Professionalizing Peace-making: something positive


Jan Slakov

Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:25:00 -0400
From: Hans Sinn <•••@••.•••>

Dear Jan,

Thanks for encouraging Richard to respond to my question about German
interest in destabilizing the Balkans. I have forwarded Richard's reply to
some of my politically engaged German friends in the hope generating some
worth while response.

Since we are talking about German interest, I would appreciate it if you
would put my report about the German initiative to create a Civilian Peace
Service on the net. I understand that CPS initiative is of little
significance in the current Kosovo crisis. Yet the attempt to
professionalize non-violent conflict management is one of those small,
ongoing, constructive projects which might hold some hope for the future.

Takes care,

Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 08:53:34 -0400
From: Hans Sinn <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Peacemaking as a Profession 


                  A Civilian Peace Service

On Dec. 12. 1998 the German government announced its intention to create a
Civilian Peace Service (CPS). The service will have a threefold task:
peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace building. The CPS will be comprised of
men and women trained in the skills of non-violent conflict management. The
new service will be based on those non-governmental organizations which
have a proven record in the field of non-violent conflict management, human
rights and the delivery of foreign aid. The CPS will come under the
auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
(BMZ). The BMZ is at this time creating the infrastructure for and define
the task of the new undertaking. The BMZ will release the results of its
deliberations after June 1. 1999.

In the meantime some seventy German NGOs have formed a "Consortium Civilian
Peace Service" and arrived on April 7. 1999 at an agreement (below) of how
to approach the Government and relate to its new initiative. The agreement
reflects the difficulties of trying to introduce a pro-active, violence
prevention element into the familiar re-active government foreign aid

About 45 NGOs, whose emphasis is on peacemaking and which are currently
operating under the heading of "Forum Civilian Peace Service and Action
Community Peace Services, have as yet no standing in German law. Unlike
development work, there is nothing in German law which recognizes
peacemaking as a profession. Thus the laws which would cover the activities
of a Civilian Peace Service have yet to be created. In the meantime the
Peace NGOs are trying to share with the Development NGOs their standing in

To this end a number of German peace and development NGOs have come
together as "Consortium Peace Service". They have agreed on "Professional
Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" as a transitional concept,
until such time when the German government has rooted peacemaking in law.


Common Concepts for a "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Work"

The Consortium Civilian Peace Service has acknowledged and discussed the
"Concept for a Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work"
by the Co-partnership of Development Services (AGdD). 
The consortium has built upon the experience and further developed the
proposals of the Action Committee Peace Service and Forum Civilian Peace
Service in the course of arriving at the "Common Concept Professional Peace
Service in Cooperative Development Work" 

0. Political Perspectives

0.1 The tasks of the Civilian Peace Service have evolved in response to
recent global changes. These tasks go beyond the realm of cooperation in
development work, and require the cooperation of government and social forces.

0.2 The Consortium understands therefore the Civilian Peace Service as a
field of work which traverses the policies of the Federal Government and
touches upon the mandates of a number of government departments. 

0.3 The members of the Consortium are prepared to accept, in the
realization of a Civilian Peace Service a large share of responsibility.

0.4 The delivery of cooperative development service is at this time limited
by the Development Helper - Law (EhfG) to those carriers who have come
together in the  'Co-partnership for Development Services'. ("carriers" are
those in charge of (mandated)  and responsible for a particular service)

The Consortium intends to consult with the Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the relevant bodies of parliament, on
how to create a legal base, which will enable the Action Committee Service
for Peace (AGDF) and the Forum Civilian Peace Services to act as
self-reliant carriers of professional peace forces in the cooperative
development work. 
0.5 Under the current Development-Helper Law, the carriers who are
recognized by that law cooperate with the other members of the Consortium
in the following manner: Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Work as contribution for the Civilian Peace Service.

1.0 The members of the Consortium Civilian Peace Service (members of the
Co-partnership of the Development Services (AGdD), Action Community
Services for Peace (AGdF), Forum Civilian Peace Service welcome the
endorsement of the work by the Federal Government. The members of the
Consortium are prepared to participate in building and shaping a
"Professional Peace Service in the Cooperative Development Service" as a
step toward the Civilian Peace Service.    

1.1     The members of the Consortium presuppose that a future Civilian Peace
Service will encompass different and complementary components. For a
"Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" the Ministry
for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the responsible agency.

1.2     The object of the participation by the members of the Consortium in
creating a "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" may
be summed up as follows:

The assertion that "Development policy is Peace policy" may be correct at
the meta political level. Nevertheless, the tasks and the work of a
Civilian Peace Service must be clearly differentiated from the familiar
tasks and work of the development services. The common elements of both
peace and development work must be identified so that the specific
character of the Civilian Peace Service will become apparent.

