Dear rn, The following essay arose as a response to an angry letter from a reader on the cj list, and several people responded that they found it particularly useful. So I thought I'd share it with rn. all the best, rkm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [rkm had written, regarding the NATO bombing]: >This rosy view was only partially correct. Western populations continue to >abhor the rhetoric of nazism and fascism - but they are as willing to >accept barbarism-in-their-name as were the Good Germans - provided it's >wrapped in a more up-to-date propaganda package. [A reader responded]: Who in the hell started the barbarism some 8 years ago? We've been hearing about atrocities being commited by the serbs for quite some time. We finally act, rather than sit and wait for him to call our bluff and suddenly we're nazi's? Quit talking out of your ... --------------- Dear Chuck, You raise useful questions... > Who in the hell started the barbarism some 8 years ago? Answer: The German government, which forced the premature recognition of independence for Croatia, leading directly to general destabilization in the rest of Yugoslavia, especially Croatia. Yugoslav stability was a delicate balance, based on various kinds of accomodations among the different regions and ethnic communities. The breakaway of Croatia, under an anti-Serb regime, would fatally undermine that stability, and lead to fears in each ethnic community that further breakaways would put them in an underdog position in their own homelands. These consequences were understood and predicted by European leaders, and that's why so much German arm-twisting was required to force a Yes vote re/recognition. Old ethnic rivalries and fears were re-fanned following the breakaway, and all sides were subjected to abuses and atrocities by other sides, depending on who was in the majority in a particular place. > ...We've been hearing > about atrocities being commited by the serbs for quite some time. Television entered the story midway through this destabilization process, and from the beginning carried a totally one-sided picture of what was going on. It's exactly as if a fist fight were going on between two men, and the media showed only frames of person A hitting person B, leaving out when B hits A, and the then presented the story under the heading: "Thug attacks helpless man". That is not just "bias", it is intentional deception. As the situation continued to worsen, many European initiatives were put forward to mediate, to introduce some kind of effective sanctions, or to otherwise do something to calm things down and work toward a resolution. Public US policy was erratic and seemingly confused, but the consistent result was that every European effort was thwarted or rendered ineffective by lack of US cooperation or outright US opposition. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the US funneled secret arms to Croatia and to favored factions in Bosnia, and advised Croatia on modernizing their battle plans for the day when they'd be allowed to invade Serb-controlled parts of Croatia. And then there's the KLA. The KLA is a terrorist organization, organized and armed under the tutelage of US and German intelligence, and was sent in to stir up the current crisis in Kosovo. In some ways, you can compare the KLA to the Contras in Nicaragua, who were also US-funded terrorists, sent in on a similar destabilization mission, and who were also funded out of the drug trade. Ever since the days of Air America and the Montgnard Tribesmen in Laos, the CIA has been using drug-trade franchises, vended to one terrorist organization or the other, as a way to fund a whole series of destabilization campaigns. Some of these destabilization campaigns have been, and still are, within America itself, eg. minority communities in LA, as Gary Webb revealed in his SJ Mercury series. The KLA can also be compared to the Taliban, since the KLA is being groomed to become the core of the next government. The latest issue of Foreign Affairs, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, where you can see elite planning explicitly revealed, announces a favorable KLA article at the top of its cover in 48 pt. bold red type: "Kosovo's Next Masters? - Chris Hedges goes inside the rebellion" Like the Taliban, the KLA is an extremist faction, organized primarily as a military outfit, with no respect for human rights, and without any qualifications in governance. Installing them in power in Kosovo would be totally inconsistent with any desire to promote human rights or stability in the region. Nonetheless, the US position, as candidly revealed in the Foreign Affairs article, is that "The KLA fighters are the province's new power brokers." Even though "The KLA is uncompromising in its quest for an independent Kosovo now and a Greater Albania later." Don't you see what they're doing? They're putting in the worst government they could come up with, a government which will create ongoing instability in the reigion. The KLA's cry for a "Greater Albania" sounds just like the Serbian cry for a "Greater Serbia", which is one of the things we condemn Serbia for. Is this a desirable outcome? Is this worth bombing Serbia back to the stone age for? Is this the "human rights" result that justifies "humanitarian bombing"? --- > We finally act, rather than sit and wait for him to > call our bluff... As you can see, the US has been very active for quite some time in the region, but most of its actions aren't carried on TV. The US has done everything it can to stir up trouble in the region, and to prevent any solution from being attempted, while all the while it was preparing public opinion to accept it's own "solution" to the same crisis which the US itself had largely been responsible for nurturing along. An aside: When I say "US", I hope you realize I'm talking about the Federal government and its military/intelligence branches, under the control of corporate interests - not the US as a society. I'm a US citizen and I don't hate my country. Once we get rid of the capitalist-aristocracy, banking-elite, neo-imperialist regime, it will be a great country again. --- You use an interesting phrase, "wait for him to call our bluff". The US presented Serbia with an ultimatum, the terms of which Serbia couldn't possibly accept, and then when they don't capitulate, we say "he's calling our bluff". As I see it, "he was a victim of our charade". The whole media treatment of events is at the level of cartoon characters, or a Western shootout. It's a staged drama, much of it fabricated, the rest one-sided, and hauntingly parallel to the "Wag The Dog" film. --- The biggest news story out of Yugoslavia, as I see it, is the total destruction of an entire national infrastructure, wholesale bombing of civil-society targets, and the intentional dispersal of highly toxic substances into populated areas (by bombing chemical plants in the middle of cities). If Russia or some other non-NATO