoral politics. If such a movement grows strong, election victories will eventually follow without even trying. But a focus on elections is a seduction into horse trading and co-option. imho, rkm ============================================================================ From: SteveH <•••@••.•••> To: "'•••@••.•••'" <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 13:11:33 -0800 Well written, Richard; How would you define the task of "lifting the veils"? ---<snip>--- All of this information [about Vietnam] is now clearly in the public domain but vast numbers of US Citizens suck up sitcom pabulum; deny their own vacuous reality, while living vicariously through constructed "reality TV"; and desire to maintain their status quo, where many of them share the illusion that they're the "status". Who are they? They are the middle class. In this country the middle class is the dominant class by virtue of their numerical existence. As meant here, middle class isn't used to define an income bracket. Instead, the term "middle class" connotes average, "middle of the road", normal, essentially - the majority. ---<snip>--- Now, if progressives think about the dynamics involved and the subsequent attitude adjustments that will have to take place among those in the middle class in order for them to begin questioning what is really going on, then those progressives will realize how enormous this struggle is. ---<snip>--- The real question is how to get the majority, i.e., the middle class, who support aggressive action against terrorists to see that terrorism doesn't occur in a vacuum and that it is a desperate response employed by desperate people? Regards, Steve Hamm ========== Dear Steve, Understanding the motivation for terrorism, I think, would not deter people from wanting to defend themselves against it. In our current case, I think it is more relevant to understand that the 'terrorism' we experienced was actually an inside job. Also more relevant is the fact that the War on Terrorism is not aimed at ending terrorism, but at controlling territory, oil, and our domestic populations. Nonetheless, your point about needing to 'lift the veils' for the middle classes is right on target. And the veils we need to lift are not just about terrorism, but about the nature of capitalism and elite rule in general. We need not an electoral majority, but a majority mass movement. cheers, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:19:27 -0800 (PST) From: Jessica Markland <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? To: •••@••.••• Dear Richard: I'm certainly glad you are still coming down ~my~ chimney. Your Tooth Fairy piece is a great call to arms, but leaves me still wondering what is the best way to go about it. At the moment I am an active member of the Council of Canadians, the Green Party, also another group that is trying to halt the construction of a destructive and unnecessary superhighway. As well as this, I work with some people who attend local government meetings and often oppose development of environmentally sensitive areas. We also do our best to influence upcoming legislation, Official Plans etc. We know that just being there can sometimes curb the wilder excesses that developers would otherwise be allowed to build. I also have an e-mailing list of about 30 names to whom I send mostly environmental information that I find around the Web, and I also send information and/or questions and suggestions to MPs, Cabinet Ministers etc. with requests for explanations or actions. But on the whole, I mostly feel I am spinning my wheels and talking mostly to those already converted. I adopted ISPO (http://www.simpol.org) which I feel has a lot of potential but at present not much momentum, and still keep in touch somewhat with the ISPO discussion lists. But what should I focus on that will produce measurable change? I would like to post your Tooth Fairy, with your response to this, on the ISPO lists. Keep doing what you are doing. Best wishes, Jessica Markland =========== Dear Jessica, In response to you, I could say much the same thing I said above to Virginia. Reform and resistance efforts are essential, but they will not amount to much until they turn into a mass movement with a very radical and informed agenda. Reforming or resisting capitalism is like trying to hold back a river. You can have very temporary successes, but the river ultimately breaks through and overcomes your efforts. This is very clear from the long history of reform in the West. The river must be moved to a different channel, not opposed where it currently flows. You know this in your heart, as revealed by your comment about 'spinning wheels'. ISPO is interesting because it focuses on the global nature of the transformation that is required. Babylon and its dominions must be transformed all at once. But ISPO focuses too much on governments and not enough on popular movements. An ISPO-style initiative would make sense in the endgame of transformation, but not in the early stages. Please understand that I am not trying to discourage you and others who are out there doing real things to influence the system. All of those efforts are desperately needed. But all the efforts must coalesce into something qualitatively different before we can overcome elite rule. We need a radical vision of a livable world, and we must realize that it will NEVER be given to us by the current regime. We must achieve it in spite of that regime. best regards, rkm ============================================================================ [Note: I'm including this message from Brit because it talks about models of resistance that make sense in our current situation. We need to overcome a regime, not influence one. -rkm] From: "Brit Eckhart" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re Correspondence Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 08:55:20 -0500 ---<snip>--- REGISTER NOW for Study Seminar based on the acclaimed PBS-TV/video series A FORCE MORE POWERFUL Meets twice monthly, AFSC offices, 2161 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA. -- near Porter Square in Cambridge, (Porter Sq. T stop) 6:30-8:30pm, Thursdays on a monthly basis through June Alternating video presentation and reading assignments from companion book Registration, reading and discussion required For further information, or to register, contact: Brit Eckhart, 617-722-2637x2 or by E-mail: •••@••.••• Sponsored by the Boston-Cambridge Alliance for Democracy and the American Friends Service Committee Peace & Economic Security Program ---<snip>--- India: Defying the Crown In 1930, Indian nationalists were impatient with British foot-dragging on promises to move India toward self-rule, and appointed Mohandas Gandhi to lead "the final struggle for freedom." Relying on the non-violent methods he developed in South Africa, Gandhi led a 240mile march to the sea coast, where he picked up a handful of sea salt and invited his countrymen to do the same-in open violation of the British monopoly on salt production. Millions followed his example. His campaign of civil disobedience-intentional lawbreaking and imprisonment-swept the country, forcing the British Viceroy to admit that his regime was losing control. Gandhi's actions shattered Indian consent to foreign rule and set his country on the road to independence, which came in 1947. To future generations,Gandhi gave the weapon of non-violent resistance, which is being continuously refined and developed. South Africa: "Freedom in Our Lifetime" A black "uprising" against the injustice of apartheid-South Africa's system of racial discrimination-began in 1984. Many young black knew they could not win by violent force. Instead they organized at the grass-roots taking control of their own townships and making their grievances known to the white population. In the southern city of Port Elizabeth, 27year old Mkhuseli Jack led a boycott of white-owned businesses in June, 1985. By withholding their buying power, the black population drove a wedge between the white business community and the apartheid regime. A second boycott began in 1986, when the regime failed to act on boy-cotters' political demands. A nation-wide state of emergency was imposed, and continued for three years: and admission that repression was the main business of the state-and that apartheid was dying In 1989, a new president, F. W. DeKlerk, released Nelson Mandela and negotiated a new constitution, which guaranteed equal rights for all South Africans. In 1994, Mandela became president in South Africa's first democratic elections. (34 minutes, color) Denmark: Living with the Enemy When Adolf Hitler's forces invaded Denmark on April 9, 1940, the Danish government knew that a military re-sponse would by suicidal for Denmark's small armed forces. Besides, the Germans said they had come as friends, not conquerors-Danish laws and government would remain, as long as Denmark met German demands for food and war materiel. Danish leaders decided to accept Germany's promises at face value-and adopted a strategy of resistance disguised as collaboration. By delaying and obstructing German operations, Danes systematically undermined the invaders' objectives. In the meantime, an underground resistance developed which carried out sabotage, organizing strikes and rescuing all but a few hundred of Denmark's seven thousand Jews. In the end, Denmark did not defeat Germany, but it survived-with its people, infrastructure, and institutions intact and it contributed more to the war effort through nonviolent resistance than Danish arms ever could have. (31 mn, color) Poland: "We've Caught God by the Arm" In August, 1980, workers at the Gdansk shipyard went on strike. Their main demand, free trade unions, was unprecedented in a country where communist party supremacy did not allow the existence of any independent organizations. Lech Walesa, a wily 37yearold electrician, was the chief negotiator for the workers, who avoided the mistakes of earlier strikes by maintaining strict nonviolent discipline-and by occupying their shipyard, to deter a violent crackdown by authorities. The strike quickly spread to factories and workers throughout the country, magnifying their leverage. Their persistence paid off as government granted most of their demands. A new union was born, named "Solidarity." A year and a half later, the government imposed martial law and banned the union. It continued its work underground until 1989, when the communist government asked Lech Walesa's help to settle a new wave of strikes and unrest. Solidarity reemerged as a revitalized political force, and won decisively in Poland's first free parliamentary elections in 60 years, taking power as the ruling party. (31 minutes, color) Chile: Defeat of a Dictator General Augusto Pinochet seized power in a 1973 military coup. He banned political parties, closed newspapers, and spread fear throughout the country; political assassinations, disappearances, torture, and imprisonment became common. In 1983, an economic crisis pushed many Chileans to dare oppose the dictatorship for the first time. Copper miners called for a nonviolent national protest day against Pinochet, unleashing pent-up opposition in a wave of monthly protests. Mainstream opposition parties re-emerged after ten years underground, and supported by the Church, staged frequent nonviolent demonstrations. By 1987, the democratic opposition realized that the constitution Pinochet wrote in 1980 called for a plebiscite-a chance for people to vote yes or no on another eight years of military rule. Isolated and overconfident, Pinochet had always assumed he would win if people were given a choice. But after years of organizing, the opposition was prepared, and ran a bold, future oriented "NO" campaign. On October 5, 1988, Pinochet was voted out. (34 minutes, color) ---<snip>--- www.aforcemorepowerful.org To order the companion book, A FORCE MORE POWERFUL, call Roxanne Hunte at St. Martin's Press 800-221-7945, ext.270 To obtain