Introducing a new member: Laborer Union (LIUNA)

1998-06-14 Richard Moore Welcome aboard! And let us know (at •••@••.•••) if web problems recur. rkm ———————————————————————— Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 From: Chris White <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: union democracy Please sign me up to your list. We have been trying to implement democratic reforms in the Laborer Union (LIUNA). Check out our site … Read more

Re: a note from Sergio

1998-06-13 Jeff Jewell > >The net result, in my opinion, discredits the movement and bolsters > >corporate power. If I were the president of the WTO I’d put you on my > >payroll! > > Right. In the parlance of a close friend, this would-be activist leader seems to be effectively serving as ‘an asset … Read more


1998-06-13 Richard Moore Dear Greenpeace, McLibel, et al, I was very impressed with the essay “WHY SOCIAL REVOLUTION IS NECESSARY”, which David Briars forwarded to the mclibel list. It describes the (anarchist) process of building up civil society outside of the political process (parties, elections, et al) better than I’ve ever before seen it described. … Read more

rkm on East Coast

1998-06-12 Richard Moore Dear friends, Just wanted to let you know I’ll be on the East Coast (from Boston to Nova Scotia) during the period 16 June to 12 July. My schedule is filling up, but I am interested in meeting people in person who I’ve met on the net. If interested, please send phone … Read more

an activist comments on our list…

1998-06-11 Richard Moore 6/10/98, a subscriber wrote to me privately: Renaissance-list is working, but I’m rather diffident about being on it, since I’m not a deep thinker–I’m too easily persuaded by eloquent people like you to claim any depth for my current world-view! BUT I am an activist… <snip- identifying remarks> AND I do know … Read more

re: a note from Sergio

1998-06-11 Richard Moore 6/11/98, Sergio wrote to someone else and copied me: >I have added your email address to a list of people to whom we send >information from time to time (about 3 times a month). Please let me know >whether I should take you out. Dear Sergio, I would also like to be … Read more

re: a note from Sergio

1998-06-11 Peoples Global Action dear richard i have been quite busy since the 20th of May (with anti-repression work, preparing activities for this summer, collecting reports from actions all over the world) but i have not ignored your messages, they were simply not on the top of the priority list. i will in a couple … Read more

rn- A process note from Bruna

1998-06-11 Richard Moore Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 11:29:29 From: •••@••.••• (Bruna Nota) Subject: process musings Richard, Sorry for not reacting to you abundant mail etc… I am savouring everything that comes in, but have not sufficient time to give back reasoned responses. So this will be quick and rough. It seems to me that, … Read more