 Promotion of democracy and human rights as well as strengthening the Civil
Society is important objectives of development services. The actors in this
field are primarily Church based bodies, nongovernmental organizations and
political foundations. From the perspective of a Civilian Peace Service
these are supporting and complimentary activities which help to create the
necessary preconditions for non-violent conflict management. The specific
tasks of a CPS call for measures and strategies, which go beyond the
familiar development work and require new qualifications by the persons

Development services and peace services have emphasized their various
experiences in publications and position papers and generally agree that
the activities of a Civilian Peace Service appear to be threefold:
I. Prevention of violent conflict, Peacekeeping.
II.Intervention in the course of a violent conflict, Peacemaking 
III.Reconstruction in the aftermath of a violent conflict, Peace Building. 

The AGdD and the peace service have experience in all three areas, but
mainly in prevention and reconstruction (creating the structures of civil
society, trauma work, reintegration of refugees etc.). Past work has also
shown that it is occasionally necessary to enable an afflicted people to
manage their conflict by non-violent means. It is here that there is a
significant overlap of cooperative development work and a Civilian Peace

Basis of the participation of the members of the Consortium Civilian Peace
Service in "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" 

2.0 The members of the Co-partnership Development Services have decades
long experiences in the placement/deployment of professionals in the area
of promoting peace producing measures. They also have a proven
infrastructure for the selection, preparation and accompaniment and in
personal cooperation. Based on their work in their own society the peace
services, their activities in development countries in partnership with
native people  have a proven capacity to identify and educate peace
professionals, to deploy native and foreign personnel and obtain the
support of institutions and organizations on site.

2.1 The "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" can,
as an institution, build upon these presuppositions. Beyond this there is a
need to further develop the already available institutions and processes.
2.2     The existing experiences and promotional practices are relevant to the
three phases of conflict management. Particularly to phase one, The
prevention violent conflict (peacekeeping) and phase three the rebuilding
of a society after a violent conflict (peace building).

We view participation in the phase of conflict intervention as a new
challenge. This includes protecting people in danger, advice during
conflict, measures to deescalate a conflict and various forms of mediation.

2.3 The primary carriers of civilian conflict management are in
"Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" those local,
existing organizations which are in keeping with our approach and whose
actions we support. We do not plan to participate in civilian nonviolent
conflict management in places where there are no ties to the structures of
local partners who initiate and adhere to peace promoting measures and

3.0 Carriership of the "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Service in the context of the Development Helper-Law and the
regulation of the cooperation of the members of the Consortium.

3.1 The participation of the "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Work" within the Development-Helper Law is up to the current,
recognized carriers of the development service. These carriers could make a
"Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Service" part of
their program. They could help with measures with the above-mentioned aim
and on the above-mentioned basis, together with the partnership
organizations on site.

3.2     The members of the Consortium, which are not recognized as carriers of
the development service participate via the "Professional Peace Service in
Cooperative Development" by means of their own programs and/or in
cooperation with the recognized carries of the development services.

3.3 Desired forms of cooperation are:
(a) Education and qualification of peace professionals
(b) Placement and deployment of peace professionals (Coop-  Projects)
(c) Services for peace professionals 

It must be emphasized that cooperation in accordance with 3.3 allows for
promotional measures also in regions where the recognized carriers of the
development services do not have their own partnership structures.

4.0 Tasks and Profile of the "Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Service"

4.1     "The Professional Peace Service in Cooperative Development Work" intend
to become recognized on the basis of the performance standards which are to
developed jointly, and to which the carrier oblige themselves, and to which
all activities are expected to measure up to. The Consortium is seeking a
dialogue with the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development about
these standards. 

The following minimum standards apply to the "Professional Peace Service in
Cooperative Development Work".

4.1.1 Profile of the qualifications of the professionals.
(a) Several years of proven professional experience.
(b) Proven intercultural experiences if possible overseas on in developing
(c) Additional qualifications in the field of non-violent conflict management.
(d) Minimum age of 28 years, except when justified by specific tasks   
such as working with young people, the age minimum may be lowered to 25 years.
(e) Knowledge of appropriate foreign language.
(f) Stable personality with proven social and intercultural competence and
ability to manage stress.
g) Be in good health

4.1.2.  Partner- and Project Selection.
(a) Local as well as international organizations, which are structurally
anchored on site, are seen as potential partners.
(b) The selection must consider especially the specific role of the native
partner in a conflict situation. Selection must further take note of the
special security and communication interest and the function of the
exploring/sent peace professionals (task mandate and loyalty on site).
4.1.3. Preparation of Peace Professionals
(a)Decisive is professional and life experience in combination with the
necessary qualifications which are required for the fulfillment of the task.
(b) The carriers will see to it that preparations of the professional will
be individual and future task oriented.
(c) There will be additional professional preparations or education
according to a basic yet to be developed curriculum. From case to case,
outside trainers and educators may be used.
(d) Language training in Europe - by the use of existing programs of the
development services.
(e) Teaching of the culture, social, political and economic structure of
the area in which the peace professional will operate.
(f) Acquainting the peace professional with the character and orientation
of the carrier organization.