the study guide for this series, call toll-free 877-444-9382 ============================================================================ [Note: I've extracted this from a previous rn posting, because it gives lots of URLs which provide information about the current crisis, CIA foreknowledge, etc. Another useful URL is: http://www.infowars.com/resources.html - rkm] Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 07:48:19 -0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Carol Brouillet <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? ---<snip>--- The aftermath of 9/11 fits too clearly the agenda of transnational corporations (whose ruthless pursuit of profit includes terrorizing populations, waging war, pillaging the Earth's resources, oblivious to the suffering and damage to humanity and the biosphere upon which all Life depends.) A major power shift has occurred, democracy is threatened, civil and human rights everywhere are threatened; the power of police, militaries and corporations are being strengthened. China has joined the WTO; deals for pipelines to funnel the Caspian Sea oil to the growing markets of Asia are being struck. An informed US public was, and still is, the greatest threat to blatant corporate rule via the WTO, IMF, World Bank, UN, NATO dominated by the US and backed by US military power. Our challenge is to penetrate the veils, expose the truth, separate the propaganda from reality, cast light upon the darkness. Here are some of the questions that need to be asked (and answered) with links to key articles and websites- Who is Osama Bin Laden? http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO109C.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO110A.html Who created and funded the Al Qaeda Network? http://www.communitycurrency.org/vital.html What is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family and the Bush family? http://www.copvcia.com/stories/sept_2001/bushbin.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles/LAZ112A.html Why were no fighter planes dispatched to intercept the four hijacked planes on September 11th? http://www.nypress.com/14/50/taki/bunker.cfm http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-1.htm http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-2.htm What role did Pakistani Intelligence play on September 11th? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html#c Did the CIA have foreknowledge of the attack, who tried to profit with put options on American, United, Merrill Lynch... stock just before the attack?? http://www.copvcia.com/stories/oct_2001/krongard.html http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=99402 Why were the FBI told to not investigate the Bin Laden family links in the US? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/BBC111A.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles/HIN111A.html http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/MAR111A.html If the CIA met with Bin Laden last July, why didn't they try to arrest him? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RIC111B.html If the US is serious about ridding the world of terrorism, why do we continue to fund and train terrorists? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PAS111A.html http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/MAR111A.html IF CIA AND THE GOVERNMENT WERENíT INVOLVED IN THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS, WHAT WERE THEY DOING? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP112A.html Why are we bombing Afghanistan, when none of the alleged bombers actually came from there, could there be another reason for our presence in that region? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP111B.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PIL111B.html Is this war illegal? When will the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency start to turn their new powers (that they have under the Ashcroft police state bill) against American citizens? http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BOY111C.html What are Bush, Cheney and Rice's connections to the oil industry? http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CAV111A.html Has the US government ever thought to mislead the public to justify a war against another country? http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/jointchiefs_010501.html http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/ Who was responsible for the Anthrax attacks, and why were Democrats and the media the targets? http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111D.html http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,582222,00.html Why seal Presidential records? Why intimidate professors from speaking out against this war? http://www.tompaine.com/features/2001/11/30/3.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles//GON112A.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles//MCM112A.html http://globalresearch.ca/articles/VIN111A.html Please e-mail or phone me to help with this, we need more delegates and supporters. Carol Brouillet tel- 650-857-0927, fax 650-857-0419, email- •••@••.•••, website- http://www.communitycurrency.org ---<snip>--- -- ============================================================================ Richard K Moore Wexford, Ireland Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance email: •••@••.••• website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/ "A Guidebook: How the world works and how we can change it" http://cyberjournal.org/cj/guide/ A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon Capitalism is the relentless accumulation of capital for the acquisition of profit. Capitalism is a carnivore. It cannot be made over into a herbivore without gutting it, i.e., abolishing it. - Warren Wagar, Professor of History, State University of New York at Binghamton Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one. ============================================================================ .