rn: follow-up to _Killing Hope_, economic reform


Jan Slakov

From: •••@••.•••
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:24:11 EDT
Subject: Re: rn: Bill Blum, author of _Killing Hope_

Dear Jan,
thanks for the great plug for my book.  However, the ordering information is 
partly old and partly incorrect.  It's best to go to my web site, where full 
information can be gotten and parts of the book read:
(note the capital "A" and the underline _ )
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:37:51 -0400
From: jeff gates <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: rn: Community Currency Website

You might want to alert your networks to my book, The Ownership Solution,
in which i address the issue of how money is made, local currencies and
such.  Addison Wesley (now Perseus) is the U.S. publisher (paperback just
out). Penguin in the UK.

Below is a sampling of comments.

All the best

Jeff Gates

Endorsements re The Ownership Solution

"An ingenious and compelling look at the power inherent in widespread
personal ownership.  Engrossing, insightful and persuasive."
        --  Gerald Greenwald, Chairman and CEO, United Airlines

"Jeff Gates is that most unusual of individuals, the practical visionary."
--  Edward W. Kelley, Jr., Governor, U.S. Federal Reserve 

"How do we close a growing gap between successful owners and investors and
an increasingly anxious underclass?  One way that would help - more
participants in ownership!  No one knows more about how that should be done
than Jeff Gates and he offers his spectacular insight in this cornucopia of
philosophical and practical ideas."
        --  Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York  (1983-1995)

"Expansion of ownership and greater access to capital will both strengthen
and spread democracy and market economies throughout the world.  This is a
compelling account of how to help bring it about."
--  Jack Kemp, former Republican vice presidential candidate

"The Ownership Solution succeeds brilliantly in showing how broad based
personal ownership can strengthen communities and make global sustainable
development possible."
--  Dick Gephardt, Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives 

"An important proposal from which all those concerned with helping the poor
will want to learn."
        --  Michael J. Novak, American Enterprise Institute

"One of the most important books of this decade.  The Ownership Solution is
really a solution --  one of the most significant contributions to
restoring a civil society."
--  Warren Bennis, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of
Business         Administration, University of Southern California; author,
On Becoming a Leader

"Jeff Gates outlines a creative, yet credible strategy for empowering
working people with a more vital interest in private enterprise.  If
capitalism can indeed have a human face, the reforms proposed in this
provocative book merit careful consideration."
 --  Coretta Scott King, founder, The King Center

"This book focuses on the central issues that have to be addressed if the
21st century is to transcend the simplistic dilemma of capitalism versus
socialism and create a new, sustainable civilization."
--  Mikhail Gorbachev, 1991 Nobel Peace Laureate; former President of the
Soviet Union

"In the book The Ownership Solution I found an original and promising
proposal for the implementation of an appropriate ethic for capitalism in
the next millennium."
--  Oscar Arias, 1987 Nobel Peace Laureate; former President of Costa Rica

"Long-term, sustainable development requires a balancing of economic,
social, fiscal and environmental goals.  In The Ownership Solution, Jeff
Gates provides a thoughtful and thought-provoking approach to understanding
these goals and how broad-based capital ownership can help to achieve them."
--  Bill Bradley (U.S.  Senator, 1979-1997)

"Jeff Gates... has written the best book on economics for a generation in
The Ownership Solution." 
--   Labour MP Denis MacShane (U.K.)
"A book full of original and stimulating ideas to which those who want to
keep up with the times should expose themselves."
--  Prof. Franco Modigliani, 1985 Recipient of Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economic Science 

"An important subject, excellent thinker, good writer, thoughtfully done.
Read it!"
--  Dee Hock, Founder, President and CEO Emeritus, Visa International

"Jeff Gates has provided a sweeping review of capitalism at its best and at
its worst, and has skillfully shown us how a fundamentally different and
better  future could be shaped by weaving the
thread of  widespread individual responsibility through ownership into the
fabric of society. "
 --  Ray C. Anderson, Chairman & CEO, Interface, Inc.; Co-Chair,
President's Council on Sustainable Development.