4.1.4 The care of the peace professional on site
(a) Administratively: by the partner on site and the carrier/ cooperative
partner (assurance of an appropriate administrative care is part of the
selection of a project and on site project partner) 
(b) Professionally: the peace professional may be supported by the relevant
resource persons/ institutions. Here for instance, peace and conflict
research institutes and actors in the field of civilian conflict management
may come into play.
(c) Psychosocial support: if needed, possibly by a suitable agency on site.
Still to be explored is if the carrier organizations should jointly have
counselors on call, or in some cases provide counseling in cooperation with
established institutions.

4.1.5 Evaluation  and personal debriefing:
(a) Upon return from the field there will be a debriefing and joint
evaluation of the placement in terms of goals met. In some cases debriefing
will include psychological counseling. 
(b) When needed, further psychosocial after care will be offered. It is up
to the specific carriers of the " Professional Peace Service in Cooperative
Development Work" to go beyond the basic agreed upon performance standards.

April 7, 1999. Consortium Civilian Peace Service
Signed: Gertraude Kaiser,
Signed: Klaus Wilkens, Chair of AGDF
Signed: Dr. Tilman Evers, Member of the Forum ZFD Executive.

(Translation and introduction by Hans Sinn)
Brooke Valley Road 687
Perth, Ontario
Tel: 613 264 8833
Fax: 613 264 8605
Civilian Peace Service <> 
Note from Jan: Just a note about the term "peace-making". See below:

Dear "Bruna's list",   Feb. 4 '99

I do up this "enviro-ideas" column for a local advertising newspaper. This
past week I got Rosalie Bertell to help me with this one. Since it is not
often that we hear from Rosalie Bertell because she is writing a book (on
HAARP I am quite sure) and just plain busy, I think I really ought to share
this with you; I think I am not alone in considering her to be one of the
heroes of the peace movement.

all the best, jan
Addiction to arms

Last issue's enviro-idea was about personal addictions and how to overcome

This week, let's remember the words of Rosalie Bertell, scientist, author,
Grey Nun and president of IICPH.

"It seems that many of the world's governments, including our own, are
addicted to violence as a way to solve international problems. They suffer
from  ever increasing military budgets which rarely make us more secure. 

While most members of the global family do without, governments squander
money and resources on arms, just the way alcoholics squander family
resources on booze.

"Let's make sure the Canadian government provides proper benefits for its
military personnel but let's not let it get away with increased spending on
weapons and military training." 

Let's find out more about how Canada's most expensive federal department
spends its money and work to make the Department of Defence accountable.
Enviro-Clare can provide you with more information.

Remember, ARMS ARE FOR HUGGING, not for killing.

This Enviro-idea based on information provided by:
Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D., GNSH
President, ACS (1998-2000)
President International Institute of Concern for Public Health  (1984+)
710-264 Queens Quay West 
Toronto ON M5J 1B5 CANADA
Tel: 1-416-260-0575
Fax: 1-416-260-3404
Email: •••@••.•••
Note: Rosalie originally suggested having this line as well, but I didn't
get it:

"We would like to be the world's Peace Keepers, not Peace Makers."  

Rosalie explains:
"Peace maker" is the US term for NATO force on a country to comply!
Dans le dernier Clare Shopper l'enviro--idée portait sur les dépendances
personnelles et comment les surmonter.

Cette semaine, regardons de plus près une autre sorte de dépendance. Selon
Rosalie Bertell, scientifique, auteure, Soeur Grise et président de IICPH :

"Il semble que beaucoup des gouvernements du monde, le nôtre également, ont
une dépendance sur la violence comme manière de résoudre les problèmes
internationaux. Ces pays souffrent de budgets militaires toujours croissants
qui ne nous portent guère plue de sécurité.

Pendant que la plupart des membres de notre famille modiale vivent dans la
pauvreté, les gouvernements du monde gaspillent argent et ressources sur les
armes, tout comme des alcoholiques dépensent les ressources de leur famille
à boire.

Assurons-nous que le gouvernement canadien offre une compensation adéquate
pour son personnel militaire mais empêchons-le de dépenser encore plus sur
les armes et sur la formation militaire."

Informez-vous sur le ministère fédéral le plus dispendieux et comment il
dépense son argent et exigez que ce départment se responsabilise.
Enviro-Clare peut vous offrir plus de rensignements à ce sujet.