11/10/1999, Projekt Interkonti wrote: [excerpted] I was very interested to see your open letter and your comments on PGA on the social-movements-mailing-list. However, I do not agree on your view of incorporating everybody at once into a movement, including the right-wing. we should counter any right-wing argumentation at all times, and not forget the new second hallmark adopted at the second PGA conference in Bangalore: "We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings." We have to build up strategies to counter right-wing influence by exposing the underlying causes and implications of the seeming attractivity of right-wing arguments. Dear Projekt, Of course I agree with your assessment of right-wing ideology. However it is important that we understand - as revolutionary strategists - the role of the right-wing movement, globally, in countering our own movements. Groups such as the National Front are a strong political force and their existence makes the political path difficult for us. I've devoted time to looking at right-wing propaganda - the distorted, conspiracy-theory party-line that is manufactured centrally and distributed to the grass-roots right. The stuff is very clever. It includes considerable factual information and it finds ways to appeal to the sentiments and prejudices of people who in many cases have little access to alternative information - other than the absurd mass-media's own propaganda line. In fact, by pointing out lies in the mass-media, the right-wing propaganda gains added credibility. But the grass-roots folks themselves aren't stupid yobs, even though _some stupid yobs can be found there. When people get a chance to hear other points of view they are not always closed minded. As a matter of fact, organizing efforts are underway to build communication and links between the grass-roots left and the grass-roots right. The paragraph below is from an announcement about one of the actions planned for Seattle: Recognizing that we have a common interest in making corporations more accountable for their behavior world-wide, ENVIRONMENTAL and LABOR leaders have formed the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment and circulated the following statement, dubbed "The Houston Principles". I'm not suggesting that right-wing organizations should be invited to join PGA. What I am suggesting is that part of PGA's organizing activities can enter into dialog with folks who are currently captured by right-wing thinking. In fact, the same forces which oppress us oppress them as well. When they understand this, solidarity can become possible. When divisivenes can be ended in the grass-roots, we can prevail. rkm