"A truly important and outstanding contribution."     
--  Prof. George C. Lodge, Harvard Business School; author, The New
American Ideology

"A very innovative, progressive idea.  Sure to stimulate much good dialogue."
        -- Prof. Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University, author, The Spirit
of Community    

 "Why does capitalism create so few capitalists?  Jeff Gates asks and
answers the central economic question, the source of our deepest social and
political conflicts.  He provides a humane and convincing blueprint for
reforming capitalism, bringing clarity and humanity to the taboo subject of
concentrated wealth."
--  William Greider, author, One World, Ready or Not; Who Will Tell the
People;   Secrets of the Temple.  National Editor, Rolling Stone.

"The most incisive and fascinating analysis yet of how broader capital
ownership can help drive faster U.S. growth -- and in the bargain repair
the moral basis of American capitalism."
--  Robert J. Shapiro, Vice President, Progressive Policy Institute

"A brilliant and innovative exploration of new ways to spread wealth
ownership and foster wealth creation.  The Ownership Solution is a
blueprint for the new age of capitalism."
--  Dr. Madsen Pirie, President, The Adam Smith Institute (U.K.)

"With this book, a long-time explorer and discoverer, Jeff Gates, hands
over his carefully constructed maps to direct policy-makers, business and
workers to a common destination of greater economic vitality and power."
--  U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller IV

"Jeff Gates's new book, The Ownership Solution,  presents a thoughtful and
creative approach to a little understood problem.  That problem is how to
involve people most personally, productively, and with a minimum loss of
their individuality, in the rapidly forming world economy.  Gates envisions
an expansive and dynamic capitalism which is both market-oriented and
people-oriented.  His book can open horizons for both policy makers and
--  Jim Wright, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1987-89)

"Elegantly researched.  A masterful statement by a creative author -- a
remarkable book."
        --  David McLaughlin, President-Emeritus, The Aspen Institute

"The twenty first will be the 'Century of the Corporations.'  Jeff Gates
gives an exciting and well written preview of this New World and the
'owners' whose informed involvement will be essential for the continued
welfare of the planet."
--   Robert A.G. Monks, author, Power and Accountability and Corporate

"Jeff Gates has produced a view of sustainable growth that at last puts
more faith in humans than governments.  Splendid!"
        --  Malcolm Wallop (U.S. Senator, 1977-1995); Chairman, Frontiers of
Freedom Institute

"Jeff Gates has literally written the book on how to reverse centuries of
capital concentration and economic polarization.  If we are to have any
chance of creating just and stable societies, the answer will hew closely
to the pragmatism, intelligence and creativity offered here."
-   Paul Hawken, author, The Ecology of Commerce

"Jeff Gates has devoted years to discussing new patterns of distributed
ownership.  In this thoughtful and well researched book, Gates argues that
the increasing disparity of wealth within and among nations, the
difficulties of abetting development, and the recent success of
micro-financing all suggest a major role for new ownership patterns to
drive local and global economic growth and stabilization of democracy.
Gates may not have the whole solution. It is enough that he may well have
an essential piece of it."
--  Stuart A Kauffman, founding general partner, Bios Group, LP; Professor,
Santa Fe Institute; author, The Origins of Order, At Home in the Universe.

"The great value of Jeff Gates' book is that it offers proven and practical
ways to untangle some of the most intractable knots in the world today: how
to restore a sense of pride and ownership to industry, and how to marry
capitalism to ethical values.  It couldn't be more timely."            
--  Geoff Mulgan, Director, DEMOS (U.K.)

"Jeff Gates' affirmation of employee ownership as a means of achieving a
significant measure of human empowerment, social justice and economic
success in the midst of social and technological upheaval demands our
--  Lynn R. Williams, President, United Steelworkers of America (retired)

 "Ownership is the great neglected issue of contemporary left-wing
politics.  Jeff Gates has brought us the most serious effort to date to
address that gap; his book will be enormously influential."
--  Ian Hargreaves, editor, New Statesman (UK)
"This is a unique, unusual and untried proposal to solve a vexing problem
in national and international economic development.  It is worth some
serious consideration."
--   Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame

