cj#1157,rn> Keeping left & right apart

2000-11-30 Richard Moore Bcc: sources Dear cj & rn, Here are a few items, from the Bush & Gore camps. Comments at end. rkm ============================================================================ Date: 24 Nov 2000 14:16:27 -0000 From: “consortiumnews.com” <•••@••.•••> Delivered-To: mailing list •••@••.••• Subject: [news] Mob Rule Wins for W consortiumnews.com – http://www.consortiumnews.com A premeditated mob assault on the Dade … Read more

cj#1155,rn> Guidebook 1.f. “Capitalism’s growth imperative and societal engineering”

2000-11-29 Richard Moore ============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d’etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name c. … Read more

rn> David Corn: “Nader: Is There Life After Crucifixion?”

2000-11-28 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• Date: 27 Nov 00 17:46:55 EST From: B-C Greens <•••@••.•••> To: United Auto Workers <•••@••.•••>, United Electrical <•••@••.•••>, United Electrical <•••@••.•••>, Jesse Jackson <•••@••.•••>, Ted Kennedy <•••@••.•••>, John Kerry <•••@••.•••>, Larry King <•••@••.•••>, Boston Phoenix <•••@••.•••>, Peace Works <•••@••.•••>, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting <•••@••.•••> Subject: Nader: Is There … Read more

cj#1155,rn> Guidebook 1.e. “Decoding propaganda: matrix vs. reality”

2000-11-27 Richard Moore ============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d’etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name c. … Read more

cj#1154,rn> Guidebook 1.d. “Economic globalization: Robber Barons writ large”

2000-11-25 Richard Moore ============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d’etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name c. … Read more

rn: Peltier window for hope

2000-11-24 Jan Slakov Dear RN list, Apparently Bill Clinton has said that he will consider Loeondard Peltier’s clemency request soon, before he leaves office. I fear Peltier might well die in prison unless Clinton grants clemency. I plan to photocpy his photo and glue it onto a postcard along with something simple, like “Clemency for … Read more

rn,sm> ZNet / Dowd: WHAT DO WE WANT? AND WHO ARE “WE”?

2000-11-24 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: ZNet Commentary / Doug Dowd / What-Who / Nov 23 Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 08:08:24 -0800 MIME-Version: 1.0 Commentaries are a premium sent to Sustainer Donors of Z/ZNet. To learn more about the project and join folks can consult ZNet at http://www.zmag.org or the ZNet … Read more

cj#1152,rn> Guidebook 1.c: “Kultur-kampf: enforcing the New World Order”

2000-11-23 Richard Moore ============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d’etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name ===> … Read more

cj#1151,rn> Guidebook 1.b: “Globalization and the third world: empire by another name”

2000-11-22 Richard Moore ============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d’etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name c. … Read more