cj#940-rn> report from rkm

1999-05-22 Richard Moore Friends, War is a strange thing. It somehow moves us into a different space of values and rules. The same person – who would be horrified if a single murder occured in their own neighborhood – smugly and calmly over their dinner table justifies the slaughter of innocent women and children in … Read more

Wanna Know the Truth about Embassy Bombings?

1999-05-22 Jan Slakov From: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 22:58:17 EDT Subject: Chinese embassy bombing A thought in support of the idea that the US purposely bombed the Chinese Embassy: I begin with the studied premise that the US wishes to develop political, economic and military hegemony over the entire world. (If you find … Read more

cj#939-rn> TiM: News items from around the world re/NATO bombing

1999-05-21 Richard Moore —————————————————————————- Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:07:20 -0700 To: TiM GW Bulletins <•••@••.•••> Delivered-To: moderator for •••@••.••• From: Bob Djurdjevic <•••@••.•••> Subject: S99-84, Day 58 (May 20 9:00PM EDT) – A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO’s war on Serbia FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONA The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on … Read more

cj#936>-rn- The mentality behind US-NATO actions

1999-05-18 Richard Moore Dear cj & rn, Today I’d like to share some unusually candid interviews with our illustrious imperial leaders. These quotes and interviews illustrate, in their own words, the depth of their Machievellian depravity, and make it perfectly clear that a cynical destabilization agenda for Yugoslavia is quite within the scope of their … Read more

Professionalizing Peace-making: something positive

1999-05-17 Jan Slakov Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:25:00 -0400 From: Hans Sinn <•••@••.•••> Dear Jan, Thanks for encouraging Richard to respond to my question about German interest in destabilizing the Balkans. I have forwarded Richard’s reply to some of my politically engaged German friends in the hope generating some worth while response. Since we … Read more

rn- re: Germany & Yugoslavia destabilization

1999-05-15 Richard Moore —————————————————————————- Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 20:03:12 +0300 From: leonidas paparizos <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rn- re: Hans Sinn – Why are Germans so interested in seeing Yugoslavia disintegrate? I enjoy your forum very much but I still do not understand a simple question. The history of the 20th century was … Read more

ROBERT FISK: What is the point of NATO?

1999-05-13 Jan Slakov From: “Janet M. Eaton” <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 05:06:52 +0000 Subject: ROBERT FISK – What is the point of Nato? May 13th ‘An Atlantic alliance that has brought us to this catastrophe should be wound up’..How much longer do we have to endure the folly of Nato’s war … Read more