"In The Ownership Solution, Jeff Gates does more than point the way to
broadening the base of ownership in society.  He may have put his finger on
the possibility of a historical convergence.  If capitalism can be
prevented from concentrating ownership and wealth, social democrats will
avoid the danger which they are pledged to fight as they pursue the
imperative of social equity.  Equally, if social equity can be achieved
without frustrating entrepreneurship and undermining market forces, the
conservatives will be assured of the preservation of those sources of
economic energy which they are pledged to guard.  Let's both get on with it!"
        --  Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica (1972-80; 1988-92)

"The world has turned its back on the state ownership of the means of
production.  The free enterprise system is the best we have for generating
wealth.  But there is a risk that if economic disparities widen - and there
is some evidence that is happening - it may also give rise to discontent.
Jeffrey Gates has given much thought to how this could be avoided and
capitalism given a broader base of stakeholders and beneficiaries.  He sets
out his ideas in this stimulating and timely book."        
 --  Sir Shridath Ramphal, Secretary-General of the British Commonwealth

"Development will be truly sustainable only when Jeff Gates' ideas are put
into practice."
--   Dr. Norman A. Bailey, Senior Director of National Security Planning,
National                                     Security Council (Reagan Administration) 
"The Ownership Solution offers a road map to ownership engineering which
has the potential of transforming capitalism as we know it by broadening
and reinforcing the concept of stakeholder society in many innovative ways."
--  Dr. L.M. Singhvi, Indian High Commissioner to the Court of St. James 

"In countries like my own, Nicaragua, the rich and political elites should
read Jeff Gates' The Ownership Solution for inspiration on how to stop the
impending social conflagration which we have been stirring for generations."
--   Arturo J. Cruz, Senior, former Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S.

"Around the world, the chasm between the haves and have-nots is growing.
Can that threaten capitalism, peace and prosperity?  Jeff Gates' solution
for broadening ownership is the cutting edge, free market way to avoid that
threat and improve lives."             
--   Mary K. Bush, former Alternative Executive Director, International
Monetary Fund

"The Ownership Solution explains how the expansion of ownership solutions
can serve not only local economies, but can also create just, moral and
stable societies worldwide.  The Ownership Solution will prove to be a very
valuable and respected literary work to everyone it reaches."
--  Sam Ayoub, Chief Financial Officer, Coca-Cola Company, Inc. (retired)

"Fantastic!  Jeff Gates has achieved the impossible.  The Ownership
Solution is eminently readable yet produces in cogent form why broad based
ownership is the sine qua non of private enterprise.  This is a genuine
watershed in policy making, destined to be a classic."
--  Rodger J. Pannone, President of the Law Society, 1995-96 (UK)

"A delightfully refreshing strategic overview for utilizing the vehicle of
capitalism to bring us, as a people, back into compassionate community."           
--  Ram Dass, author, lecturer 

"An unparallelled effort by a unique individual with the mind of a chief
financial officer and the heart and soul of a prophet."
        --   John Feldmann, Director, Center for Ethics, Capital Markets and
Political Economy

"A compelling account of how widespread capital ownership is the 'missing
piece' needed to strengthen both democracies and private property economies
--  Senator Russell B. Long (U.S. Senator, 1949-87)

"In the dynamic age of globalization, Mr. Gates stretches the envelope of
conventional thinking on the critical issues of ownership and equity."
--  James Gustave Speth, Administrator, United Nations Development Program

"Ownership is a sine qua non of sustainable development.... an interesting
intellectual contribution to the evolving debate."
--  James D. Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank 

"While the nation's economists tell us we need higher rates of saving, Jeff
Gates says more 'owners' will improve society.  Hopefully our policy
makers, when they read this thoughtful book, will see the obvious connection."
        --  Edward V. Regan, Comptroller of the State of New York (1979-93)

"The community we all long for can't be realized with only 6% of the
population having any share in ownership.  We have a long way to go to
change this and Jeff Gates is leading the way."
        --  Bob Swann, President, E.F. Schumacher Society
"[The Ownership Solution] might be the only solution for the confusion of
formerly centrally planned economies after the collapse of communism."
--   Kiichi Mochizuki, President, The Pacific Institute