country were carrying out such an attack, you can be sure TV would be filled with gory scenes from this "crime against humanity", as it surely, and fairly, would be called. Russian cruise missiles would be called "cowardly weapons of mass destruction", which is exactly what cruise missiles are - in anyone's hands. They're the direct descendents of Hitlers V1 buzz bombs. --- The biggest news story, on "RKM Nightline", would be about the abandonment of a centures old international system, based on the sovereignty of nations, and its replacement by a global military regime. Europe and the US pushed around the rest of the world for centuries, and it was called imperialism. In those days, the Western powers competed for spheres of influence - over who got the right to exploit whom. Today the Western powers have banded together, consolidated their bookkeeping in the IMF-World Bank system, and achieved cost-savings by merging their militaries into a single Imperial-Legions NATO. For the first time in world history, the globe is on the verge of being ruled by a single military power, in support of a collective Western imperialist system. Who sets NATO and Pentagon policy? Who decides when they sit and watch, when they act, and what actions they select or targets they pick? Do you see any democratic process behind such decisions? Do you see any desirable outcomes from their actions? Are they bettering human rights or worsening them? Are they increasing stability or are they spreading instability? Are they reducing terrorism or creating terrorists? --- I've mentioned Samuel Huntington several times on this list, and I sincerely suggest that people take a look at his book, "The Clash of Civilizations", or at his earlier article of the same title in Foreign Affairs. It's not his writing per se that's important - by any objective standard it's uninformed and illogical. But the way it's been received in official circles makes it an historically important document. The Economist described his work as being "the sea in which Washington policy makers swim". It's not that Huntington, by his own whim and reputation, is creating history, but rather that he happens to be the person best qualified and positioned to articulate and package elite policy in a way that can be sold to certain audiences. In a nutshell, Huntington identifies a "problem" and a "solution". The "problem" is a global increase in cultural polarization, and the "solution" is an embracing of regional divisiveness by the West, and an assumption by the West of a "disinterested brokering" role in maintaining world order. In Huntington's pseudo-history mythology, the increase in polarization is an inevitable trend. He ignores the role of the West, primarily the US, in creating the instabilities in the first place, for example by installing first the Shah and then the Ayatollah in Iran, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Marcos in the Phillipines, Samosa in Nicaragua, Noriega in Panama, Pinochet in Chile, Batista in Cuba, and next the KLA in Kosovo. And in Huntington's mythology, the West's brokering role is the good-citizen shouldering of a commuinity policing burden. He describes his different regional "civilizations" as if they were living their independent lives back in the Middle Ages, and ignores the fact that most of the world is living under the thumb of IMF rules, has its markets controlled by TNC's, and its finances controlled by the whims of Western bankers. He ignores the fact that a Western "brokering role" is a flimsy sheep's clothing over a modernized imperialist wolf. But despite Huntington's mythological rationales and apolgies, the substantive "results" of his pseudo-analysis are well worth reading. The world order he describes is precisely the world order that US and NATO actions are leading us to. Huntington gets the horse and cart in the wrong order, but his description of the horse, and of the cart, are spot on. It's a gangland world system, with regional overlords, "disciplined" when necessary by "disinterested Western brokering", which we can translate to mean "the launching of cruise missiles by US or NATO". It's a system that generates instability and thrives on conflict - and provides a perfect excuse for US fleets to roam the world dispensing death and destruction in close support of the global capitalist regime. "Bad guys", like Saddam and Milosevic, are an important part of this system. They keep divisiveness alive and well, and keep Western populations glad they have the smartest missiles. --- These are the stories that would be "in your face" if there was an honest and observant media. Instead we are fed a stream of mini-stories, edited out of the historical drama, and orchestrated to create support for whatever adjustment in the world system is deemed necessary by our esteemed leaders at any particular moment. The corporate interests which build the weapons, control international trade, and write the scripts for the politicians, also own the television networks and decide the overall slant of your news and entertainment. --- > ... and suddenly we're nazi's? What I said was that modern Westerners seem to be " willing to accept barbarism-in-their-name as were the Good Germans - provided it's wrapped in a more up-to-date propaganda package." I am not at all saying that Westerners are Nazis, quite the contrary. I'm saying that the Good Germans allowed themselves to be fooled _by Nazis, and that we are today allowing ourselves to be fooled by today's version of Nazi's. Hitler talked about a Thousand Year Reich, and dreamed of conquering the world. His approach was that of frontal assault, and it spent itself in a few horrendous years of warfare and genocide. Today's capitalist elite, on the other hand, have all but succeeded in conquering the world. Their approach has been a constant low-intensity stealth assault, on many fronts at once, so the frog doesn't realize it's being boiled alive. The fascist globalization regime may in fact last a thousand years, if people don't rise up to stop it. The window of opportunity is closing fast. With regimes like the Taliban and KLA (and Milosevic and Saddam) in power, much of the world won't be any better off under the globalization regime than Europe was under the Nazis. And with CIA-managed drug cartels flooding the West with drugs, intentionally creating crime, and justifying police-state "war on drugs" legislation, one wonders whether things will be any better in the West itself. Regards, rkm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== an activist discussion forum - •••@••.••• To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance (mailto:•••@••.••• Help create the Movement for a Democratic Rensaissance To review renaissance-network archives, send any message to: •••@••.••• To subscribe to the the cj list, which is a larger list and a more general political discussion, send any message to: •••@••.••• A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead